We go to the Anvil in IF, he takes my mats : 80 thorium, 40 wicked claws, 10 blue sapphires, 4 Azerothian diamonds, and 6 Arcanite bars (again he was covering the last bit, and I was going to pay him back). All and all about 700 gold worth of materials. (He tried to get me to pay for the mats up front but backed off when I said I was just going to farm the last crystals and I was ok with waiting)
After he got the materials from me, he logged off.
That is over FIFTEEN YEARS OLD; The “scam” is that old, I mean.
Again, have these people NEVER PLAYED WOW? First there are all the threads on how PVP servers are bad in Classic (yes, as they aways were.) Now there are threads about these really old “scams.”
The fix, even in Classic, is to TRADE the mats plus gold/whatever for the COMPLETED item. If you trade without seeing a completed item, YOU LOSE. If the guy isn’t making those items, to sell hiimself, then he ISN’T SOMEONE WHO CAN MAKE IT FOR YOU.
Another large hint, is when the guy changes his requirements. “Hey, you have to pay 700 gold for the materials”
“Oh, nevermind then.”
"Oh, then you DON’T have to do that after all!
That is a “desperation thief” give away.
Blizzard’s policy was ALWAYS for you to NEVER trade, unless you are trading for that completed item. Partial trades, using “trust”, are unsupported.