Scammers and compensation

owned ,no cap. swiiishy

Good. Don’t buy boosts. You are a part of a problem that is ruining this game. If you’re going to boost don’t even bother playing.


No, you weren’t scammed. You willingly gave someone a gift.


We could guess what your main does in the game now.

he was scammed

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I feel bad for the OP a little I guess.

It reminds me of an episode of Cops where a person flagged down the police because a person took their money for “things” and then ran away. The police had a good laugh at their expense, and told them they wouldn’t help.

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Anywhere I go you’re soon to follow. It’s kind of creepy.

No he wasn’t. He gave some random person he doesn’t know gold. Blizzard doesn’t consider carries a legitimate trade. They won’t help with this, nor should they. Live and learn.

he was scammed 100%

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Don’t give people you don’t know gold. he willingly gave someone gold in a trade window with nothing in return.

Wait, what?

Didn’t we all see the President of Blizzard talking about running a carry not too long ago?

Are you saying he was going to do something illegitimate?

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Gee, it’s almost like we both read threads on the forum. How dare I read threads you post insults to other players in! Maybe you’re stalking me.

He was indeed scammed. Just because the transaction wasn’t a blizzard-supported doesn’t mean he wasn’t scammed. Do you also support blame victims of crimes in real life?

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I read the police blotters from time to time. There is always a report from a person who was scammed for doing something illegal and wanted his money back. The best one is the guy that actually went to a police station claiming someone selling him a bag of “stuff” and it turn out to be oregano. He even brought a bag of the real stuff to show the difference. The outcome was quite predictable.


:smiley: more chars!

Sorry, I was typing another sentence and didn’t finish deleting that. You caught me with some bad engrish.

Blizzard does not consider carries to be a legitimate trade. They will not help the OP.

Nah, I don’t even notice you until you reply to me. You have no significance to me.

In these cases, no one is innocent. You don’t buy knowingly stolen goods then get to claim to be a victim if scammed.

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Daaaaang. Agrippinella told you.

Unless you have pictures of the chat proving what is happening and proof of the trade, there is nothing you can do.

Always do those trades at your own risk and if you really want to buy a carry with gold, go through a legit group with lots of people who can vouch for it. There would be too much he said she said if Blizz was going to start doing anything about people getting scammed. It is a lot of common sense when it comes to buying carries although always a risk.

Sadly you’re not going to get your gold back, as what you engaged in is an unsupported transaction. Blizzard will punish the scammer once you give them the scammers details, but they will not return the gold to you.

When purchasing a carry, you need to be careful, especially now that Blizzard is cracking down on advertiser bots (which were simply scamming folks like gold sellers used to), because they’re in desperation mode, trying to get as much gold as they can before Blizzard shuts down their accounts.

Consider it a lesson learned.

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He does have pictures and video

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