Scammers and compensation

are death rolls aloud for gold?

Blizzard cannot force a player to pay up for Death Rolls. The /roll doesnt fit into the trade window. You are playing at your own risk. If the other player decides not to pay you, that’s not on Blizzard to enforce.

This thread brings a smile to my face. I would almost call it karma.


So you don’t have any proof… got it. :rofl:

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100 million YouTube videos since 2004

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Yes lots of amazing cat videos.


but if its a service being offered thats also being performed by any member of the blizzard company then there surely has to be more than just “too bad, so sad”. Or else you could literaly get blizzard top tier employees or execs running the same nonsense. Imagine how that would go down turning up in a customer service report, bottom tier lowest of the low employee has to recommend action taken against top tier guy in suit. Fun times

Big difference to the age old nigerian prince scam, because those arent being run by blizz employees as well. That we know of. I just find it harder for blizz to shrug it away if its a service being promoted by actual public facing blizzard employees

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I don’t recall anything from Blizzard that could be remotely described as “discouraging buying carries” for several expansions. Mike even used his public twitter account to promote a carry his guild was doing.

They need to make at least a token effort to eliminate obvious rule-breakers.

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and you cannot link a single one? Something stinks here and it isn’t the fish…


Search it yourself if you want to know the truth

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Same guy said that nobody ever has left the game, not even those 100 million accounts that have been abandoned over the years.

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You made the claim, it’s on you to show the proof. Not doing your work for you.


No, it’s not

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This is no different from any other player posting on Twitter. I’m more impressed the president on the company slams M+.

Actually it is. You claimed you had proof so it’s up to you to provide that proof.

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No, it’s not. You have toes too

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Dude… He’s a troll, let it starve and not respond.

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It’s so easy. You aswel

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I’ve known that from the time he started posting. I’m just bored. :rofl:

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