Scammers and compensation

Oh they do? Only saw the initial post there.

I have seen cases of people getting their gold back if they have proof someone took the gold and ran. But the ticket wait time is a long one. I think it’s a case by case sort of thing, different results depending on the situation.

With that said, do you have an opinion on why the President of Blizzard Entertainment is involved in activities that his company has deemed to be illegitimate, according to how you interpret the rules?

Got a link to that statement? I keep seeing people saying that but never show the actual quote.

Yeah, I do have an opinion.

He can play the game how he wants, he’s a player to. He’s not cheating, he’s not breaking rules, and his carries, even if for gold, are still not a legitimate trade in Blizzards eyes. So what’s your point?

What the President of Blizzard chooses to do with his guild is his business.

That doesn’t make the act of paying for a carry something that is officially supported. It isn’t. Trades of that nature are considered ‘risky’ as there is a possibility of getting scammed and if you are, Blizzard will not return the gold you lost.

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These kinds of trades are entirely unsupported, but they aren’t against our policies. So we allow them, but they are at your own risk.

I don’t understand what the actually part is for? This doesn’t contradict what i said?

If it’s not supported, it should not be in the game

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My point was, either it’s legit or it’s not.

I saw what I believed to be double standards which made me ask the questions.

Other than that, I don’t really care to be honest.

Nah, you didn’t have a point. You just wanted to argue.

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Maybe so. I didn’t think that’s what I wanted haha!

Happy New Year Grincel!

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If you read the post, you can clearly see it’s not him wanting to argue. Asking questions and wanting to understand is arguing?

Not only do they allow these transactions the head of blizzard has publicly sold them via twitter.

So lets not pretend that these are some shady underbelly of the game, its a fully supported practice by the heads of the company.

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Thanks for your contribution.

Perhaps I misunderstood. To me, when you said they weren’t legitimate, that meant to me that they’re illegal.

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Oh, no, not what I meant. Perhaps my wording was slightly off. That’s on me.

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It’s not Blizzards fault, lmao. People buy tokens to pay for it. Incase you forget from BLIZZARD. They encourage this behavior sorry.

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You just want to argue. Only reason you are here.

100% they do


Let’s just chalk it up to a slight miscommunication between the two of us. :slight_smile: No harm, no foul! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: