Scammer on Faerlina

A character is scamming many of people out of epic items on the Faerlina TBC classic server (Horde side). He messages you asking to buy your item(s) off the AH. I clicked trade with the gold in the window on his side and when the trade completes the gold is gone and he steals your items. He probably got lucky with me on timing but that is beside the point as his only goal is to scam people and not acceptable behaviour. He appears to be selling the stolen items on the AH using another character with at least a dozen varying epic items currently on the AH. I have opened a ticket and had others affected open tickets too but he is going pretty hard today stealing items and the estimated ticket time is 24h+.


First thing we dont call out other players no matter how noble your cause its considered harrassment now if u were scammed u can do the folowing. Im not sure what can happen after this but if he is found guilty he will face actions. So please remove his names.


Just trying to save other people issues. He is going very, very, very hard and many people are posting in trade chat about the individual. Trying to save some people the headache especially with losing their epic items. Only some much I can do in game myself via advertising/warning.

Your still breaking rules by calling him out 2 wrongs dont make a right what you shouldve done was right click and report him for cheating and explain why. The only one here that is gona get talked to is you for name shamming please edit out the names.


As long as all details about the deal are discussed in chat, and it is intended to be a one-and-done deal (e.g. no promises of future payment), the GM will be able to see what happened.

There’s no guarantee of item or gold replacement but the GMs will action individuals.

When opening a case, please include a rough time period during which you interacted.


To add to this, the best evidence for the GMs is when both parties state both the item and the agreed-on price in chat. If a player is unwilling to explicitly state agreement on a trade, it’s not a good idea to trade with them.

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Ayyye bro, sounds like you were a little too clicky on the accept button.
Always make sure you wait until other person hits accept, then you click after.
This scam has been around since Vanilla


A scammer will sometimes present the illusion of being in agreement with the terms of the deal without explicitly saying so. It opens up a grey area. Make sure terms of the deal are clearly stated but also agreement needs to be a yes or no statement.

Penalties are the business of Blizzard and the offender, not the harmed party or the reporter of the incident. You may never find out the results of your report.

Reimbursement is only done for trades done via the trade window as that is the only player to player trading type blizzard supports.
However, over the years, I am aware of some instances when reimbursement did not happen due to some particular circumstance of the deal. - e.g. both parties were scamming, ambiguity of terms, the reported party was “set up”, etc…

Ultimately, Blizzard is not a Court of Law. They both may try to achieve fairness, but they have different goals, standards of evidence and proof, scope of enforcement, rights of both parties, etc., etc…

Scammers argue their “rights” based upon the US Constitution. They try to wordsmith using that guideline. Blizzard, however, uses the TOU as the basis for what is right and wrong, not the US legal code.

I’ve seen people say that before but despite checking both the pinned rules at the top of the forum and the forum Code of Conduct I have never found any rule saying you cant mention character names.

If anyone has a link to a current rule that says that Id be interested. Not saying it doesnt exit but Im wondering if its more apocraphyl than current.

It is considered harassment.


I can gaurentee you 100% its not only frowned apon its against the rules its basicly harrassment since the person cant defend them self against defamation. Basicly its like me going on a alt and saying he I ran Nighthold and kneeshooter promised a fair roll on the mount becasue he cant solo it and mount drops and he goes haha your all losers i lied takes teh mount and leave. Even if u did no such thing.

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So, for example, what about the many times that Mr Hazzikostas’ game character has been mentioned and linked in forum posts? Would that not be considered harassment?

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.


Those posts are usualy reported and removed and if the poster has a history thy can get there posting priviledges removed.

Most likely yes, if reported a moderator would have to consider the post.


OK, so its not such that its ‘naming and shaming’ but that the outcome of it could be harassment in the game.

Either way OP, your best bet is never to hand over gold for valuable items. I presume Classic has the CoD system with mail? That would seem the safest bet if so. If not, just sell things on the AH and leave it at that.

Botom line its against the rules and this shouldnt have lasted this long the OP already got his answer and either edited his post themselves or a mod did it.

I asked a genuine question because I wanted it clarified for my own purposes. Its not an unreasonable thing to do on a forum, in fact its what these forums are for.


Here is a post from Blizzard that references naming & shaming or calling out other players:


Thanks for that, good to know.