Scammer on Faerlina

Technically it’s not.

It’s more of a help desk where players can help other players understand policies, and seek help with the ticket systems. It’s not staffed by GMs, and is not a bypass to the normal ticket and reporting systems in game.

Thanks for linking one Kyzera :wink:

I was looking for a similar post just to show that the Blues do consider it harassment, but man are these forums difficult to search at times!!

First one I found was from 2019 too! Yet I’m 100% certain that there’s been similar replies this year. Anyway, not that I’m helping much here, just a side rant about the search feature!


It can, yes. It depends on the context.

In general, threads that would usually mention the game director for WoW or other Developer are about feedback/suggestions for the game and we want to make sure it focuses on the feedback and not any particular person’s role or perceived role in the development of the subject.

A lot of those threads tend to be insulting or call for someone’s removal, which we do not allow.

For players, we try to maintain that call outs of any kind are prohibited. Even if you have proof of someone’s guilt, this is not the appropriate arena for such accusations. :slight_smile:

I’d argue that who answers the question wasn’t the focus of the question. A GM nor a blue seems to have been asked for. So asking the question seems fitting given the direction this thread turned about “call outs”. :slight_smile:

So I’m not ignoring the original purpose of the thread… Zulvok, the link Darthwraith provided originally is the best advice we can give. Please report a possible scam so that we can look into it.


Thanks for that. You often see people saying ‘this is a rule’ or ‘you cant do that’ and finding a precise official definition can be difficult, especially if you want to avoid doing wrong or dont know exactly what to ask. I appreciate your input.


I always felt it came down the idea that Blizzard wouldn’t allow unpublished accusations because soon, the innocent would be accused as well as those that are guilty.

Someone who lost a loot roll, didn’t like the wave you did pvp, could make any false accusation about you.
Once an accusation is made, a certain number of people will always believe it even if it is found to be false and corrected later.

Being required to report an accusation to only Blizzard, who are the only people able to verify and penalize an offense, protects you from liars.


Also… Why are you defending someone who scams in the first place, like saying, that it’s ok in any sense, no matter what the situation is, or who posts it and where it’s posted…?

I don’t see where Darthwraith was defending a possible scammer.

This, however, is exactly why name and shame posts are not allowed. I could start a thread saying that you scammed me and make up a huge story to go with it too. None of it would be true, but what if people believed me?

You think the scammer in the OP is automatically guilty when we really have no way as players to know the truth either way.


That post in no way is defending an alleged scammer. Nobody here knows the full story and while I take the OP at his word I’m always a little skeptical about these type of threads.

The OP was told how to report.


I wasnt but rules are rules We just can go calling out players no matter how honorable our intenions are.


Perl stole my entire set of mythic soulforged dreadplate, GM’s pls respond.

In all seriousness however, no name and shame has been around almost as long as these forums, it used to be such a hate filled mud slinging match on these forums that fairly hard lines had to be drawn in the sand.



I would seriously edit your post it doesnt take much imagination and violates the forum COC more then the OP.

I’ve been playing since MC and been banned from these forums for more time than I’ve been active on them, my post count is not even close to realistic :stuck_out_tongue:

These forums are not Australian language friendly, but someone done changed it.

Still doesnt matter we know what u meant and fowl language isnt allowed even if its howard the duck keep it clean no * no being creative other wise u could face a perma ban eventualy.

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