San'layn for Alliance Please!

Nope. Horde is closer to “evil” than Alliance. San’layn are evil. Horde gets San’layn.

You can have High Elves.

i think horde should get high elves

hehe you already have it!

void elves are chameleons. its quite interesting.


I can’t think of why anyone would want to always be so hostile to people for no real reason.

Anyways, I don’t personally think that the San’layn make much sense for the Alliance. We kill them with literally no hesitation, they’re former Scourge who would find more in common with the Forsaken, their other connection is to the living Sin’dorei as they were Kael’thas’ elite guard and they are already seeking membership with the Horde. Just because the Alliance killed them all doesn’t mean that the San’layn would just give up.

As for red eyes for Void Elves? I can see it as a potential thing Blizzard might do but I, myself, would rather have more N’zoth and Aszhara looking eyes. Got a whole bunch on my Void Elf thread.

Actually before Vapyr came along I hadn’t seen anyone request Dark Ranger eyes for the Void Elves.

That said, request what you want to see.


In general, hostility and purposely starting inflammatory conversation veiled beneath venomous words is gross.

I’m not sure how I feel about the whole San’layn thing, but the red aesthetic for void is still a huge thing. But there’s always the chance we’ll be able to have cross-faction options either way. More power for customizations for everyone that way too.

Whatever it may be, have some support from a neutral party. :partying_face:

If anyone would hang round the San’layn thread (the other one obviously) they should know many there do support Neutral San’layn. Where they tend to draw the line is in the Horde not getting them. Because of how much more sense it makes than the Alliance and because the request has been majorly for the Horde since Wrath.


Mhm. I pop in every now and then, but I don’t really have anything constructive to add other than a random bump with a few words. I tend to float around the customization threads to add a little piece for support here and there, though.

If it’s not my “thing,” I just lack context for what could be added that hasn’t already been said.


Glad to see you standing up for yourself. :heart:


pss… hmm… You want to put that race in front of a gnome?

imagine the massacre they would do on Gnomeran.

is like for another orcboi video.


I’m excited.
Been making alts on the PTR with my friends for the last few weeks, and we’re just over a week away from unleashing our bleh bleh bleh’s on Stormwind. At night only. Because funny.



Already dumped the gold into changing my alt monk.
The venthyr sets just bring it together and look insanely good with the skin tone + hair colour.

I have some sets to go farm.

Red eyes for void elves.
Give them the last piece of the kit.


Neutrality to an extent has more or less become my favorite outcome.

Give both races a basic red glow, Void Elves a slitted Azshara style red as their exclusive and Blood Elves a darker Blood anima red for their exclusive. :hugs:



This one needs the red eyes, but <3

1 Like

Easy enough edit


oh my god yesssssssssssssssssss



And you ignoring my comment earlier in another thread?

Wasn’t you. I am referring to someone else in that post.

oh my, who would ever allow a Windrunner to lead the Alliance?

Emos, Wolves, and Vampires, in one faction?

Modify the Ven’thyr model, make them prettier and with longer ears and eyebrows. I’m tired of the blood elf model


I would love to see a new neutral faction that some existing and new races move to it. Hell to the yes.