San'layn for Alliance Please!

And the truth always has to hurt.


id be down for this if they get a new model, only way id waste an AR slot on them. or customization baked into the monster void elves. i could see these 2 having a kinship given their current similar situation of being hated by all races including their former people

They killed and ate Gnomes…so I guess they will be happy joining us

dreven and the san’layn under his command did. you guys accepted void elves so why not vampire elves

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To be fair, draenei kill and eat gnomes too.

oh wow. really?

Yeah there was a cut scene in BFA on the Alliance side, a San’layn killed and Drank all the blood of a Gnome while we watched on a scope.


haha i forgot about that

for Alliance ???

are you crazy ?

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Here are my arguments.

Don’t name drop me in threads I’m not involved in to troll, that’s very toxic.

San’layn for the Horde.



Separate playable race?

Just add red eyes to Void Elves and it’s literally done.
Sorry, the Alliance is waiting for you.
We don’t need another racial slot taken up by an elf that’s just literally a “void elf with red eyes”. People think think Thalassians need to take up 3 slots put way more value into the race than they’re actually worth, but when people are already dealing with elf overload, it’d best to just focus on other stuff for once. We have a ton of other races that deserve it more than just scourge elf. (Ogres, Arrakoa, Saberon, Furbolg, Jinyu, Hozen, Sethrak, ect ect)

But yeah, when it comes down to just giving them one eye colour for the stereotype - vampires don’t always have red eyes and white, blue, and purple are actually common as well across media… it’s just common sense, and ease of development, to slap an NPC in Telogrus or a small quest chain ala: night warrior where Umbric recruits a last clutch or something, and they just hang out in Telogrus with the Silvermoon Scholars and High Elf Wayfarers as the lost cousin.


Void Elves can already be San’layn with the tools presented.
Their entire aesthetic when you take off the tentacles are the elves that the “horde” has been requesting minus DK rip-off skins, which are available if you select DK anyways. Pale corpses tend to turn various shades of blue/purple anyways, and frankly, if you link any of the above to somebody who doesn’t play WoW, they’ll just tell you that’s a vampire.

What’s the Horde going to do? Steal all our hair cuts and then also ask for the same eye colour we’re asking for? To make an entirely new playable race?
It’s just denial at this point because people are so obsessed with the idea of them being Horde, despite the lore rejecting them joining the Horde, they’ll throw a hissy fit about their precious NPC race that has no faction alligence going anywhere but where they want to play.

If you want to play a pale skinned vampiric goth inspired elf, the Alliance is waiting for you.
And it’s the first time we’ve been able to say this about any popular request, and people really don’t like it and consider it “trolling”, but the customizations are there, and people who don’t want to put up with a clique crying about it are too busy enjoying it on the PTR and retail to bother “arguing” the truth.

Red eyes for void elves.
Finish one of the most niche requests the playerbase has had with a single blow, and officially give the Alliance another traditional trope through a subrace to an already extremely popular race.

Blood Elves can have Dark Rangers; what’s always been there for them, and the thing most players actually requested for Blood Elves.

Venthyr are more likely to be the “vampire” race anyways at this point too.

Do quests.

Aesthetic diversity for me, but not for thee.
Horde players are such hypocrites.

do not misunderstand me.

I would prefer that all races could choose, as Pandas do when choosing sides.

I would love my shaman to be a female draenei in the horde.

They should be Horde … End of the story .


False flagging because you disagree with me is also very toxic and against ToS.



One eye colour is all it takes.
If you think this request is ridiculous, maybe get a basic understanding that not everything the playerbase asks for is a perfect fit for the horde. : )

Red eyes for void elves.
It’s the one thing needed to make them fully playable on the Alliance if you even want a red eyed one in the first place, if not, we already can look like them.


we dont need san’layn as it appears we already have the aesthetic. now all we need are azshara’s red-orange nzoth eyes. no need to be unfriendly to horde players who’ve been asking for san’layn/dark ranger aesthetics since wotlk.


I would really prefer if what you’re requesting were customization options and not another race… We seriously don’t need more elves in the game…

We need ogres or drudges… I’d kill be a drudge.

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i think it’d be perfect if dark rangers were a new class, composed of blood elves, forsaken and night elves.

I’d be ok with that… If they add new races they need to be distinct… Even the two AR’s that they gave us (and yes I play them) should have been customization options to existing elves.

forsaken still dont have their allied race.