Why the lack of Customization?

Sorry, but I disagree with this idea actually, and I really do disagree with this entirely. First of all, the San’layn aren’t really Horde or Alliance. Yes, I made a thread stating San’layn for Alliance for a bit of sense of humor. But the point is, San’layn aren’t really Horde. Yes, we see them in BfA representing on the Horde side, but they were there on behalf of Sylvanas Windrunner, not on behalf of the Horde.

As for Dark Ranger, they are mostly just fallen High Elves from the 3rd War. Which means, that I would rather see the Undead get another model and receive the Dark Rangers than the Blood Elves.

In the end though, it is up to Blizzard to decide what goes. Not up to you, not up to me. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Blizzard.

Mind you the massive back lash towards Blizzard from all the Blood Elf fans when Ion stated that the Blue Eyes were not going to receive the Blue Eyes as customisations options.

Yeah, I’m upset Worgen have been left in the dust :frowning:

:thinking: Not that I disagree with the tattoos and scars, but honestly, why should the Blood Elf players actually receive more customization options when a few of them have been quite spiteful and ungrateful with what they have been given? Instead of well, providing the actual feedback, looking at a few threads, I see a few of them arguing in bad faith against other people requesting for something.

Like seriously ¬_¬

Yes, I would like to see more customization’s for the Blood Elves, but I wouldn’t be picking an argument in bad faith against another player requesting for something else.

Oh hell no. You’ll put the Dwarves out of business.


I wouldn’t mind seeing Nightborne Druids actually. They would be an eye opener for the Nightborne fanbase.

Please no. How about we request for Night Elf Paladins instead. They make a lot of sense.