San'layn for Alliance Please!


Can’t wait to play my san’layn fire mage whose appearance is based off one of the more popular images used as an example.
I was able to recreate her perfectly.

Still wanting those red eyes for a couple alts, but the patch can’t get here fast enough.


nice mog. needs void red eyes :+1:

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Then you are smarter than night elves :laughing: the horde almost wiped their people from the face of azeroth, but they joined them anyway. Why? because blizzard wanted. They though would be cool for the horde to have a dark warden, and night elf dark rangers so why not San’layn for the alliance?

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Glad to see this thread is back again!

Anyways, next Tuesday can’t get here fast enough.


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nice mog! i thought those were void red eyes for a second