San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Etherals would be an interesting and logic choice seeing Locus Walker mentoring the Void Elves… Etherals HAVE been dealing with the Void longer so it be a nice pair.

I personally think Vyrkrul would be extremely popular with the Alliance Or Horde for that matter… However like Sil said it be to similar… BUT I say, I would play one for sure no matter the faction… I always like BIG bulky races looking races in MMO’s :sweat_smile:

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Vrykul would be great for a next batch of AR for second human AR (if they continue)
As much as i’d see them making sense to pair with 'layn

so ethereals probably would make more sense for that theme alone, not sure which base race they’d pair with though

if Vulpera come through though we will be sure that ARs aren’t all subraces and ethereals will be all the more possible as an allied race

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The sad thing is I can easily see these things being dropped into the game before High Elves.

Honestly, Vrykul make a great Alliance counterpart for Ogres, either as an allied or a core race, for a few reasons:

  1. Both are big, strong, and savage races.
  2. Both make their own ships.
  3. Both work great as shipwrights.
  4. Would make a great theme as a pair of new races.

As for a counterpart for San’layn, I suppose Night Elf Worgen would be neat. They’re capable of having an interesting storyline and they would fuel the “vampires vs werewolves” thing people wanted with Worgen. ^^


I was thinking furbolg as a counter to ogre, myself (both being primitive races)
but vrykul would fit very well with the size and brute strength factor.

So ethereal and 'layn would probably be a pair
unless they’d be paired with a worgen AR

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Wow this thread’s been popping. Alrighty… rubs hands together

Hush hush spoilers conversation

Rofl this should be a scale. “On a scale of Bagzak making an ogre character to Fallynn making a LFU character, how unlikely is this event?”

Showing a split in ideologies would be lovely, to be honest. Ironically? That’s what a lot of my folk roleplay out, different covens with different ideas. It’s a lot of fun and this could make the story very rich too. Sylv loyalists, and then those that defy her. I really hope to see such a split in forsaken too myself. If it happens, and if San’layn become a thing like this? Forsaken and San’layn could work together quite well, both parties in fact. I love it.

Yeah I do think this is important. Should they be added, they would have to defy Sylvanas, and they could be extremely useful in that rumored death expansion (which isn’t confirmed but my gods I would love it so much).

I’m sure lots are confused as to how I support San’layn and play an undead elf yet do not support Sylvanas :stuck_out_tongue: But I’m not exactly quiet about my reasoning.

You know, he DID say something about someone hearing about this issue back after Baine was captured. I wonder if that’s going to come around here and lead to ogres since surely Blizz knows they’re wanted.

I agree. Augh if Vulpera and San’layn joined at the same time, I’d be going insane. I personally really want both of them.

Admittedly that would be very funny though, hahaha :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t doubt they would at all. Worgen already have a “At least we don’t sparkle!” joke. I’d love a “hey, we don’t sparkle either, stop throwing glitter on me!”

I always assume it’s to hide their fangs. Lana’thel does not hide her mouth, and…say. Does anyone know if you can see fangs in her mouth when she talks? If not… BLASPHEMY! I think that either a pair of fangs could work, or as I said, an ENTIRE MOUTH full of sharp teeth.

Hush hush more spoilers

Same here. With San’layn previously having been Silvermoon loyalists, I feel they would go along with their current leader. Even if Lor’themar hates them. (how depressing would it be to have them be looking for a home and like kicked puppies being yelled at by LTT for what they are :frowning: )

Yeah I’ve seen people bring up Ethereals a lot, I’m honestly surprised there’s no bigger megathread on them. I’d probably roll one of those myself, to be honest, it’s one of the few allied races I can see myself playing for sure ^^

Vry’kul would be much more muscular in my opinion, all the bulk as we see on the models would be muscle, which would be cool I think. Yet another one I’m surprised doesn’t have an active thread.

Oh yeah I keep forgetting about that, you’re right!


They make a lot of sense too when you think about it. Locus Walker training all the void elves, and other Ethereals in void magic could tie them together, and into the alliance. Sort of like an allied, allied race.

Who’s to say a group of Ethereals didn’t join the alliance when Locus Walker started training the void elves?

Plus they’re so cool looking :weary:



I’ve been really planning a lot of the stories I’ve been thinking of writing up with my WoW characters, and I’ve been slowly developing personalities and backstories for a few potential future allied race characters I’d make. A lot of what I’ve been having as Dreven’s personality in this thread I may just translate into my own San’layn character, if I ever get to make him.

One of the groups I intend to write about involve a group that consists of allied races of the Horde, with a story reason why I’ve done this for this particular group. One of them is the female Vulpera Enhancement Shaman I mentioned awhile ago I wanted to make, and I’ve already got backstory, personality, and all sorts of stuff planned to the point that seeing hints of playable Vulpera just makes me excited. Shes quickly become a favorite character of mine to think up and write for.

The thing is I need a fifth member for said group, and the San’layn character I thought of would work very well in the group to the point that seeing them playable would get me excited as well. It’d be either that or if we got Gilblins, possibly putting my Gilblin character idea in that group. It really depends what all we get in the future.

Oh and if you’re wondering, the Ogre character I want to make? In the first group I intend to write out. :V


San’layn now!
Give this woman her vampire elves, Blizzard!


I also like that both Ogres and Vrykul are the progenitor races of Orcs and Humans.


Another reason they would be a great combo. Come to think of it, I don’t recall seeing a Vrykul Megathread. Maybe a Vrykul fan could double-check to make sure if one truly doesn’t exist and then create one if there isn’t one. I’ll help support it. ^^

Anyway, a few comments from spoiler talk, so I’ll spoiler tag them to be on the safe side:

Dere be talkies from da spoiler talkies in here. Click dis arrow ta see dem!

Really? Gosh, well I mean the fact that shes gone insane with power and ruling, and has no problems blighting your general vicinity, turning you into a mindless undead soldier, if the enemy just so happens to blink in her general direction? I just can’t fathom why anyone wouldn’t want her as a ruler! :V

I’m really wanting to think this would lead to Rexxar rallying the Stonemaul Clan, at least, since they owe a lot to the Horde. Having an Ogre army on standby would be a good thing to have on your side to support a coup attempt, and it seems like they haven’t done that much since Cataclysm…sigh… <- <;

Throw Ogres in the mix, and I’m going to be throwing a dance party for several days. <- <;

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There’s been some discussion in various topics but I don’t recall if there was a megathread. I think at one point there was a shared thread for both Vrykul and Ogres.

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I know there was a shared thread with Arakoa and Ogres, different from the Ogre specific Megathread, but I don’t recall seeing one for Ogres and Vrykul. Maybe one for specifically Vrykul will pop up in the near future. ^^

These were the main ones I remembered.

I’m definitely all for a Vrykul playable race.

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So I did an intro text for Ogres, the speech that plays when you make a new character and watching the camera fly around before going to your character, and thought I’d try out one for the San’layn.

Dreven: Brothers! Sisters! Lend me your ears, for our time has finally come! We were all once heroes of Silvermoon, and were denied rest in death and forced into slavery for the Lich King’s vile deeds. But now, we are slaves no more, and we shall forge our own path! Now go and spread the name of the Darkfallen across the land, and always know that we have a home amongst our kin! For the San’layn! For Silvermoon! For the Horde!

Needs some fine-tuning, of course, as it isn’t perfect. May try again at some point. ^^;


How’s everyone today?

I like this quite a bit. Plus, it gives them a chance to fight for their city again, which as loyalists make sense. What if Blood Elves also gave permission to be turned at death so they could continue? That’s something I see them as being willing to do, in order to protect their people.


You know, I wouldn’t worry about there not being a San’layn brewfest mug. Seems to me the San’layn are the type to serve the blood wine before its time. :V


no mug for what ever the worgen AR is gonna be either so we got no worries there ;3


Yeah haha I’m not too concerned, the funny thing is the Vulpera got a brewfest mug but no counterpart mug followed in stride, which is strange. Naturally they’d be Horde, so… huh. Could you imagine the outcry if a Horde race was released alone?

Anyway, think we gotta rely on the story. Like I said in the Vulpera thread, the devs said in the 8.2 stream that we will be doing other stuff than the new islands, which will give us a chance to possibly poke at the San’layn story. I’m hoping!


The Alliance counterpart may very well just have been left out to surprise people. I may have read some talk when BfA was announced, I think, where they might release an allied race for one faction and it would be a bit before the other faction gets a counterpart. I don’t recall the context or exact wording of it, though.

I’m also not concerned with there being no Ogre mug, either. Ogres just stick a handle on the side of a barrel, after all. :smiley:

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