San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

You’re right, I do remember them doing that myself. Perhaps they’d if so release Vulpera for Horde but announce an Alliance counterpart right as they announce Vulpera and say that it isn’t ready yet though and will be soon. I can see people not reacting as badly if that happens.

I think ogre hands would be too big for those mugs!


I dunno, I can see some people being unhappy and playing the “insert faction here bias” card. On another note, I hope when they have an allied race announcement, they do a batch of them. Would create some hype for many of us. ^^

Ogre hands too big for the mugs, Ogre stomachs too big for the mugs. :V


Honestly I can totally see them doing that, for like 8.3 races. I feel like they’ll toss out six, I don’t know why I’m guessing such a high number, but it’s a solid feeling since around that time, a good chunk were released. I wonder when we’d know. Ion said we’d find out via Blizzcon (so far away though, oof) or things like… what else… oh! Patches. So I guess maybe they’d announce what is coming for 8.3 when they start talking about 8.2.5? Since they did say no allied races in “Rise of Azshara” which covers both 8.2 and 8.2.5.

It’d be like an appetizer :stuck_out_tongue: By the way I bet people would be screaming to play two-headed ones.

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its 420 and im flying higher then a bat. hype.


I know I would! Especially if the heads interacted with each other like Cho’gall does in Heroes of the Storm lol.

I bet the jokes and flirts for two headed Ogres would be amazing!


i would kill to customize both of the heads.
like chogal style.


Yeah, Blizzcon is…kind of a hard, long wait. Basically waiting for new race announcements (Go Ogres!) is about as annoying, long, and frustrating as it is waiting for a playable Dragon Quest rep to be announced for Smash Bros. Ultimate. <- <;

That said, I would hope we wouldn’t have to wait until the end of the year for any allied race announcements. It would keep the hype going to do that in the near future, in my opinion. ^^;

If we even got two-headed Ogres, I bet the animators will be screaming with all the work and planning they’d have to do with all the armor sets in the game to work with two-headed Ogres. :V

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Yeah, I agree. At this point we’ve been waiting so long now for any sign of new races that I’m used to it and don’t expect anything anytime soon. But story stuff I’m hoping will give some juicy insight. Wonder if more jazz will be added Tuesday.

True buuuut they could duplicate the helm!


I hope we’ll get more datamining goodies soon. So many neat clues. Also keeping an eye out for Rexxar stuff, just in case hes gone to rally the Stonemaul clan. Already did a big post in the Ogre megathread rambling about it and considering typing out another scenario in the near future. <- <;

Even then, we got clues of Vulpera, Gilblins, and Mecha Gnomes, and it’s making me as excited as when BfA launched. ^^

As long as they learn how to duplicate the heads, first. :V

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Happy Easter everyone! Now a word from an awesome bunny ^^

Figured Bunnicula would be a perfect thing to say hello :stuck_out_tongue:


I am now imagining a San’layn hunter with a robot bunny named Bunnicula, a dog named Harold, and a cat named Chester.


Thought i’d swing by to give my support. An allied race that severely needs to happen.


They’re all dead (for good). Sylvanas used the last of them to distract the Alliance, who subsequently burned them.

The only thing left would be new lore added by Blizz, akin to the sudden development of Void Elves (read: out of left field).

I would trade all my characters for 1 San’layn character, to be honest

The closest we have is void elf, which are cool, but void does not equal undead. The story of the san’layn is very interesting. They would have a lot on common with the forsaken.

They’re not tho. There are 2 blood princes still unaccounted for. No one knows where they are, or what they’re doing. It would be easy for Blizzard to write them into the game. Maybe they retreated somewhere to bolster their numbers before emerging into the world… Who knows? The San’layn as a race are definitely possible tho


Thanks very much :slight_smile:

This was never confirmed. We have no idea where Dreven came from. We only know many died on that ship, not once was it confirmed anywhere that they all were wiped out. It definitely would not be left field, as stated Dreven’s origin is unknown, the number of Sanlayn is unknown, and there are still two missing blood princes. Where has it been said that all ever made were on that ship? Who in their right mind would put every single member of a race on one ship? O.o

Many are taking this extermination assumption as fact when really it is not supported.


Meanwhile, have some San’layn art of one of my characters I commissioned that came out wonderfully <3 Credit to Harcloniter.

Edit: This is my 5000th post. What an excellent one!


mmm yes, gotta love san’layn arts

if only there were more of those princes though!

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I have inspiration for a San’layn character… now I just need Blizzard to let me have one!


So I typed up a Horde Ogre storyline loose threads post for the Ogre megathread, and I wanted to ask here if it might be practical to make a loose storyline thread section for the San’layn.

I realize there are a lot of speculation and suggestions, but if say that Blizzard was getting feedback from the Megathreads, would it be practical to have a section where it points out loose storyline threads from different storylines in the game and such involving the San’layn? Stuff that could and in some cases should be addressed if San’layn were going to be playable. Having that all together might be a useful section if Blizzard was looking to implement a new allied race, just to have it in one place.

I also know that there may not be as much in terms of loose threads, but I figured I would ask. ^^;

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Yeah it could work! I just would worry about people complaining about spam to be honest x.x because many will tell people to keep it to the megathreads.