Vrykul Allied Race

Is anyone still interested in Vrykul as an allied race? I haven’t been excited by any allied race that has been put forth or implemented so far other than Vulpera, but I got to thinking about it and Vrykul would actually be pretty neat. Naturally, I want them for alliance. I think they would have been better for us than light forged or KT and probably would fill a very nice niche as a wild race. Not bashing the LF or KT, just putting my personal opinion out there.


they’d have issues with both humans being there smaller kin and also being height dis-advantaged in other cities.

How would they have issues with humans?

As for the height issues, I dunno. If they wanted I imagine they could come up with something.


lore wise a big group of em have been killing both the parents and kids that have children who are disfigured.

not to mention they are always hostile unless someone does something or given an order from there clans ruler, val’kyr or anything they consider divine or somethin.


Well, we had the valajar. Since they change things to their liking a lot these days I am sure it could be done.


They’d be a cool new playable race or allied race! I’m not sure what the difference is between ‘new playable races’ that are revealed every few expansions at blizzcon (I get super excited about these reveals!) and ‘allied races’ (I also get excited about these, but I think they need more customization options so far - unless they’re not supposed to have as wide a breadth as ‘new playable races’). The Vrykul feel like a horde race to me, but I can see them fitting in with the alliance team members as long as their inclusion comes from a great story of meaningfulness, purpose and intent. I would like them on the Horde though and name mine Armarant Coral.


If Vrykul were ever a playable race they’d probably do one clan joins the Alliance and another joins the Horde like the Pandaren.

If not, Vrykul for the Alliance Mogu for the Horde.


I would love a post-vrykul or vrykul adjacent allied race. Maybe a slightly bigger human-like race with those vrykul features. Hardy cargo cult wild men and women, berserkers and war shamans.

As much guff as I hand the devs for lazy reskins and rerigs absent any lore that might exceed the corner of a napkin, the savage races of the wild north are a good opportunity to inject an AR with some actual preexisting lore.

I would love to play some of those. I can’t quite imagine what kind of time gated grindfest we would be given to unlock such a thing.

“Umm just… you know… kill these walrus guys for like… i dunno… like two months… nap time now.”

Still, I’m in, Devs. Lets make it happen.


yes, yes, yes please


Yes! I would roll a Vrykul warrior in a heartbeat.


Vrykul is an amazing idea, but I am going to say it for the 900th time. We need Tuskar as a race or an allied race at best.


I think Vrykul would be a good choice for Alliance too. It gives them another big race and I always enjoyed their Viking theme.

I want to yell…



Vrykul from Stormheim should 100% become an Allied Race.

By no means would Odyn let Sylvanas get away with what she tried to do to Eyir and her val’kyr.


And a group of them rebelled against that policy and lived with their children to help defend them. And as for always being hostile, so were Dark Iron dwarves until one day. And they weren’t any more…


Only those that were part of King Ymiron’s clans did that. And even then, it was mainly Skadi the ruthless.

Honestly though, Kul Tiran humans are probably the closest thing we are going to get to Vrykul, since it is implied that are the byproduct of regular humans and the drust (who were a clan of vrykul).

Man… I’d love if Vry’kul were neutral. But having them on either faction would be lovely anyway. I support Vry’kul wholeheartedly. We’ve seen them so much lately, like they had a HUGE part in Legion, and now they’re everywhere in Island Expeditions. Strangely, they use a lot of blood magic too. But anyway, yeah I think they had a solid chance to be added.


Allied races are pretty much about adding to races in the game already (an extra layer of customization for races already in the game) and you have to go through steps to earn them. Those are the two main differences between allied races and core races that were introduced in the past, besides the fact they are slowly churning out more allied races than what we would see between two expansions for core races.

I would say that adding Vrykul to Alliance instead of Horde would actually be very good because of this. They got a pretty race many many years ago, but maybe it’s time that Alliance got a race that was “savage” or wild. That’s just my personal opinion.

Not likely considering how they feel about Pandaren and how that worked out.

Sadly, the timing is off of course, but I already helped some of them out in Stormheim and earned rep. That’s why I pointed out Vrykul being a possibly better choice (for me) than Lightforged Draenei. Wouldn’t have had two Allied races tied to Argus which was a gripe people had back in Legion when both Horde races were tied to older reps.

This is essentially what I was thinking. They’re the only group of Vrykul that has ever been friendly to Alliance or Horde (it was a neutral faction between the two, but then again Highmountain Tauren were neutral as well), so I think it’s a sound idea.

I’m not gonna bash KT, I know some people will like them, but they’re not thinking outside of the box enough and I really think they should. Probably not this expansion, but they left the door open for allied races down the line.


I really like all the ideas and discussion! I’ll be happy and pleasantly surprised if and when they become playable. I hope it happens. I also hope the Arakkoa happen, but that is probably for another discussion. Blizzard artists could have a lot of fun coming up with dreadlocks and braids for our hairstyles, lots of tattoos, etc. We don’t really have a snowy race, and they vrykule, tuskkar and taunka would be great inclusions from the north / colder climates.


Yes but not as an allied race.

The allied race model is an insulting waste of the players time and should not be replicated in future expacs.


Well, that’s kind of a different topic. The rep grinds don’t bother me, but if they were added as a core race for Alliance that wouldn’t hurt my feelings… But they kind of make more sense as Allies than core to me.