Vrykul and Ogre Allied race

So I've always been curious as to what makes Blizzard decide on what makes a playable race, especially with Allied races. I've always figured it had to have the minimum requires of having a male and female counterpart, be able to wield all armor types, including old classic gear, and have racials unique to their lore and in game mechanics. Just like any other thread similar to this one, I always hope for new and interesting races to play, on both horde and alliance side, as I absolutely love the lore of the warcraft universe.

There are two main allied races I'd like to see; Those two being
Vrykul for Alliance and Ogres for Horde, two vicious and tenacious races to add to the current war conflict. (Sorry High Elves, as much as I want you, Ion already called it. Perhaps they can meet us in the middle and give us void elf players a flesh skin color, like Alleria! That'd be a neat compromise! )

Both of those races have been highly desired in previous expansions, ogres since BC and Vrykul since WotLK ,(and even moreso in Legion with the Valajar) and I personally feel like these two would be welcome additions to their faction, especially with ogre models being updated constantly and seeing armor types on their models.

I am mainly pushing for Vrykul on alliance, despite how some of the Northrend related vrykul view the humans, as I believe the Alliance's unique sense of honor and battle, might fall in line with one another. Vrykul and Dwarves easily becoming friends through their Nordic like culture of brew and battle. I would also like to see a more fun shaman race to play, aside form Pandaren and Draenei (also Kul'Tirans. Love you all but I can't bring myself to do it.)

As for ogres, I think it pretty much speaks for itself as to how many people would love to play this race, not only for comedic reasons, but also for intense lore backing up their claims. Obviously the Stonemaul Ogres (I do believe these are the Horde friendly ogres) would make a fine addition.

Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Monk, Death Knight (?)

Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, Warlock, Mage, Monk (?) (Ever see an ogre Flying Serpent Kick across Warsong Gulch? heh )

Now, this is certainly just my own opinion on it all, and It might differ from others, as people might see Vrykul joining horde for their sense of honor as well. Also, perhaps they might have more or less class combinations, though I am curious for any input others might have!

Ideas for Heritage Armor, Race Mount, Racial ideas, Unlocking Questline, etc.
Those would be races, not allied races.

Everyone knows vrykul belong horde-side. You can have like fairies or something, idc.
Vrykul are the forerunner race of humans... They would not join the horde. I know it hurts your little horde feelings but know your lore before trying to randomly claim a race.
11/10/2018 06:24 AMPosted by Erelir
Those would be races, not allied races.

Everyone knows vrykul belong horde-side. You can have like fairies or something, idc.

Go back to your smol fox furries
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11/10/2018 06:32 AMPosted by Nightrun
Vrykul are the forerunner race of humans... They would not join the horde. I know it hurts your little horde feelings but know your lore before trying to randomly claim a race.

Blood elves are the forerunner race to Void Elves.

It doesn't really make much difference.
Vrykul, Ogres and LEPER GNOMES!!!!!!
A little bit of leper makes everything better.
I know Im playing devils advocate here, but I think we should add the rest of the dwarves and trolls. The Amani were once an ally of the horde before the belfs came along although I doubt we'd get the sandfury since they seem to have 0 interest in working with anyone without backstabbing them. I really want to see Wildhammer dwarves implemented for the alliance but I dont really know if they could be considered an allied race, as they look no different aside from tattoos. I can already see their release and the frustration it might cause "Wow nice content blizz" and "These are literally just a carbon copy of regular dwarves but with tattoos" and to be fair that'd be justified. I imagine they might just add tattoos as an option for dwarves the same way they added posture for orcs.

On the topic of allied races we have to also consider what is likely based on the remaining skeletons. Human = KT human. Dwarf = DI dwarf. Nelf = Nightborne. Gnome = Mechagnome. Draenei - LF draenei. Worgen = ?. Orc = Maghar. Troll = Zandalari. Tauren = HM tauren. Undead = ?. Belf = Velf. Goblin = Vulpera.

Ok so Im sure you guys have noted something important there. The forsaken and the worgen dont have an allied race counterpart yet and they're very much tied together by plot, I think there is something there. Something to be talked about.
Vrykul would probably be close to my top pick for an allied race. I would only really rate Sethrak and Saurok higher, but I am very biased towards reptilian races. Ogres obviously should have been playable years ago since they have been apart of the horde all the way back when. I don't play horde much, but its strange they don't ever really show up helping the horde if they are allies. Both races are pretty yuge, but if Tauren are playable then so should vrykul and orges.

I like that you bring up Vyrkul should be able to be dk, they obviously should be able to. They had more interaction with the lich king then any other race and it would catastrophically stupid to not allow it. Might have to change up the starting zone to explain it, but its worth it.
11/10/2018 06:24 AMPosted by Erelir
Those would be races, not allied races.

Everyone knows vrykul belong horde-side. You can have like fairies or something, idc.

Sylvannas decided to go and piss off their goddess last expansion

They'll end up with the Alliance
Yeah those races are loooong overdue to be playable.
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The easiest way to add vrykul to the alliance would be with the tideskorn tribe in stormheim, led by God-Queen Sigryn. Sigryn is pals with Eyir, so maybe they join the alliance to help take down Sylvanas for the attempted enslavement.
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Not to be a total buzzkill... although I guess that's what I'm doing... but as has been stated in many posts in other threads, a lot of the world is already a struggle for the Tauren, especially when mounted; adding Ogres and Vrykul would require substantial changes to architecture all over the old zones. I really want these two races too OP, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
We need more humans like we need more elves.

We already have regular humans, and we just got more burly/thicc humans. We don't need very tall/buff humans too.

The design team needs to give us something more then just a lazy reskin of a race, horde get vulpera (thank god) and the alliance, presumably, get mecha gnomes? Yikes.

Why can't either race get something FRESH, like Sethrakk? Or Ogres? Hell, the mogu would be pretty awesome.
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I'd be fine with Vrykul as a sorta assistant race, but not quite an allied/playable race. (one that's story only, like how I wish Light forged draenei were and how currently High elves are, or how the jinyu are ) I just think it's sorta unnecessary given that they are just larger humans, so we'd have fat, normal, and tall humans. that's kinda boring.

I'd like something more unique that we don't already have. Not saying Vrykul aren't interesting, I just think they are fine the way they are represented. I'm also hoping we do not get junker gnomes. That they are just some sorta one off thing... gnomes are barely played as is, don't need to split that niche further.
11/10/2018 07:56 PMPosted by Varukisas
Not to be a total buzzkill... although I guess that's what I'm doing... but as has been stated in many posts in other threads, a lot of the world is already a struggle for the Tauren, especially when mounted; adding Ogres and Vrykul would require substantial changes to architecture all over the old zones. I really want these two races too OP, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

You can use the flagon of mead toy to test areas. The Vrykul form from it isn't quite as tall as npcs, but they're a bit much anyway, it's still taller than just about any other race.

I run into problems here and there as a mounted draenei but that's not something that'll prevent me from wanting playable Vrykul.

I'd love to play one.
There's a vrykul woman in the middle of Boralus harbor, and every time I pass by her, I think to myself, "This is what could have been." Then I look around at all the Kul Tirans preparing to become our next allied race and go, "Instead, this happened."
They wouldn't be allied races, they would be core races, but allied races are so much easier to make that they'll probably never add another core race for the rest of the game's lifespan.

11/10/2018 07:59 PMPosted by Worgandonor
Why can't either race get something FRESH, like Sethrakk? Or Ogres? Hell, the mogu would be pretty awesome.

Mogu are too evil to join either faction (yes, more evil than Forsaken) and we killed their last remaining females, plus they would have like five classes tops (warrior, mage, hunter, priest, and shaman shoehorned in just because of their lightning powers).

I'll only accept sethrak if they go Horde so I can see the Chernobyl-level meltdown from the Alliance playerbase.
Ogres would have DK's as well, They were in Lordareron during WC3. Sylvanas had her banshees posses an Ogre tribe. So they were in contact with the Scourge, they would of been killed and resurrected as well.
11/10/2018 06:32 AMPosted by Nightrun
Vrykul are the forerunner race of humans... They would not join the horde. I know it hurts your little horde feelings but know your lore before trying to randomly claim a race.

So? Trolls are the forerunners of nightelves, and nightlves are kinda the forerunners of nightborne, this mean nothing. I'm not a big lore guy but I do know the vrykul like stringing up alliance ships, not necessarily joining their forces so its an open possibility either way, or it would be but KT humans kill pretty much any chance of that, which is a shame for the females.
Ion said "anything is possible in the future" in regards to High Elves and that they aren't "in the immediate future plans." That doesn't mean "NO!" People to learn comprehension skills for heavens sake.

With that said, Vrykul are my #2 most wanted race behind Forest Trolls. Ogres are #4 behind my #3, Ethereal. Jinyu are my #5. I really hope Allied Races don't just turn out to be Sub Races... that would be a real bummer.
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