San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’d be curious if we could possibly get Necromancers in a death-themed expansion. If we got a reptilian race, I could remake an Iksar Necromancer character I had in Everquest 1. ^^

Also makes me wonder if San’layn would have anything to do with a death-themed expansion. As allies I mean, of course.


Wow, so the broadcast text is a big deal on wowhead.


The elves are standing against Sylv. We’re finally not being depicted as evil. Thank gods, it’s about time. If our San’layn can connect to their kin, please please please let them stand with Lor’themar against Sylv. They are Silvermoon loyalists.

Maybe yeah, but Zandalari and Kul’tirans got some really rich lore, so perhaps if they are an AR, the same can be said for San’layn and such.

That would be cool. And to have another undead race on the horde side would be useful, they know scourge tactics. Heck, they were behind a lot of it. If they have their morals back, which they should like DK and Forsaken (they even went out of their way to work with the Horde, come oooon) we could gain a lot of benefit from them.

No one knows. We assume…no. But we don’t know that for a fact right now, and there’s no data on it anywhere.


Lorethemar has long been in a devil’s bargain with the forsaken. On one hand they have been helpful in the ghostlands, but I think he’s more than aware of what Sylvanas has been doing. But with no clear backup he’s had to be careful because even the alliance couldn’t save Silvermoon if Sylvanas decided to take it for herself.

Yeah, that’s a very good point. He does have to be careful. Though, now he knows there’s many that oppose Sylv, which is why I think he’s coming to his senses. Personally I’m happy about it myself. I dislike this whole faction war thing, but I think I’ve made that abundantly clear :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s that, I also think it’s the recognition that if he doesn’t act now there won’t be anything to save because there won’t be any chance of saving it. Lorethemar has always been practical. I’ve always seen the bloodelves joining the horde as a practical move due to the proximity of undercity than any real attachment. That said I think it has lead to real attachment to the tauren and some of the more honorable orc leaders.

I hope everyone had a good Bat Appreciation Day.


Other middle-aged housewives were able to live out their vampire romance dreams through Twilight.

I’d love the option to live them out through San’layn, please.

Make it happen, Blizz.


Yeah and luckily the WoW vampire myth actually has quality haha, unlike the terrible Twilight series :stuck_out_tongue: no offense to those that like it of course, but man do i hate it!


The Eclipse movie I hilariously liked because they got David Slade (of 30 Days of Night) to direct it. The vampires look incredibly monstrous while still staying in the realm of human looking.

And they were also apparently made of glass (thus explaining the shiny).

(need to rewatch some time)

(30 Days of Night, not Eclipse)

I still need to rewatch Underworld myself. Also can’t wait for more seasons of Castlevania to come out. I really hope Alucard does not just get hit with the villain bat.


Underworld is good.

And hmmm, that would be a curve ball if he does, since he’s always been a hero in the games.

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Best boi.


Ah ok, see someone told me he was a villain at one point and it might happen in the series based on that, which got me sad.

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Ah, I see.

To my knowledge he’s never been one, but they may have been talking about the rebooted series (which I haven’t played and have no knowledge on).

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Right, so having a headache from finishing a VBA programming assignment, and getting some much needed rest and pizza power from the rest of the day, I’m going to write some thoughts regarding the datamined events going on. Click the following spoiler tag to see what I have to say.


It’s becoming clear to me that Sylvanas is crazier than a soup sandwich and that a coup is going to happen at some point. I sincerely doubt that siding with Sylvanas is going to lead to anything, and whatever her plans are will be self centered and only keep her in power. The chances of her being redeemed in the end are the same chances Fallynn will make a Lightforged Undead character. I’m still of the opinion that the choices of siding with her or not are illusory.

In terms of the San’layn, I think that the best way to introduce them at this point is to have Sylvanas introduce different groups of San’layn around as her personal “body guards” of sorts, while still reviving Dreven and his group. In this case, she would think that “Hey dead elves! I’m your ruler! Get on your knees and lick my boots!” while she thinks she has power over them.

Instead, have them be sympathetic with and side with the coup thanks to Lor’themar helping getting them on their side in the background, that and them not being happy with her acting like the Lich King they were slaves under. We player characters can help Lor’themar with getting them on our side, which shouldn’t be too hard. Thus when a coup happens, they help against Sylvanas for both their freedom and to help their kin from Silvermoon. Then as part of the Horde, they can play a role in the next expansion if it is death-themed. This also explains why they would still be part of the Horde after the fact, since they helped against Sylvanas.

As it is, Sylvanas still has a “plan” that Nathanos wants those loyal to her to believe in. Frankly, why anyone would want to support the Undead Dictator that just blights anyone at a moment’s notice and wants to expand her zombie army makes me more confused than a fart in a fan factory.

Interestingly enough, it seems Rexxar isn’t around for this stealth mission to save Baine, so I’m hoping hes off to gather the Horde Ogres to help with this future coup, and HOPEFULLY they make a presence and assist the Horde, in particular if we’re going civil war since the Horde’s coup attempts need allies to be successful. And I don’t mean the Alliance who like to virtue-signal harder than Commissioner Gordon on a cloudy night. -o -

On that note, I hope that Nisha is part of the coup. I want to see her in a frenzied state helping to slaughter enemies. She would be useful to have on your side. <- <;


I would not put it pass Blizz to add a quest or something hilarious that puts our PC Darkfallen under glitter…or have one of their number mimic the movie as a joke! :rofl:

On that note I always wonder why they cover their mouth? Does it get monstrous as the Blood Curse mutates them? :thinking:

Honestly I would not mind a bit of horror in their customization and the Elves actually standing against Syl gives me a LOT of hope for what it could mean for the San’layn. :heart_eyes:
They where force into servitude by Arthas but they DID die to help Kael and his fellow Blood Elves escape, so I could totally see them turning on her as they try to protect their former families! :star_struck:
OOooo it gives me the feeelss just thinking of seeing something so heroic and tragic in a cinematic! :sob:

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As much as I hate the idea of more elves, I’m not gonna lie, I’d race change to san’layn in a second.

I like playing the “evil” type characters, and the only ones in game are forsaken, and maybe Worgen. The San’layn would definitely give us another “bad guy” option.

My only concern would be, what other race could you give to the alliance that would be equally as cool? I feel like San’layn would skew the faction imbalance even further…

Maybe have the Ethereals join the alliance. They’re a cool race everyone has wanted since BC, and they’re one of the few I think would be as popular as the san’layn


Personally I was thinking vrykul but ethereals would definitely be great

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Oooh they would be cool. I didn’t even think about them.

Now that alliance has kul tirans tho, the 2 would be kind of similar. Bigger, bulkier humans, you know? Still, I’d play one just for the cool points :sunglasses:

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