Sad to say... Remix sucks /sadface

Nope. Not at all. I work to get the items. No murloc costume here. But you couldn’t attack my position, so you attacked me.

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My Remix Evoker is reaching the point of being overpowered. Sure, they have half the intellect as my Retail Evoker but after factoring in the fact they have vastly more secondary stats (16,789 total secondaries on 524 ilvl Retail vs 29,557 total secondary stats on 366 ilvl Remix not even counting Leech/Speed) and all the tinker effects they end up being equal or even surpassing my Retail Evoker’s power sometimes.

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That’s the thing though, with how nice the weather is, plus other releases, events like these only have a short time to hook players before they decide they’ll just spend their time elsewhere. People aren’t going to wait around for fixes when they have plenty of better options. Especially since the later the fixes come, the less time they have to play the fixed mode.

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The thread rewards they added yesterday seem promising. I don’t think they’re done by any means, but it is moving in the right direction.

If only they had a public testing realm they could have used for this. That would have been useful, I mean, only if they actually used the data from it though.

They did have a PTR, but it was only one weekend and I doubt enough people made it to max level to identify the issues

I know I stopped at level 36.

I’m happy about it. Gives me a reason to continue gearing my paladin rather than waste time on a timed mode.
Or take a day off when I don’t feel like retail. I need to get some sun.

But then I’ll get horribly sunburnt and never return to the outside D:

It helped immensely. One day of doing dungeons and it’d be average gains, most threads being from boss kills… Now? Just do one of each (heroic and normals dungeons/scenarios) and get pretty hefty gains without subjecting yourself to mindless grinding. Last night I had a massive power spike after doing the daily quests and a few of the raids that I managed to finally join the 1mil HP on Remix club, no frogs or goats required.


Going into it I “assumed” we’d level faster and our power level vs mobs would be higher. My only real complaint is that they’ve done nothing and know they won’t do anything to the exploiters and that kills what little fun I’m having.

Last night I ran a heroic with some hunter that pretty much soloed the dungeon themselves and we were all just along for the ride. Not fun. Not even to watch.

Problem is the folks who exploited early ARE OP, and with the nerfs those who didn’t exploit won’t get there for weeks. Meaning getting kicked from groups if you’re an un-exploited 70. Not being able to solo stuff at max level UNLESS you spend all your bronze on your ( Very temporary) gear, not the good stuff. If Daddy Blizz isn’t going to remove the expoited gains, then they shouldn’t have nerfed them. Just reinforces the “EXPLOIT EARLY, EXPLOIT OFTEN!!” meme that is WoW. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

I think they need to hand out forum vacations to people that keep making posts about it

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lol. How many times has that happened to you? I PUG’d almost every raid yesterday and saw 0 people kicked for DPS. Heck, I’m not a farmer and I was almost always near the top of the charts.

You’re just making up fake scenarios

Did you level as a brewmaster? I really wish that was the DPS class.

I was being sarcastic.

Anyway, it wouldn’t have taken many players to realize there was a problem.

I would bet that they actually nerf’ed stuff after the PTR, especially after the video of that insane druid came out. They probably didn’t want players to become that powerful in 3 days.

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Whoops, lol.

I mean yeah, but then do another weekend to make sure you didn’t release a heaping pile of trash. These cycles where they make changes before release rarely go well.

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Yeah i did. Brew is one of my favorite specs it has so much going on in terms of rotation for a tank.

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Why is everyone taking remix so seriously? It’s not meant to be a serious event.

my God we whine about everything.

That’s the point. Players are taking it very serious of how not serious the event was supposed to be and hasn’t been.

So you’re saying they’re seriously serious about how seriously unserious it is?

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