Sad to say... Remix sucks /sadface

I think it is fun.
I’m max level.
Gear progression is a bit slow but the timerunner cloak is leveling up super quick and my stats are pretty high.
Dungeons and raids are a piece of cake and it is fun blowing through the world of Pandaria once again.
First time I played the Pandaria expansion I didn’t get to do a lot of stuff. This time through I am completing every zone and have done almost all the raids so far.

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I just want to be able to do a solo scenario without spending 2 and a half hours dying before giving up.

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The cloak not being fully account wide or whatever took the steam out of my sails basically. My attention is fully on Cata now. I think Cata is the last hope for PVP right now.

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“It might be too late”

Bro its been out for like 5 days out of 95 I think you need to go out side and touch some grass.

Maybe they can help me weed. New house? New weeds. :.(

I think it’s fun. The scaling issues sucked, but they fixed those for the most part. I think it’s a neat way to do cosmetic grinding.

People are just being weird about it. Worrying about whether or not they’re caught up with frog farmers, as if it’s a race or something. That and saying that they bait and switched the way the cloak worked. Honestly, they should’ve made a forum post or announcement of some kind stating their design intent with that.

Only issues I have is a lot of the tinkers feel not very impactful, would’ve preferred more tinkers that gave us abilities from other classes as well. That and bronze cost for upgrading gear is way too high.


I’m not mad about the bait and switch, I just was leaning on the cloak being account wide to keep going tbh.

Also the cost to upgrade gear is strangely high. Cata is better.

You look like somebody who doesn’t even play this game lmao.

It shows that they can make, at the very least, SERVER-wide things function. For example, imagine not having to regear alts for raids. Completing certain milestones would create a baseline for your alts once you’ve earned the initial gear.

So if you played a Warrior, but your guild needed healers bad and you took it upon yourself to level one up. Your guild would not need to run you through old raids just to get you caught up. You just spent some gold at some NPC or something to buy a new type of Heirloom Raid gear (raidloom). This gear would take on stats equivalent to those at the last milestone, or the last raid boss you killed on your main. So you’d be set on raiding current content and wouldn’t be a burden on the guild.

But that’s just me coming up with possibilities. Who knows if Blizz will actually make use of this stuff or not.

Not to mention, in all caps, on all of our bnet app front page it says “OVERPOWERED” when we open it. People just arguing you to troll. The literal writing is literally on the wall (splash page lol).


Tbh I stopped caring about the end-game and I’m just focusing on what alts I want. Was thinking of making 1 of every class for the class sets (or at most 5 or 6 if I get bored eventually) and then use whatever bronze I get to buy the rest and I’m good to go. Can’t really be bothered about the mounts.

The fact they still nerf it is actually very telling.

  • So we have a limited time mode…
  • where we are supposed to get over powerful really fast.
  • We are supposed to be able to melt the content with our over powerdness
  • And it’s literally just a for fun thing before the next expansion comes?

And Blizz looked at all this and thought “ woah. Too fast buddy. We are gonna need you guys to slow down okay?”

It’s honestly stupid as all sin and it should make every player seriously question the goals of the devs with this whole game.


I’m having way more fun with this than Plunderstorm so… Gonna disagree for now.

Max level gameplay is broken af would be nice if they made raids harder than heroic dungeons. It’s really boring to just 1 shot every boss and not have a little challenge.

Uhm no…

The idea is to gather transmogs, it´s the PVE Event while Plunderstorm was PVP. Nobody cares about alts, you can level alts faster on retail anyways.

At the same time, you were supposed to build a hyper char, that can solo content so that you get even more transmogs.

If they wanted us to make alts, they would surely have added mechanics for alts, which they have not. Each char has to unlock trinkets, rings … each char has to unlock achievements… each char has to level up…

Nah, it´s all about the transmogs and power.

Yea this was huge. I cleared out all the quests over the weekend on the main character I was playing. When I saw that they were buffing the achievement rewards after I had already completed them. Playing the game the way it was intended. I’m locked out of those one time rewards now…

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The best thing about these events is the fact that I can completely ignore them without feeling bad about it.

Some people actually enjoy playing their main characters… zero interest in constantly making throwaway alts for random time-limited events.

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Here’s my completely wild theory. They moved some diablo devs over to the wow team. Ion didn’t want them so he just told them to make a diablo season. They used diablo 4 early scaling, added a seasonal mechanic that is full of bugs. Then put in a big grind to try and get Ion’s approval.

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Then why does the cloak cap at 100% exp for alts?

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It’s been 6 days…and some of us are “overpowered” or at least getting there. I’m just confused as to why people thought they would instantly be that way with no work.

At this point, I have more HP than retail and waaaaaaaay more secondary stats. And I didn’t even farm frogs. I just did the content that awarded the stuff I needed.

And they just made it even easier for everyone by making it simple to get around 1K threads (stats) per day for doing 3 queued activities once you reach level 70. And of course, that’s just the minimum because the thousands that were available each day before are still out there. So, if you can’t manage to make yourself OP now, that’s on you.

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