Sad to say... Remix sucks /sadface

I had hopes that Remix was going to be a fun little event where we basically become gods for a couple of months… get some recolors and move on…

sadly… a long list of “meh” has killed it. I’m happy that Blizz has at least acknowledged that max level gameplay is awful… and they “hear us” (as per twitter).

however, for a limited time event, it might be too late. we’ll see.





So far, they’re focused in the wrong direction as far as trying to ‘improve it’ goes. That direction is in nerfing grinding spots, and buffing limited/one-time rewards but not doing so retroactively, so that anyone who already got those rewards missed out.

Meanwhile instanced content still has buggy/broken mechanics, and the gear upgrade process is worse than in DF, and we’re being told by Blizzard themselves that we should make alts to farm achievements for more bronze instead of sticking to just one character.


The thing is you do become a god but you have to upgrade ur gear and know ur gems. I mean its not even week 2 yet and the kind of stuff im doing on my brew is ridiculous. Me and a bear did ~30% on dark animus through his enrage it was really cool lol.

Granted 100% of my bronze has gone into my gear.


After weeks of unfun grinding.


Brother the entire point of this was to level alts. Remember when people speculated that Timerunning could be similar to Timewalking?


It’s a 3 month long event, did you think you would be able to 100% everything in 4 days?


I do agree that it’s still “early” in the event’s life cycle. However, at no point has blizzard given any hope that issues can be resolved quickly.

hell, have they fixed the domination quest in Steppes? LOL… that’s been broken for what, 12 months+

at the same time, it seems they’ve also broken retail SOD. Many are reporting that the dragon/tower boss is no longer solo’able.

The worst part about this event is that you cannot play an alt without severly gimping ur main i dont like it at all. Cloak stats should be acct wide at 70. Same with bronze imo.


also this. the 100% alt xp bonus baseline is bad…


I won’t deny that ‘level alts’ is one draw to the event, because yeah, obviously part of the ‘shared’ cloak is an exp bonus.

However, another draw to the event was supposedly ‘endless growth’, which they’ve as of yet seemed to have pivoted away from, given how they keep trying to limit how quickly players are able to power up and are largely ignoring the content where that ‘endless growth’ can most be leveraged.

I thought I would get to level faster and be super OP.
Leveling was comparable to Retail leveling, slower if you factor in Timewalking buffs, and all the fun OP stuff is locked behind a weeks-long slog.
Meanwhile people who exploited get to go around and enjoy said OP fun with zero means of attaining anything close to their power level for anyone because they nerfed the only way to do it.

“Herpaderpa u just want everything insta” lmao
My position isn’t wanting everything instantly, it’s wanting to be OP in a game mode as it was advertised, where prog is meaningless and all the power will be gone once it’s over, never to ever affect the actual game in any form or fashion.

Alright, now that’s out of the way I expectantly await your armchair psychoanalysis.


So much more fun to ignore everything and log in to lvl up a bit and gain a few bronze. That’s my life. Taking a step back from the addiction was needed in my life and now seeing the best, positive life results for my family. Have fun all!


life is a limited time event, like Remix get what u can out of it

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I dont even wanna finish leveling my new hunter, Sagirá. Might as well wait until they buff Bronze acquisition like they did with Plunder.


You serious right now?
When they literally advertise you getting OP, having an “infinitely” scaling cloak, and being able to share that cloak’s stats to your new alts?
You sure you actually read anything about this event?


Well it was Pandera, there was nothing good about that expansion the first time.


Show us where it said that you would be op from the beginning. They are giving handouts and people still cry and complain about it.


The problem is you expected to be OP and 100% clear everything right from the start, and that was never how they told you it worked


A mountain of loot: Get powerful items from everywhere— quests, chests, creatures, bosses.

Customizable items allowing you to power up as far as you can go to take on tougher content.

Gee, sure sounds like off the rip power to me.

You are the one saying I want to 100% clear everything.
I am saying nothing more than I want to be OP and run around demolishing things with absurd power. In fact, even if I were OP as I wanted to be I wouldn’t be able to clear everything, because I would need to form groups for Mythic Siege, and I hate raiding.
You can stop putting words in my mouth any time, please.