Feral druid doing 10 MILLION DPS in MoP remix

They shouldn’t last 10s IMO. The point is deleting the raid solo.
It’d be even cooler if we could chain pull the WHOLE RAID to the end and AoE it down, bosses and all, but since boss have arenas/limitations, it won’t happen.

The best you could hope for, and it’s something I hope they would have added to this mode, was a M+ - like system with infinite progression as well, for everything, dungeons, raids, scenarios and even the world.

Too bad that isn’t going to be a thing.

Fighting Lei Shen on a ToT +120 would be something else all right.

No one cares. It’s irrelevant. Play whatever you want to get whatever rewards you want.

You can’t be taken seriously anyway.


Cat is 4 fight! :cat:

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Neither are you. Your text color doesn’t make you better than others. And Blizzard already said what this event is all about. Do I need to quote it all again?


I was doing heroic dungeon and the boss auto attacks did half the tanks life, and if he and his adds attacked at once our tank took 90%

At minimum if they don’t want to tune content scaling raid with a M+ system definitely would have been an option for sure, that could have been fun.

I don’t care about the text color and no where was it my argument.
You can quote it again it doesn’t change that they didn’t say they wouldn’t do balance.
It’s not because Plunderstorm was a “fun” event that they didn’t do balance.
Balancing can make the game more fun.
Why have different difficulties if bosses die in 15-30 secs and don’t do mechanics?


This is the way.

Yet here you are trying to dismiss me while trying to dictate what this event should be, disregarding the entire point as posted by Blizzard.

Has zero to do with Pandamonium.


We’re just gonna have to disagree.

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well i mean thats why its in ptr right? xD

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not seeing a problem. ill level a druid and speed run this to get enough bronze to buy everything i want and then ill be able to play other classes for fun. this would remove the fomo and have people playing for fun. this is 10yr old content not current, the majority of people are most likely doing this for the cosmetics and mounts like for blunderstorm only they wont have to waste time doing something they dont want to with this unlike blunderstorm

Disagree all you want, but don’t act like this is supposed to be a current retail season when the event is described as “uncapped progression.”

Don’t like the thought of mass murdering everything in seconds? Then play season 4 and let the rest of us enjoy why it was named Pandamonium in the first place.

It’s just that simple.


Yeah, but it was fun, and expected of doing heroic at like level 15ish :stuck_out_tongue:

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What is simple is I’m free to give my own opinion and feedback about it.
Arpgs often have nearly uncapped progression but the game is still balanced around it. It should feel way harder early on than it currently is and it should become easier over time. You shouldn’t just obliterate everything.

How crazy it is does seem to be bad when they put realm firsts back in for it. Means you lose on the character creation screen.

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They said the realm firsts were a bug and will be removed

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But you don’t get to try to smack me down, claiming I’m trying to decide what Pandamonium is, when I never did— Blizzard did.

I gave you factual information on what the event is supposed to be. I didn’t tell you not to have an opinion.


But he’s not smacking you down tho. In fact, you smacked him down because you think he’s on a high horse just because of his text

wat u talkin’ bout?

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Don’t get involved in conversations if you’re not going to read the entire thing.

He’s the one who came at me first claiming I’m trying to dictate what the event should be. Being CC didn’t come up until after he decided it was okay for him to try to dictate it but not me.


In all fairness, I’m all for the interesting borrowed power (8.3 was epic and so is this) but I can just go 1 shot all the panda raids now. It would be boring if they don’t reel it in.

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