Sad to say... Remix sucks /sadface

This :100:. Its a cool story that sounds dire… but its not happenng on any scale thats a problem. In fact , Ive seen more Super-Froggers who are enjoying giving the rides. They dont GAF if mopey joe is just mashing keys while he trembles with power-envy.

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what happens to the character we create? I figured he just faded away when it ended

It becomes a regular character on the server you created it on when the event ends.

you guys always imagine stuff that never happens i have never been kicked from a group because “power”

i should probably redo my guy then and do one i dont want to level ty

You might even say they’re super serial about it.

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I don’t want to have to spend the whole 3 months farming bronze. I want to get back to S4 in retail. Bronze needs to rain from the heavens.

Some folks entire self-worth is tied up in this game.

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I’m having a great time and look forward to logging in again.
No, I didn’t race to max; I goofed around looking for rares (because I remember where a bunch of them spawn) or doing the rep stuff. It’s fun to be OP but, with a three-month window I am in no hurry.

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Most people have, I don’t know what to say. Everytime I say I’m supposed to be overpowerd they say “Woah slow down did you think we would be overpowered in the gamemode mareketed as overpowered in the first few days, you better grind more hours than to get full BiS in Dragonflight to be powerful in an accelerated game mode. Why would we not grind in an accelerated game mode” I guess accelerated just doesn’t mean anything to these people

Its just so dramatic lmao

What quest was bugged? I completed all the necessary quests for the achievement there yesterday and every thing was fine for me.

I never wanted to become a god. That’s what ruined it for me. I wanted to relive Pandaria in all its glory. The remix has been a parody.

It’s amazing to me anyone would want to play this for more than a week honestly. Like yall know this content’s been in the game for like a decade right? :rofl:

Unironically you’ll have to wait for MoP Classic for that assuming they do it.
All its glory would include the classes as they were then, and stuff like Vale of Eternal Blossoms not being a trash-heap.


Unfortunately vale will be a trash heap still because blizzards classic implementation is lazy at best.
we will get last patch balance and content, meaning the vale will be destroyed by siege patch


Yeah, but at least it’ll be fine for a while and have Zidormi to turn back the clock to its rightful place.
Until they ruin it all over again and turn the zone once more into a heap of steaming BfA patch content forever.

Actually, that would have been super cool for this. I swapped horde during DF for the first time since I started playing in Vanilla.
I have been personally dreading leveling up a new druid/ shaman healer on my new server because I just am not really a fan of the models available for those classes. I didn’t even realize they were bringing out new race/class combos.

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I agree with the shaman and will say you look like you don’t play this game nearly as much as the person you attacked in the first place, I base that off that 7.7k achievement score next to your name.
Seeing as how you have a literal 3rd of the achievements of the post you replied to with your nonsense post, it seems to me like they have far more gametime and experience under their belt than you do at playing the game.(edited in case it seemed like I was going after the hunter, kind of merged the two posts into one in my mind for some reason)

I said it in another thread but the entire reason, in my opinion, that they nerfed the frogs was due to the fact that people might finish the content too quickly. Can’t have people finishing the decade old content too quickly, they might unsub and hurt the bottom line on sub numbers/quarterly earnings.