Running Stockades cross realm is a crime, but doing 2's arena is not

Cross Realm is when Classic starts to die. It’s not so much RDF, its Xrealm specifically… That said, leveling is improved so much by RDF it may be worth the downsides for dungeons up to max anyway.

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You mean you can still do this stuff in classic wrath? i.e ninja looting, being toxic and griefing and still get away with it because mega servers are a thing and you need to be the biggest scumbag possible to even be known by your server? I think I even told you that brother accidently roll need on a spellpower ring in Scholomance once in TBC classic in prepatch had no repercussions against him.

Also I can queue up for a battleground and I can troll an entire game and bring grief upon these unfortunate souls that happened to be teamed up with me and somehow I would not have repercussions against me so by your logic, you should advocate the removal of the ability to solo queue into a battleground aswell and the only the way you can enter a Battleground is to join or make a group since you care about the server community so much.

The individual choose to be toxic, this is not exclusive to one system, this applies to all facets of the game.

We have server discords where these things are talked about. Ninja looted something? Awful person? Dropping some gamer words? Screenshots posted on discord and any guild worth a damn will never invite said individual. I’ve even seen plenty kicked from guilds once reported to the community. Added to enough ignore lists? Groups become harder and harder to find over time. Again, hard concept for people lacking social skills.

Embarrassment # 9

Even if you get black listed, you can change your characters name, either by paying for it or you could delete your character, make a character with the same name, restore the previous deleted character with the same name and that restored character will be flagged for a name change and that is essentially your get out of jail free card without paying the money.

So in all reality is why should I have to worry about a blacklist when I could simply change my name freely?

You cant change your account name. Also, that stuff costs money. Going to continue to drop $10 every time you make people angry?

Also, it has a 30 day cooldown. Thus, not “freely”

Nice try though. Embarrassment #10.

I mean my characters name… not my account.

Another embarassment.

Exactly what I said?

Jebus you’re desperate.

Here’s one. You LFG people suck and I’d rather group with people who aren’t snowflakes who need special groups.
RDF is great for avoiding uptight, fun sucking players! :smiley_cat:

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i was there, i dont remember any such thing happening.

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does this guy even realize reddit threads and wow posts are not “proof” of anything other than someones opinion? no way to verify the one sided story being told.

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Yeah because you cant seem to understand… which is a classic among these Anti-LFDers.

Where is the social aspect of grouping? I list myself as a dps in this LFG and wait till I get invited or I just spam LFM [insert dungeon here] in LFG till the group is full.

Social interaction? Most of that stuff happens in guilds and if you want that deep social interaction and community than you should join or create a guild, Dungeons is not the place for that.

Fear of repercussions and accountability? I have said this, it barely matters in Classic, I have heard people get away with douchebaggery before and still somehow able to join a guild, do dungeons and raids etc. This stuff used to matter back in the day as servers had a capacity and communities were small and tight knit back than and if you ninja looted a spellpower ring as a warrior, you might aswell be running for the hills.

RDF enables toxicity? my “friend”, do you realize you are playing an online game? back in original Classic, TBC and Wrath (pre RDF), I was probably told that I was bad (to be fair I was bad), told to unalive myself, someone tell me they had intercourse with my mom and among other things. Its not the tools fault that makes the individual toxic, its the individual that choose to be toxic and this logic could apply to someone in your manually formed and cherry picked dungeon group, in your raid group, battlegrounds, arenas, anywhere in the game and even RDF groups. You want talk about what causes more toxicity? I would say damage meters and logs as so many people live and die (ingame) on those two things, you don’t do perfect dps? you are berated upon and a chance to get removed from the group, You do not have a perfect parse? you are berated and maybe gatekept.

Anyways, I’m done. There is nothing I can do other than rehash of the same points and keep arguing with you while you are tunnel visioned on the “fact” that RDF causes and enables toxicity, how it “removes” Social aspect of grouping and interaction and how it “removes” repercussions and accountability but you are letting that toxicity happen within your RDF group, Vote kick is there for you my man, call em out on the toxicity and you can ignore them since he/she will not be put into your next RDF group.

Its not the tool’s fault that causes the toxicity, its the individual (like you, me and anyone that plays this game) that choose to be Toxic.

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Even though that is wrong, thats STILL more socializing than hitting a button. You STILL have to interact with the person.

So, youre denying evidence that was put in front of you? This coming from someone who didnt even know servers had discords and discord communities? And is still refusing to acknowledge them even when shoved right in there face?

Got it

Yes, it you still haven’t provided anything to claim otherwise other than “because I said so” Even your “FFXIV has RDF and they’re amazing!” was shut completely down. Hence, the hissy fit.

Completely other topic. A topic, which by the way, had your side of the argument shut completely down there as well. Even had a youtube video with big streamers reacting to it.

Again, the only points you offered were “Because i said so”

Oh, and the one persons experience with a M+ that somehow is a counterpoint to the hundreds of other experiences people had with RDF…


I’m honestly starting to feel bad for you embarrassing you this much. That was, until you starting throwing hissy fits for being wrong.

Ahh so much tunnel vision on “RDF causes more toxicity!”, ignoring the fact that toxicity just happens anywhere and its just not RDF only and calling me embarrassing from that post, cant be bothered to waste my time who cant get to the point.

I have also posted this

Did you not read through these threads? the first three links are partaining Classic WoW and the toxicity they had and thats without RDF.

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I did, and I replied accordingly. You ignored it

I’ll post it again!

So you proved M+ also is toxic. Great! You went through all that work…however…
you did not disprove RDF was not toxic… You simply tried to strawman the conversation in hopes that showing evidence of something completely unrelated would make you right.

This is like linking a medical study on Tylenol to prove illegal street drugs are actually not bad for you…LOL

Embarrassment # 7

Need more proof what a system that removes a person and throws them into a pool of anomaly does to encourage toxicity? Lets go even further.

Looking for raid.

Getting toxic people in RDF does certainly suck but getting toxic people doesn’t make the system bad and I have said multiple times, the person CHOOSE to be toxic.

By your logic you should advocate the removal of solo queuing in Battlegrounds and to enter you need to have a group formed since Battlegrounds is a literal toxic cesspool.

And I’ve stated a think, 10? times now, a person can choose to be toxic much easier when the system encourages it. RDF encourages it by design.

LFG, people think twice.

You have no argument here.

My point and arguement still stands.

The person CHOOSE to be toxic, the system didn’t made them toxic, its the person that WANTED to be toxic.

Getting those types of people in your RDF does suck but it doesn’t mean that RDF is bad and should not be in the game just because you had bad apples.

Toxicity happens anywhere and its not just RDF here.

Good day and I’m actually done.

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Strawman again.

System encourages toxicity. They dont think twice because whats the worst that can happen?

LFG? They think twice.

You have no argument here because there is none.

Now have a good day. I’ll say hello to your “wholesome” FFXIV community…LOL

how do you get that far off from truth and actually try and pass it off as fact. the system that PROMOTES and encourages toxicity and gatekeeping is LFG. but you sit in your raid logging 80 trying to say whats good for the game and whats not?
Just proves youre an elitist tryhard epeen flexing tool.

And how does being able to choose who you group with gatekeep?

Oh, I get it…youre upset people who put in time and effort wont carry you.

It all makes sense now.