Running Stockades cross realm is a crime, but doing 2's arena is not

Like, it’s cool to only “make social connection” with 1 person and beat the entirety of PvP gameplay in WoW, along with remote queues for BGs, and even same faction PvP, but it is portrayed as a sin to run low level dungeons cross realm.

1-70 is a single player game. I got multiple toons in varies level brackets and I’m yet to run into a single person in the open world.


I don’t think you know what a crime is. A crime is when you do something you are not supposed to do as defined in a legal framework.

You won’t face civil or criminal punishments for running stockades.


It’s a crime in eyes of the loud minority who want classic to be as inconvenient as possible for their own gain.



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anti-RDF people know RDF is a boon and makes progressing your character easier. It’s just not needed as the character progression is already easy.

What if they just put all of the gear from heroics on a vendor and removed the badge cost of items. That way the only reason to even run a dungeon is because you enjoy that content. The amount of dungeon runs would go to almost zero. It would make even easier to progress your character too.

No one runs dungeons because their fun, they run dungeons to progress the character.

wrong, my guild enjoys dungeons, as well as questing, some raiding even. the level progression of characters is only easy to the no lifers with 15 hours a day to spend leveling. for the normal player the quest grind is intolerable and want dungeon finder to break up the questing a bit.
Not all of us have tons of hours a day to play or want to rush to 80. alot of folks want to just experience the game… the whole game. and rdf facilitates that. you approach the subject like someone thats been drinking the ridiculous anti rdf koolaid. i have yet to see one valid factual reason that rdf is bad for the game. all i see is the same bs rhetoric from hardcore tryhards.


If this is true for anyone, they shouldn’t play the game at all, for their own sake. It’s not like quest grind is over by the time you hit 80.

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I have yet to see one valid factual reason that rdf is good for the game. All I see are people saying it will let them run more dungeons, but dont give a reason why running more dungeons is a good thing. “I WANT to run more dungeons” is basically the only reason.

with rdf the following things happen for me and my guild:

1.) it allows us to help our limited time guildies get on, run a dungeon, and log off in short order so they dont anger their wife. this is a good thing.

2.) it allows my guild to put together lowere level runs with just 3 or for members, que in to get empty slots pugged and be running within minutes. this is a good thing that LFG tool has failed to provide.

3.) it allows me as a player, when my guild isnt running anything in particular, to grab my tank or healer or dps im working on and que up to get a run in, usually after that character has gone to collect up the dungeon quest in the world that arent in the dungeon already. this is a good thing.

4.) when i have some down time and still want to play, i can hop on, grab my tank and que in solo to help other faction members outside of my guild get runs. another thing that the Current LFG tool has failed me with. so with rdf, this is a good thing.

5.) rdf has the ability to votekick so im not subject to one persons will and no one is subject to jsut mine and those powers are limited in use so a group cant just que up to kick people out.

6.) rdf generally provides players with a better starting attitude since they didnt just spend an hour of their time sitting in town waiting on a group. it generally leads to more talk at the end of the run, and even has ended in guild and friend invites being sent. something LFG tool has failed me on but RDF gave me in spades back in the day. this is a good thing.

7.) i can que into rdf to run dungeons like ragefire chasm, deep in the heart of ogrimmar, while hunting the dungeon achievements without having to spend 3 hours running, rezing, corpse run, respawn, running, rezzing, corpse spawn, respawning trying to reach it.

8.) rdf allows me to quest/farm/fish/craft/work the AH while waiting on que pop without having to monitor the tool or a chat channel, then teleports me to run. when finished puts me right back where i started. this is a good thing.

if you would like me to continue i have several more good reasons that LFG does nothing to provide for. but im hoping you get the gist.


I see all these points and they certainly are more convenient; however, they dont explain how they are good for the game. Just that they let you do more dungeons than you normally would do.

No one is arguing that RDF isnt convenient.

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try reading them again… you say the are convenience, i say convenience = quality of life in game, and quality of life in game = happy players. happy players = recurring subs. recurring subs = game longevity. seems to me that what you say is convenience ends up being great for the game.


it ends up being great for you because thats what you want.

What I want to do is raid with my guild and hang out twice a week with them. It would be great for me if I could just create any character at level 80 and have a vendor who gave away dungeon loot, enchants, gems, food, and flasks for free so all I had to do was raid. That would make me very happy. Not having to worry about gold or preparing for raids at all. That would be super convenient for me and make me happy.


It would be even more convenient to have an NPC in dalaran giving you a daily random roll of dungeon loot so you wouldn’t have to run dungeons in the first place. This even saves time for your guildies who have to hide from their wives just to play the game.

You can give them a million vaild reasons why RDF would be good for the game but they will never concede the point.


but rdf would in no way affect your ability to raid with your guild.

and those things you want arent QOL tools. they are give aways. im sure if you go private you could find a server that did that. your making a false comparison between QOL and you being given free stuff. nothing to compare there.


and yet i feel the need to treat them with enough respect to actually try and answer their requests for valid reasons. maybe, just maybe one or two of them will see it and get the point.

i get why pvpers on pvp servers dont want rdf and i respect those anti rdf that are honest about that.

but we dont change minds by being insulting or not trying.

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Don’t get me wrong, I dont care if they add RDF, but dont act like there arent trade offs to adding it to the game. You just dont care about the trade offs so it only looks positive.

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They dont want you levelling alts on wotlk. They want you levelling on Dragonflight


Again you confuse content and features. You do content for items, RDF never gave you loot. RDF never changed the content. Why all the disingenuous comparisons?


i NEVER once said there werent trade offs. i have had conversations with some very respectful and honest anti rdf’ers and i respect their position but the trade offs you speak of are mainly pvp related. and the social experience reasons are just purse fiction