Blizzard has made mythic+ dungeons far more toxic

I have played wow since Vanilla. Wait! Don’t go. I know a lot of dumb posts start out that way, and I hope this isn’t one of them, but after reading, you can decide for yourself. Anyway, I took a break once or twice but always came back because I love the game (some xpacs more than others). My primary interests are raiding and running mythic plus dungeons. Toxicity has always been a problem to one degree or another in this game (as it is in pretty much any mmo) and has been discussed ad nauseum already, but after having some truly disheartening experiences in mythic plus during Shadowlands (an xpac which I rank among the best despite the many, many glitches and lack of polish), I felt the need to chime in here about what I see as a fundamental mistake that Blizz made with respect to mythic plusses - the lack of loot.

My problem with the downgrade in loot from mythic plusses isn’t what you probably think it is - it isn’t what most people’s problem with it is (which is that… well, we get less loot). I can understand why blizz made the decision to have raids and mythic plusses drop less loot than they did in BfA, and I don’t have a beef with it in principle, although I do feel they came down on it far too hard between having dungeons/raids drop far fewer items and getting rid of bonus rolls. My problem with it, however, has less to do with the quantity of loot directly and way more to do with the indirect consequences - namely, toxicity in the community.

The dearth of loot in mythic plusses has made many people who participate in them far, far more toxic than I’ve seen before. Not only are people way more likely to drop group if they think the dungeon won’t be timed, they are also way more likely to act like complete jerks if they think a mistake has been made. I’ve been on the business end of this, both when I made mistakes and when people wrongly believed I made mistakes, and I’ve seen people treat others really poorly for the same reasons.

I’ve loved the mythic plus system ever since it was first introduced. I really enjoy the new Shadowlands dungeons themselves and was looking forward to running tons of keys during this xpac, but I am now considering hanging up my mythic plus hat altogether because I just don’t enjoy playing with a**holes. I’ve seen it in pugs, and I’ve seen it in tight-nit communities with people who six months ago would not have behaved this way - even just reading people in various communities in-game rage and complain about whatever group they just ran with because they didn’t time it or whatever - groups that I wasn’t even a part of.

I’m just tired of it. I hope Blizz dials back their loot-limiting decision, not simply so we get more loot, but after looking at how it’s affected the interactions of the player base. You guys are welcome to chime in/disagree/whatever here. I may or may not even check back with this thread. I mostly just wanted to post it to write about my experience but have no desire to get into an argument with anyone who disagrees.


M+ was a mistake. Repeatable content that gives raid level rewards with no weekly loot lockout was probably the dumbest system they ever introduced into the game.

The entire notion of spamming the same dungeons over and over and over again for years chasing the same loot is just flat out a boring system.

Edit: M+ was a toxic system from the get go.


M+ actually is the only new successful system to WoW the last half decade. BlizZard turning their backs on their only true innovation the last half decade is very telling!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


M+ put way too much focus on 5 man content as an endgame. You think the most successful system in the last decade was to basically over shadow all the other aspects of the endgame?

M+ was only popular because of the rewards and you only need 5 people. It was basically the path of least resistance to get raid level gear.


Yeah plaguefall sure does have alot of toxicity in it! I’m hoping blizzard will make a dungeon more suited to players who can’t handle toxicity like, candyfall. Where everyones trying to get margrave bubblegums secret candy stash.


The problem with M+ was the loot distribution. It was too good before and now it seems the loot is too poor for those that participate and love doing M+. BlizZard needs to find the sweet spot IMVHO!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It is also far more engaging and entertaining than raid content.

M+ = 20-30 minutes of constant action

Raid = 8 minute boss wipe followed by 10 minutes to talk about it and reset.


Nah, they want players to raid to get their gear again. Makes sense since they spend a lot of development time on that content. Legion and BFA killed raid participation from my point of view.

The game you are looking for is Diablo or Path of Exile. Trying to shoehorn Greater Rifts into WoW was a mistake.


Raid loot isn’t that great this expansion either so your hypothesis is close but doesn’t hold up.

But PVP gearing is vastly improved because it tackles the problem far more better. A combination of pushing for higher loot while having deterministic rewards at a base level.

Basically PVE needs badges and vendors to return to keep M+ and raiding in line IMVHO!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Raiding still has more of chance of getting an upgrade.

You can’t give people fully set lunch daily, and then switch back to sandwiches. It’s a developement degeneration.

Mythic+ success has shown it’s superior to raids as content people get into, just look at numbers on any site that tracks progress, how many more people run m+ than raid.

And these decisions only throw people off mythic+.
It too is my main content, and after getting the +15 mount, I see no point in it anymore since gearing an alt would take weeks.

They did very much shoot themselves in the foot with this.


But there is no reasonable floor right now for PVE and that is problematic.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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How so?

If you only raid and kill 1 level of difficulty/10 bosses, your chances for loot are pretty much 1 item from the raid and 1 from a boss.

M+ is repeatable and has a higher loot drop rate per timed dungeon than any raid boss. Also, the M+ weekly great vault offers higher ilvl rewards than heroic raid gear.

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The problem wasn’t just reducing the amount of loot but also the overall quality of loot.

10’s only give item level 203, 12’s 207. It’s a complete Joke. You can get 213 gear easier in pvp. It’s also creating a bottleneck. People aren’t interested in 10-12’s as long as they used to be. So unless you are able to push your keys to 14-15. You’re pretty much stuck in limbo. And nobody is going to invite you to their higher keys unless you’re a boomkin, firemage, dh tank, resto shaman, or resto druid. Those classes pretty much get auto invites if they have a good gear score and io rating. Everyone else gets the short end of the stick.


To be honest, I don’t like Mythic+, but I still see it as the easiest way to gear for me since an 8 gives you a weekly 216 (somehow lol), so I’ll probably keep doing one or four per week. I’m not good at PvP and heroic raid only gives 213 or 220 if you get lucky.


yeah i agree man m+ was toxic in the past but atleast ppl would finish the key becouse there was a nice chance of loot in the box at the end of the run, and even if the base ilvl wasnt an upgrade it could titanforge, so ppl stayed, now most ppl doing 12+keys and higher dont really need anything from the place just doing it for IO so they dont really care about finishing the key blizz took the carrot off the stick without a replacement


Not everyone enjoys putting together a large raid team and banging there heads against the wall fighting the same boss over and over again trying to progress either. Was nothing wrong with M+ it just gave players a choice.

I agree with OP if you don’t think the key will be timed alot of people will just rage quit screwing the whole group over. I normally don’t do that but I did leave a key once where we were well past the point of timing the key and still had 2 bosses to go. Had a on par tank trying to carry a healer and neither of them had a clue. AFter over 30 wipes I just politely said enough was enough and left. To be fair even if loot hadn’t been nerfed that run was probably a lost cause.


Honestly I would have liked more Kara like 5 man dungeons that were hard as dogs balls and would take hours to complete


i agree man raiding bores me to death, made even worse with the crappy drop chances of getting something now in shadowlands, m+ offers more engaging content, it boggles my mind why is blizz trying to ruin one of their best systems

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M+s endless loot farming was problematic due to TFing and corruption.

Since those things no longer exist, the nerfs weren’t really necessary. The dungeons also feel much harder than previous ones as well.