Runed Crests; how many did you get?

But why 2? And they wouldn’t be infinitely farmable because you can only get 4 keys a week.

(Plus the shards but I haven’t looked that much into that side. Add maybe 2 keys if you also do world quests.)

Exactly this. 2 is insulting. Lock them out for the week entirely if that was the intention.

I got 77 from progging half the heroic raid and delves.

Because there are multiple pillars of content to do and locking yourself into one while being incredibly stubborn about player power is silly.

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You can definitely get more than 4 keys a week. There are other sources for fragments like world quests and world souls.

Why 2? You probably weren’t supposed to get 2 this week at all but what are they gonna do, take em away?

You realize that delves were heavily advertised as an alternative form of progression, right?

I’ve proven that 2 Crests per week should not be considered progression, and you’re defending it.

Well, they were, but not for the reasons op is including them.

It’s definitely a bug but which is it. They should have gotten more or none. There’s still a hard limit to the number of keys, not like m+.

I don’t think it’s anything to panic over.

When delves 8-11 start dropping rune crests from each one on Tuesday then this whole thread was just being dramatic.

They were advertised as a late game content pillar. They are. Mythic+ is an alternative form of progression too, but you can’t get capped out of m+ either because they don’t drop myth tier items.

I think you just want an even lazier path of least resistance.

Okay and the keys already used? There’s a cap on keys.

Runed crests come from heroic and +7? Right?

Not online atm but i think i had 40. Unless im thinking of the wrong crest.

You can upgrade the gear you get from m+ by doing m+. You can only upgrade one item, once, 3ilvls, every 7.5 weeks at this rate.

You have 77 Crests from doing small amounts of content, I’ve done 25 Bountiful keys, and have 2. You’re defending that.

Because Delves are kind of super easy casual content, sure. I am.

I don’t think there is any world where Blizzard intended 2 individual crests per week as the maximum obtainable from Delves. It should either be 0, or a somewhat higher cap.

This. 2 is insulting.

I was getting them over the weekend while doing normal 8 delves. I’ll watch again tonight to see if I am still getting them.

If you don’t get more, please report it.

I’ve gotten 1 and have done many, many tier 8 delves. I did write a ticket about this issue and a GM informed me that there are many bug reports related to this, so I think this is a bug. Now as for whether or not there is a weekly cap, not sure on that. Also not sure if when fixed they’ll continue to drop Runed Crests or not. My things is at the very least they could drop lower tiered crests if they think people are gearing too fast. IMO 8+ should award Runed… but at the very least give us Carved.

Runed crest acquisition

Heroic raid
M+ 4-8
Delves 8-11

They are currently not dropping from delves as expected (this week)

No communication leads me to speculate that they will not drop crests until next week.

Continuing to use keys this week and expecting different results is probably a bad idea.

Except they were for some, then inexplicably got capped at 2 for others.

You don’t think 2 is a really bizarre cap to go with?