Runed Crests; how many did you get?

Seems as though these are completely random. Some of us have seemingly been capped at 2 Runed Crests for the week, and that’s wild.

Let’s take a look at what 2 Runed Crests per week would mean:

If this stays the way it currently is, the only upgrade path is 616 gear from the Great Vault.

Why is this bad? Well, upgrading from 616-619 requires 15 Runed Crests.

So in it’s current iteration, you would be better off waiting until every single slot of yours is 616 from the Great Vault before upgrading them each once.

So how long would that take?

Well, if you had perfect luck on the drops from the Great Vault, that would be 16 weeks, or January 6, 2025.

But that’s okay, because by January 6, 2025, you will only have enough Runed Crests to upgrade two of those items to 619.

So when would you be able to upgrade all 15-16 items (depending on 2-hander)?

Tuesday, November 17, 2026(not 2025) for 15 items, or Monday, January 11, 2027(not 2025, not 2026, but 2027).

Where is the upgrade path? Isn’t this supposed to be a form of progression?

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I assume you’re talking about delves, and it’s pretty clear that delve progression ceases at the 3rd crest type. Which you get from doing 8s.

The only gilded you will get from delves, is the3 that seems to be given on the first 8+ bountiful you do. Maybe it’s weekly, but I kind of assume it was some sort of oversight that they gave any at all.

If you do 8s and higher, you’ll get 2 runed per run. Not great, and probably not as fast as doing 4-8s in mythic plus. But definitely “easier”.


I have done 25 keys and every Bountiful, please don’t try to tell me what I am experiencing.

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Got 12 because we killed one heroic boss (10) and got 2 from something (probably one of my boutiful delves)

Considering how fast many mains got to 600+ this past week, calm down.

Youll get plenty in time


Whoosh. Plenty in time? For what, two expansions from now?

You realize delves were touted as alternative progression that was standalone, yeah?


Delves were NOT meant to be a substitution for 5 man and raid content. Be glad you are getting 603s from bountiful chests and 616s in your vault tommorow


You sound like the typical elitist that is completely ignoring the entire advertising campaign around delves.


Which ones are the runed? I have 88 of the lowest version right now. 26 of the next version (need 19 more to craft my weapon next week) and 6 of the highest version available in delves. Not sure where exactly they drop to be honest

I’m not sure where all of this hostility is coming from. But no one ever claimed that Delves were an equal gearing path. Just that the Vault could get you a Heroic piece.

Open world is always a rung lower than high end game content.


Nobody asked for equality in gear. I am saying the current rate of Runed Crests is absurd.

Don’t tell me what I’m saying.

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Technically they are, but they will never allow it to impede M+ or Heroic raids. Normal at best. Personally, im fine with that too

Which loses all incentive when there is no upgrade path. Once you have 616, you can’t upgrade that gear if you only play delves.

The ones used to progress to 619 crafted. Probably upgrades items to around the same ilvl.

OP seems to either be experiencing a different reality where 8+ doesn’t drop runed crests, or is angry they don’t drop gilded. Hard to tell.

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Or you are having a hard time realizing that there are several people also reporting being capped at 2.


All of that sounds very much like you’re looking for an equal progression path. And this isn’t it.

It’s part of world content. So… no. It really isn’t.

That’s what I’m saying. It’s going to not be quite as good and will be slower.

Then post it in Bug Reports.

We have, champ.

Then I’m not sure why you’re getting hostile at GD.

We’re on day 6 of the season and you’re whining about not getting runed crests, which are more easily farmed from keys and heroic raids. Do harder content.


So because I asked for a form of progression to work for, that means I want mythic raid gear, right?

How is allowing us to upgrade to 619 over time going to break the game, or asking for loot parity?

I got 2 from a delve and no more. Had to get the rest from heroic and spending the carved crests i no longer need.

Raid and M+ can go up in difficulty to get crests to upgrade the gear, so idk why delves can’t. You have to dip into M+ or Heroic to get the crests to continue to upgrade your gear. That could be the entire point though, trying to get delvers to branch out into other content to fully upgrade.