Rumors of Era’s Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

I would be on Grobb if the raid started an hour or so earlier, ending at 1 or 2 a.m. EST made it impossible for me.


For what ever it’s worth, you wouldn’t be the first player who had to leave an hour early because they were on Eastern time. Legacy is wonderfully chill.

I understand where you’re coming from though. I get sleepy between 10 and 11 my local time. I’d have a hard time making the raids at all if I was on Eastern time :frowning:


My warlock will forever be at the top of my char list <3

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I wasnt in the run last night. I’ve been without net since the hurricane hit texas last week.

But yes they added chronoboons due to griefing and raid logging behaviors making it easier to raid. But look at that same behavior on SoD currently. They havent said anything as far as a fix with PvP servers if you’re aware of the issue with them right now.

Point is, there are people who will be ok with changes like a guild bank or instant mail and others who will crucify you for asking for a bug fix.

They opened the door with fixes and chronoboon and not using old vanilla models. But people are hypocritical about certain changes being made and make a big stink about it when Era has been changed so much right from the start.


I’ve still got our gnomes working on a secret time warping project. One day we’ll bend the fabric of time itself, perhaps with the help of our bronze dragon partners, and connect the zones from West Coast Kalimdor to the East shores of Eastern Kingdoms.

Until then…

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I dunno if you’re in Legacy or not, but the person who normally calls out heals on Loatheb had some disconnect issues right at the start of the pull. We kind of half started to get it sorted but the wheels were turning slowly and we all failed miserably and spectacularly in chaotic disaster. Personally I think it was hilarious and as much as it sucked to have to lose all our WBs that way, thinking back on it still makes me smile. I think if everything went perfectly smoothly all the time I would get very bored with the game. Much hilarity ensues in Legacy raids, I love it!

Sorry to hear you’ve been impacted by the hurricane that much though! I can go without WoW for periods of time but dang, limited internet is sad times!

I’m only peripherally aware of what’s happening in SoD but I know it’s the usual division between people being griefed and the ol’ “PvP on a PvP server? lulz”. I wouldn’t use Blizzard’s lack of action there as something that weights an argument though, in general I have trouble understanding their motivations on a lot of things.

All I was getting at with the above though is that while absolutely, the door has been opened with changes, most of the changes have at least made sense and have solved a tangible problem that the Era playerbase was experiencing. These recent ones do not fit into that category and so if you’re a person who is very much invested in Era being a faithful recreation of Vanilla, I can understand how you would be upset at a bunch of changes being introduced for seemingly no reason.

I’m already apprehensive about what’s happened here and I don’t strongly align with that expectation. So I don’t think it’s entirely hypocritical and I don’t think it’s black and white (hate all changes or hate no changes) either. If nothing else, I’m just trying to offer some understanding…

Speaking of which, I’d offer the same to Blizzard if they give us an opportunity to do so, but they very infrequently do that. Like, do you remember the post they made about their design pillars for WoW Classic going into WotLK? I loved that post. I didn’t agree with everything in it but I appreciated knowing where they were coming from and I could at least understand their intentions.

So for this, three years ago they said their intentions for Classic Era and now they’re doing different things and a lot of folks are like, “wut!?”

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Alright friends, the changes have been reversed! Classic Era is back to its rightful state, less-changed. However, Legacy still needs your help! More than ever since we can’t rely on our shiny new buff as a crutch.


Dang guess some of us nice lil horde players you don’t want to see bolster the enemy need to come drop an itty bitty rend or 2? :wink:

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Attention Citizens of Azeroth.

Legacy possesses a rare, vintage Might of Stormwind buff. Our heroic Paladin, Amarict, has preserved this buff inside of a time worn vessel. You may smell it should you be brave enough to join us for raids Monday’s and Friday’s between 7 and 10pm pacific.

We will age this buff for as long as Amarict can resist using its now useless properties!


Those arent the features that make Era and classic wow the memorable experience it is. Its the aspect of community that the game encourages, and those have done nothing to affect that.

The same cannot be said for the changes SoD.

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Whiles 100% true, we must push back against any of this SoD contamination and push forward to have 1.13 Returned too us.


Bring back MoS to ERA! It is the best QoL change we have seen in 5 years of ERA WoW!

Go play SoD so you can have all your QoL changes.


For a short time, MoS allowed those who enjoy parsing at high levels the added benefit of being able to play the game and spend time doing things like farming, dungeoning, and more raiding! Bring it back, Blizzard!

cheeky Jarl

Also could yall argue in a non-guild recruitment topic? THX

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It’s okay, I’ve purposefully sensationalized this in order to attract attention and their debate keeps bumping it for me :slight_smile:


So you admit to trolling? Hmm, interesting idea!

I am in no way trolling sir. I made a topic to recruit people to a guild, centered around the flavor of the month topic (changes in Era). I have only engaged in genuine debate around the topic to that point. My view point is valid, as is yours. No trolling here.

Mind you this topic was created before they reverted MoS and was telling players we’ll be fine with the changes, even though my personal view point is #NoChanges


It’s great you liked and found the post I originally made when they produced a patch that broke ERA in a few ways.

More proof to show that I really love the essence of ERA and don’t find that MoS would change anything, based on the fact that the same effects can be received in the current iteration we play!

Thanks for the reminder about that old post. Was a good one!

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It was nice to learn that you could understand that changing the way that the game has been for 20 years would leave people justifiably upset.

If we’re gonna change things, let me buy world buffs from a vendor like they have in China. At least I can selfishly benefit from that one!!

I’m trolling here, if that is not clear.