RSV In Shadowlands

They will never accept that it’s over because they are holding on to those happy moments that they had playing RSV and have hope that they can relive those moments. You can not just kill hope no matter the reality that you’re in. Even if there is no chance of RSV returning they will not accept the situation cause that to them is giving up on hope.

The fights already over until Blizzard comes out and makes a open statement that they are bring back RSV. Instead of fighting why not just give them their moment to remember, and continue with your own conversation. That moment you turn the attention to them you are just going to be stuck in a endless argument.

It just like Doctor Strange, you will tell them it dead, and over and they will tell you it was better when it was range. You tell them to get over it, and they tell you no RSV was better. You tell them to it time to move on, and they through facts why RSV was better.

This is how it will always end as neither side will ever just except the others’ view.

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While I agree on this, Im about ready to challenge Bepples to a WoW boxing match lol. All jokes aside Everyone does need to just move on already. Its childish.

First step is not to challenge them just let them vent, and and knowledge that was unfortunate that they lost something they loved. That what I think they want to really hear.

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Bepples, Im here for you buddy

The problem with this is that those two go into pretty much any thread discussing SV and it turns into the same thread for the past 6 years. You can’t have a conversation about SV without them going into it and re-posting the same drivel.


This is why I keep telling them to go touch grass and move on already. No matter how you spin it, use post from other people or whatever, unless you have actually tried the spec or even know how it works you shouldn’t try and make points on it. I mean I dislike Paladins but never talk about class design for them as I know nothing about it and would be stupid to even try too no matter what random quote I found online about it.

  1. Play it or shut up.
  2. Don’t play it and move on.
    No matter what blizzard does there will forever be a spec from any class that is the least played. That doesn’t mean its bad by any means. Players always blame blizzard for the issues with the game but imo most of the issues comes from the players themselves. Never in any game fandom I have ever seen has had such toxic player base who will attempt to Twitter cancel you because they don’t like what you have said or enjoy playing. It is stupid and childish. But the worst part in all of it is they don’t realize they themselves are the problem. Survival got changed. So has many class specs over the years. NONE of them are remotely similar to what they once were. Complaining about Survival being melee now is about as stupid as complaining about hunters using focus instead of mana which is how they operated for almost like what, 7 years before 4.0.1? Bepples and random hunter alt whos name I dont care to remember, enough already man. Its old and tiresome and just stupid at this point. Were in Shadowlands now. Its over.

Then just let them have their say and no answer back. As soon as you reply back you are already caught. There is nothing you can tell them they will not have a retort to back them up, and trolling them is just going to give them more fuel.

They made it clear they are not interested in Hunters cause they wanted to play a melee class. You can give someone an opportunity but not force them to take it. They know RSV and that what they want to focus on.

It never going to be over until they RSV returns in some way that they are satisfied with, or they just simply move on. Arguments have not changed anyone’s mind does matter you are happy with MSV or angry RSV is gone.

If you want to stand above the bickering then stay out of it and just be happy if your on MSV, and if your on RSV side it sucks that RSV is gone; however, it was not players who made this change it falls all on Blizzard. Blizzard made this change not for everyone only for those who would take the chance at change.

You mean the one you posted initially in this topic? All you did was ignore a large part of the core MM abilities and interactions.

Essentially, you kept spamming Arcane Shot, and sometimes Steady Shot, and you hit Explosive Shot once every 30 sec. You hit Serpent Sting every now and then as well.

Apart from that, you threw your class-wide traps on CD.

I hate to break it to you but, if your argument of “MM is RSV” is relying on how you ignore signature abilities and effects of MM in order to incorrectly spam other abilities, that’s not in any way the same as what RSV was all about.

In short, either you’re once again just trolling, or you actually have no idea what you’re talking about. Which in that case is ironic, considering your argument that one should not talk about what they don’t know.

That last bit was already ironic to begin with due to how your argument of “in-depth knowledge of how a spec is played is a requirement”, is irrelevant to what the person you replied to was saying anyway, specifically, WHY they’re saying things.

I assume you said the same thing to all those who kept on posting about wanting Classic WoW, those who kept doing so for over a decade?


pretty much what it was.

its really not. Its like saying you know better than a mechanic on fixing cars because you seen someone’s quick YouTube tutorial

I did actually. I wasn’t a fan of classic coming out as all it did was split the community between two games from different eras. I played it just to see all the old “pros” talk about how difficult MC was back in the day which it wasn’t. none of the content was difficult. But you would believe it was since you just heard random people posting about it on the WoW forums. Sound familiar? :slight_smile:


But the thing is that Survival for the most part has always been a melee-spec. It’s been like that since Vanilla.

Please, pick one and stick to it…

Once again you managed to completely miss the point. To be as clear as possible, when someone says that they have no interest in playing a spec as long as it remains a melee-spec, that’s not something that requires them to have in-depth knowledge of how the spec actually plays in order to figure out.


So, your argument was that you didn’t want to split the community, even though the part of the community that wanted Vanilla back, for the most part heavily dislikes the current game and by large, rarely plays it, if at all? :thinking:

What use is it to keep fans of Vanilla tethered to retail when they have little to no interest in playing it? And in many cases, don’t.

One one hand, you argue that if people don’t like something, they should just accept it and move on, or quit. But on the other, you say that you don’t want them to move on(to something else).

I’m sorry, was this a legit question or? Feel free to elaborate.


How are you guys still going lol

Ranged Survival isnt coming back. You literally have 2 other specs or plenty of other classes/games to choose from.

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See below:


yes, you did. You cant preach about anything in life if you have no idea how it works or have any experience with it. I have no idea why you cant figure this out.

so pretty much classic then. Once people finished the raids it died off quicker then retail ever did. People thought they had an idea of what the game was or overly exaggerated the difficulty. Once everyone realized it was all bs it sank like a stone. Classic was fun for a minute but after playing it realizing you just wasted all that time playing something you already experienced or was pretty much lied too and terms of difficulty. Hell the players even ruined the experience by trying to treat the raids like it was mythic. Apes guild cleared MC in greens and under leveled but most guilds wanted you to have BIS gear for what? It was a colossal waste of time which is why Its dead now. If you have a problem with anything, quit or grow up and get over it. They removed tree form from my druid and I still played it. I didnt complain on the forums for random people. I have brought up my disipointment but thats it. I dont argue with people about it because who honestly cares? I got over it quickly and continued to play resto for years till I finally retired my druid.

If you cannot figure this out for yourself, its obviously you are just brain dead or trolling. It isnt difficult to understand.

No they want them all to be the same even though MM is just RSV infused. Its never going to die as long as some people cant figure out to adapt and move on. Like I said she doesnt love them anymore.

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I can ask you the same, you’re still arguing about in-depth knowledge on a matter where having such, is not an actual requirement. If you still think that it is, you clearly haven’t understood what this is all about.

The problem isn’t that people don’t understand the intricacies of current SV. The problem is that people(most hunters) do not enjoy the fundamental design of the spec as it is right now, and has been since Legion. The problem is that they intentionally designed current SV to play in a way which most players of the class had no interest in. Which, objectively, is why it was a bad decision to do so.

If they had implemented the playstyle of current SV as a new addition rather than a replacement to an existing one, there wouldn’t have been an issue. The fact that you don’t care about the ranged aspects of the class and why other players might enjoy their variations, does in no way make what you say any more true.

The video you attached to your OP in this topic makes this even more apparent that all your arguments are based solely on your bias, no matter whether it reflects well what can be seen in-game -currently or in the past- or not.

No I understand, you’re once again just trolling.

Metroid’s basis for the argument of “MM is just RSV”:

Post a video where he fights a target dummy, ignoring several of the signature abilities and effects of MM, while mostly spamming class-wide abilities = the specs are the same somehow.


Melee brains have 12 other specs in the game to enjoy including every single DPS spec added to the game post-launch.

They did not need or deserve a Hunter spec nor do Hunters derive any value from a spec that lacks the biggest selling point of a Hunter which is why 95% of the class sticks to BM and MM.

This still isn’t proving any of our arguments wrong, by the way.

According to your own video MM and SV were appreciably different which is why you stuck to ranged SV.


No I do, Originally this all happened because I liked the spec and that set you and bepples off because you didnt agree with that. Me enjoying it mutated into this entire ordeal.

apparently they just been complaining without actually trying it out which is my argument. IMHO current survival is an updated and perfected version of what it was in classic. Its both melee and ranged.

The fact that you don’t care about the melee aspects of the class and why other players might enjoy their variations, does in no way make what you say any more true.

So you took a gag video too seriously from what im getting from that. This is again why I said step outside and touch some grass.

you dont. even when its explained to you.

Satire. Its literally a gag video. I feel at this point it would be simple to pick pocket you irl

ah yes, gatekeeping and explaining why its all the same spec in a sense. GG

It isnt the point. The point is to show you complaining about something you dont understand from lack of experience.

I miss classic wow too man. I sometimes forget 8 expansions have happened

Do you think we will all start magically liking the idea of a handicapped Hunter without a ranged weapon if we just gave it a try? Even after many of us have?

You’ve said on multiple occasions that Survival was a ranged spec. How can the current Survival be representative of an iteration that had a ranged weapon and stayed at range as much as possible?

P.S. “Both melee and ranged” has always been empty PR. BM and MM both do 100% of their damage potential at any range from 0 to 40 yards. This is not a capability Survival has that the other specs don’t. In fact Survival is the only one with a range-based handicap.

Ghorak wants melee Survival to continue existing as a separate spec which is a hell of a lot more fair than what melee players deserve and how ranged Hunters were treated.

You have made sincere arguments about how you think current MM and old ranged Survival were interchangeable. It’s not a good look to constantly jump between your sincere beliefs and “it was a joke lol”.

All you did with your video was prove that MM isn’t the same as ranged Survival, so nice joke.

This still isn’t proving any of my arguments wrong.

That will be the only response from now on every time you try this line.

What’s your argument here?

Do you think MM was the same thing as SV in classic or were they different? If they were the same, why did you go at length explaining why you thought Survival was so much more fun than MM? If they were different do you think they became the same later despite SV getting unique abilities that MM didn’t have (unlike Classic where it was all shared); abilities that you specifically namedropped as reasons you picked SV over MM in WotLK?

Do you think Survival was melee or ranged in Classic? If you think it was melee, why did you spend so much time talking about how that wasn’t the case back in 2019? If you think it was ranged, why do you now in 2021 talk about how it was always meant to be melee? At what point between October 2019 and May 2021 did you totally flip your opinion on this factual issue?

EDIT: Let me rephrase that: At what point between April 2021 and May 2021 did you totally flip your opinion on this issue? Because here’s you in April of this year again saying that SV was not a melee spec before Legion.


Play it or stop. Starting to sound disabled yourself.

Iv said it was a hybrid, Iv said its ranged and melee and no matter which version depending on the topic of the video or discussion you spurge out.

Play the spec. You have zero clue what you have been going on about. Tell you what, gimme your discord, we gonna work this out there.

So like I said a million times now, Make it a talent option and not a 4th spec. That would just force blizzard to give every other class another spec and dhs two.

The fact you cant pick up sarcasm or sincerity is the problem here, even when im telling you im memeing you still sit there with your mouth gaped open in confusion.

Play Survival. Nobody should ever just listen to someone with no experience on a subject.

The fact depending on the discussion here, you will flop between a retail video or a classic video to try and win a petty forum debate with someone you dont even know.

Again it just depends what meme video im making. I mean I literally have videos about spell hunter which is a MEME. You have no grasp of reality even when im telling you im memeing on you. Its sad af.

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I think at this point its fair to assume this whole character is just a troll project and nothing he says should be taken seriously.


No. Thinking that misses the entire point of what I have said. Eh whatever, this is an alt account for a forum lurker anyways.