RSV In Shadowlands

Now we getting into conspiracy theories lol

Just play BM or MM if you like ranged Hunter. Especially MM since its close enough to old SV anyway.

Lifes too short to go to the forums every day and write essays about a playstyle from several expansions ago


Blizz just needs to add RSV back as a 4th spec, allow those who enjoyed it to play it again, let MSV play their spec, and stop trying to stuff bits and pieces of old RSV into the MM tree and let that spec become it’s own truly unique spec.


I recommend that you re-read my previous reply…

Wow, okay, I’ma link your own post again(the relevant quote) as you seem to have forgotten what you wrote.

Didn’t you right there equate the RSV-situation(discussions) to what you saw on the OW forums?

“out in the community” means what exactly? Are you talking about people you meet personally while playing or do you include forums or even other platforms(like streams, videos, etc)?

The fact that you’re saying this means that you either don’t know how statistics work or you disregard it in order to support your own argument(s).

And just for clarity, I’m not talking about how “every single player in the entire game wants RSV back”. I hoped you would understand this yourself.

Metroid, is that you? :roll_eyes:


Lol lets roll with the WARCRAFT LOGS !!! Whenever you cannot win your point, the first thing to do is run to WARCRAFT LOGS and say …“OH THIS SPEC BEAT YOU BY 2K !!! Oh YOU PARSE THIS COLOUR…OH YOU SUCK” Yeah buddy. I will say it here yes, several people out dps me. Sure. What you don’t put, conveniently, is that the BM Hunter, who plays well, is 10 Ilv’s above me. Everyone in front of me, are all in their 240’s Ilv. Btw I’m 232. Funny how you left that out. Maybe it did not fit in the narrative your trying to paint.

I play VERY CASUALLY. I do not do extra stuff, I do nearly zero M+'s I do not even Arena anymore. But yet, I can still help the guild I play with, I am having fun, and my sucky SV spec does the dps for the job. BTW I did 4.5 on the world boss right outside raid…I do understand how to play SV, even if I do not make it my job to play WoW. How about you switch and see how you do…


If MM were close enough no one would ever have asked for ranged SV back. MM is not want ranged SV players were ever seeking.

For example, listen to what this person has to say about SV v.s. MM in WotLK:

Enough said lmao. I bought up warcraftlogs because I knew you would get unhinged like this. But the main point is that you don’t have legions of potential melee SV fans waiting on the sidelines for the spec to finally do good DPS in their eyes.

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Blizzard had already acknowledge that SV and MM had many similarities back in WoD:
“Hunters have lacked a strong distinction between the different specializations. What we mean by that is that the Hunter specializations all had rotations that felt similar, with Marksmanship and Survival having the most blurred identities (Beast Mastery felt well rooted in the pet). Hunters were also some of the most afflicted by button bloat. To address these problems, we opted to make changes to each specialization’s rotation, primarily through removing abilities, and making some of them unique to each spec. This means things like Aimed Shot being the primary Focus dump for Marksmanship, instead of or Serpent Sting being available only to Survival. Hunters also had a large number of cooldown abilities, which we’ve also cut down (some of which we moved to the talent tree, competing with other active buttons).”

First off they change Serpent Sting that survival will be the only spec who would keep it, it was no longer applied manually or refreshed with Cobra Shot. It is instead auto-applied to your target with Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot, you’ll always have a DoT ticking on your targets, regardless if it’s a single or multi-target fight. They also removed Kill Shot and instead focused on making survival about DoTs constantly rolling on their target. They also gave SV Enhanced Traps, which reduced the cooldown of all traps by 50%. This meant Explosive Trap also would be more used as it applied a DoT to all of the targets in range when it exploded. They really wanted a smooth out SV DoTs and make it its main focus.

But then Legion came and they wanted to even further distance SV from MM, so they
change Survival Hunters to use melee weapons instead of ranged weapons, they’re also had them only Hunter spec that make use of Traps. Survival Hunters would snare and bleed their enemies, fighting them in close quarters with their trustworthy companion to maximize the brutality of the hunt. They had no direct control over Focus regeneration, but instead pool it up during successive. The Survival Hunter specialization was now centered around the Mongoose Bite skill, an attack with 3 charges and a 12-second cooldown. This attack had to be woven in with several other attacks and abilities, leading to the dreaded playstyle complexity. It was aimed at players who want to deal damage with the assistance of a pet but wish to be at the heart of the action may enjoy playing Survival.

Survival was then remake once more with many of its button bloat slimed down, and many of it rotational abilities could be used from range. Serpent Sting came back, and Dragonsfire Grenade became now Wildfire Bomb. You they had their own version of Kill Command that could be used from range. The only spells you could not cast from range were your main nuke, Raptor Strike, and your AOE spell, Carve. However, with Aspect of the Eagle you could cast Raptor Strike from range for 15 seconds on a 90-second cooldown. Also better pet synergy as they became your Focus builder. Survival got its own version of Bestial Wrath called Coordinated Assault. If you love the whole “spinning plates” aspects of Survival then it was gone. The Mongoose damage windows were gone. No more Way of the Mok’Nathal, or Lacerate. If you choose not to pick Mongoose Bite or Wildfire Infusion, Survival is pretty much just keeping everything on cooldown and making sure you don’t cap your focus if you get a couple of lucky Kill Command resets.

Blizzard has now tried to reinvent SV three times now to push it out of the shadow of MM. They just could not decide what direction it should go, from a spec centered around Damage over Time effects, then a melee spec that was about maintaining many different buffs, and then slimmed down to melee spec that can do most of it rotation from afar.

We already had this before WoD BTW; it was Trap Mastery and it had roots all the way in Classic.

This is back when class design made sense: SV was the utilitarian spec so it had better traps. All Hunter specs had traps but Survival had significantly buffed traps. Blizzard forgot that this was how good class design works so in Legion they removed the Survival-specific trap buffs and just made traps SV-specific outright. When they quickly realised this was as terrible an idea as literally everyone else did as soon as they announced it they made traps baseline again but now SV was without any specific trap buffs; Waylay was added but that didn’t make it through the 8.0 remake so now the “trapper” spec has no extra baseline trapping utility over the other specs.

This is Legion “class fantasy” in action.

Yep they tried to differentiate SV by giving it a built-in weakness. This is peak degenerate RPG class design and melee brain syndrome. Apparently specs can only ever be different if they don’t use the same weapon type; toolkit be damned. No word on if the Rogue specs are all the same because they all dual-wield and Stealth, or if Warlocks are all the same because they’re all casters with demons and mostly the same general distinction between their specs as what Hunters had (pet spec, burst spec, dot spec).

Apparently the best thing about “melee” SV is being ranged. And yet if that last 10% were ranged yet the rest of the gameplay was the same it would apparently be too similar to MM again according to the likes of Furvival :clown_face:


Seems familiar. Braindead my way or the highway kind of thought.

Literally never heard a single person beg for it back in game across all the realms im on. Its just here. And its the same 2 hunters crying.

lol literally just said this.

Well its ghost is in MM now but thank god hunters dont have 2 of the same spec anymore finally.

Just a reminder anytime its ever brought up you and bepples are the ones pushing for it and maybe a handful of people with a single post and nothing further so


just make it a talent option. If we get a 4th spec every class will be ghorak or bepples and want some stupid 4th spec for their class like a nature mage or Melee Priest.

The Forums needs to update my name already, but no. But funny im not the only one telling you the same thing you cant figure out yet.

I love how anytime people talk about current day survival your first thing to run too is my talking about classic era Rsv like it means anything. You always wanna use my CLASSIC WOW VIDEOS to debunk content 8 expansions in the future.


Never mind I think they finally did it.

Metroid is retired now. Toxiktraktor has entered the chat.

There’s a difference to in game chat and forum discussions. I have not heard anyone break out into along discussion of specs or class when sitting trade or guild chat. It all comes to trolls or just talking about personal stuff. However, you go on any WoW related forum and try discussing SV it will always lead to a circle of one likes melee and other wants range back.

There two different breeds, one group is focused on playing and having fun while other group wants to have long winded talks.

No your right it is no longer borrowing from MM it now takes it abilities from BM. Blizzard wanted it to be so unique from the two range spec, yet they just copied abilities and add more ranged abilities.

If SV only needs to stay in melee range for two abilities, unless you use Aspect of the Eagle, then it still closer to a range spec than melee.

This would work fine as long as Aim Shot could be exchanged for Arcane shot. RSV had more mobility than MM, and having to stop to take a shot kills that.

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kinda. I mean I see guild chats in the guilds im in for pvp and mythic raiding talking about class design but nobody complains about survival.

Thats what I enjoy about it. toss some bombs and leap in to clobber. Anyone who says its like every other melee has no idea how its even played.

agreed. Select a talent to swap a few abilitys out and we will never have to hear about the complaining ever again until they invent the next issue to come here for.

Only seen anyone complain about SV is on the forums. Even when one shows up in a dungeon or raid, which is rare though, no one calls it out or says a word about it. Everyone there to have fun and get loot.

And if there are any in game issues with hating a SV player they do not go to trade to tell their story, nope it straight to the forums to tell how they got laugh at for playing SV.

I want more melee abilities at lease give back Lacerate. I have a big stick and I want to use it.

If Blizzard was so agreed on SV and MM be the same spec then just give them it. It not going take much, they just need Serpent Sting and Black Arrow back. It also give another play-style for MM to try.

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I’ve heard it from every Hunter I’ve raided with since Legion. Class design discussions in game don’t come up often but when they do they really aren’t favourable to Survival especially when long term Hunter mains are involved.

As you can see from the video I linked it is absolutely something that comes up. Preach Gaming, Bellular, and Limit Maximum have all expressed wanting to see ranged Survival back within the last couple of years.

According to you in your own youtube channel MM and SV did not do the same thing.

But let’s pretend you never said that for a moment: what do you have to go on other than “they both use a bow”? Are all the Rogue specs the same because they all use Stealth and dual-wielding?

You know you can literally check old forum threads and see this is not the case?

The reason you don’t see much activity on the forums in general now is because the game is in an extremely bad state and a lot of people have left. Grats on SV being a languishing spec in a languishing game, I guess?

“Making a spec unique by taking away stuff that comes with the class from it is a great way to make it unique” - chronic melee brain

Make melee a talented option within BM because all SV amounts to is a melee ripoff of BM anyway, + when it inevitably fails it only sinks one talent instead of an entire spec. Melee SV players are like 1/20 of the class at the best of times so they sure as hell don’t deserve 1/3 of the class.

You literally talked about how you switched to SV in WotLK due to Explosive Shot and Black Arrow because it didn’t feel like Aimed Shot spam like MM did.

If you’re going to be dishonest about your own publically-viewable content why don’t you delete it first so at least you would have some plausible deniability?

I suppose I shouldn’t expect consistency from you since in the very same video you talk about how SV in Classic isn’t just Aimed Shot spam like MM before a few minutes later talking about how Aimed Shot is crucial to SV because it’s our hardest hitting ability.


RSV is pretty meh right now, it lacks a ranged interrupt even during eagle windows and the talent/conduit choices are pretty limited. Like only having three relevant potency conduits, for example.

Okay, and this is an answer to what you quoted in some way I suppose…

What’s funny is how you think that your “MM is RSV”-argument actually holds up.

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Did you NOT see the video?

You’re no going to get 100% of all RSV to agree with the video. Some may be fine with anything play-style that could capture RSV

Many will never be happy until the original DoTs and nature damage running around that RSV had. You can tell them that it better than nothing as RSV not coming back. They have hope and passion, and that will not die until they have RSV back.

It is just a pointless fight between two sides.

While this is true, they should just accept its dead jim