[RP] The <Order of the Lamb>

<<Our fancy images shall return once I regain Forum Level 3>>
Who We Are IC:
The Order of the Lamb was founded following the passing of Father Valkynere Portsmouth and the subsequent dissolving of the Circle of the Lamb. The Order is neither a good or evil organization. The goals of the Order of the Lamb are as such:

  • To provide a professional and social network for practitioners of dark magics.
  • To advance the study of magic as a whole.
  • To strengthen the influence of the dark arts on Azeroth.
  • To eliminate or suppress any misuses of the dark arts that threaten Azeroth or its free peoples.
  • To seek out and combat forces belonging to planes other than our own, should they threaten Azeroth or its free peoples.
  • To have really cool transmogs

Who We Are OOC:
We are an RP community designed to cater to dark magic characters, that also has an IC organization for guild-like RP. We are passionate about the lore and enjoy engaging in RP that allows us to work with magic and develop how our characters use it. We encourage quality RP and the maintaining of a positive relationship with the server and its player-base. OotL hopes to at last allow dark magic users to find a home with the like-minded without forcing them to join a cult or awkwardly position themselves as the black sheep in a military or other such guild.

Who Can Join
Our discord is public and we have no requirements for anyone who wants to join as a guest! The IC organization is open to characters who have no conflict with the Order’s loose principles and who are pursuant to the study of dark magic whether it be the fel, void/shadow, death, or whatever unique path the character has set upon (drust, blood, etc). Typically so long as the character has some magical background and is not comically evil, they end up being a good fit with us.

JOINING THE GUILD IS 100% OPTIONAL - Order of the Lamb offers a guild tag for those that want it but taking the tag is completely player choice. Should you not wish to leave your current guild, you will still be able to get the discord IC membership roles and be part of the guild ICly. We operate this way because it is allows us to connect more RPers and we believe that characters that are committed to other organizations still need a place to meet and work with their magical colleagues.

Important Note
The Order of the Lamb will not pry into your character’s private activities, but it will not harbor a member should they become a major liability to the Lamb’s standing with the Alliance itself. This also means that practicing necromancy publicly or keeping a demon out in broad daylight may severely damage one’s standing with the group. However, the Order acknowledges the Slaughtered Lamb Catacombs as a demonic sanctuary and will protect the rights of any member to utilize the halls.

Finding Us
To get in contact, message: Wárdom, Daelin, Necrologos, Kmarric, Dresindra, Malisse
To contact me reliably, add me on discord at .wardom
Your best bet on getting in contact quickly though is to just join the discord!

INFO DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tHHd-KgoyoSyJNyP63af18IbVuC1NpcOOGzHYoB3FeY/edit
DISCORD (Open to the Public): https://discord.gg/eNrfhGDp8z

Harpist’s Grimoire Plug: The Harpist's Grimoire (IC Book, now in TRP3)


Hey guys and gals! An update from your friendly neighborhood Fel-slinger!

While this post has not seen much conversation, the guild itself has been getting tons of attention. Sometimes too much to keep up with! If you are one those who has approached us about joining but couldn’t get any follow-through RP, don’t be discouraged! Reach out to us again because I haven’t forgotten you!

I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to announce the completion of our website soon.


Highly recommend these guys, they’re a swell group.


You guys still active?


They’re still active as of about a week or so ago, my guild did an event with them. They’re good people.


This sounds like a good fit for my alliance void elf warlock. He’s typically a loner studying the darker Magic’s of the word. Really great guild concept.


Thanks! The guild is active and has been kicking off in RP! We would be happy to have you.


The Outer Circle keeps growing! Don’t feel shy if you are worried that joining the Order will conflict with your current guild.


This seems like an interesting group. I’ll have to check it out :slight_smile:


We definitely have some fun things planned for the upcoming updates! The Inner and Outer Circles are both still recruiting so make sure to reach out to us if you have a character in need of some fellow colleagues.


I have a void elf that’s been sitting on the sidelines because I couldnt figure out what to do with her, this sounds amazing!


Get in touch! I would love to meet them!


Hello. I’m sort of just Browsing Guilds again and seeing the Order of the Lamb makes me very Interested since my Main is a Warlock. I Just Recently Upgraded my computer so I lost everything in my TRP3 but I still remember my character(s) very clearly. While I am a long time Member of The Dwarven Vanguard (Up to Warbrand) I will say that they have been still kind of quite in terms of rp (even before the Holidays) and they have been lacking Sorcerer Officers which means it’s harder for me to get an officer for trials to advance even further

I did put an Application into the website. and if you need more Infomation fill free to ask


I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to report about you guys on the Gnews tonight to see if I can’t help boost recruitment. I’ve heard great things!


Don’t mind at all! Wish I had been online to watch : )


The Order would like to announce the opening of a third Circle. The Red Circle shall exist in secrecy and shall contain members of the Horde. Given that faction conflict appears to play a lessening role in the upcoming content and expansion, the Order will now be expanding its options for Cross-faction RP content.



I have a warlock that I have been spending a lot of time on (Not sure why she is not showing up in my character selection screen) and I am wondering if you are still active; and if so, at what days/times I can find you in-game?


Hello! We are still active, absolutely! You can typically find me online in the evenings but since many of our members are in the Outer Circle it can be difficult to find us in-game if I am not around. I will likely be around tonight but if you can not seem to catch me please try adding me on discord!


If anyone has trouble finding us! Try sending a letter to Wárdom or Daelin, then we’ll find you!

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