RIP Cata Classic

Literally nothing you just said about me in this entire opening paragraph is correct.

Surely you could quote me on it then.

You can literally check my logs. I said it before, this toon raided ulduar for about a month, then it retired. The story never changed, you’re just an schizo.

Name them then. I can.


What other guilds.


Come on now. I said how many times I raided with them. Hence why the ilvl didn’t change.

And then this toon retired.

You got to stop overloading your single brain cell.

I’m literally wearing mimirons goggles and ulduar tier shoulders. You know you can just look at my logs and see what I’m wearing, right? You don’t have to speculate.

All you’ve done is vomit more schizo ramblings on me and prove you’re a moron.

You’re a compulsive liar who only levels and pretends like that’s end game. You can pretend to be this mentally brain damaged Sherlock Holmes when you can just read my logs. You won’t, because it’s going to throw apart your conspiracy, but you could and everyone else here knows that.

Stay schizo my friend, all you know how to do.

I know when I got under your skin or when anyone does for that matter. You resort to name calling and go out of your way to try and defend every part of yourself that you possibly can.

No. Your item level actually did change.

Why is it that I seem to know more about your own toon than you do? Or are you just back to back lying on all the threads I come at you on. I guess now that you are done getting your account piloted for runs in low grade Wrath stuff, you figured you can just wait around for Cata to come. I’ll let you sit here and keep thinking about all those imaginary alts that you claim to have. You literally get the gear that you get at the last possible second every time you get it.

200 ilvl is what the average level 80 has when they first hit 80 in mid to late Wrath. You had 213. And Even then I said that was too low to keep going forward. So obviously I know end game.

And dont worry. Already looked you up…you’re far beneath the curve that you claim to be. And also…if you knew for a fact that you were so great… then why would you feel the need to keep proving yourself nonstop to some random level 12 auction house/forum posting alt.

And you just pulled the oldest trick in the book…the whole “Oh but this is only one of my many alts”.

Get out of here with your cookie cutter specs that you have there.

You’re in full panic mode now. Cata is coming…you’re guildless, your gear is kinda crappy…(still…like always though) and now you don’t know what to do.

And yes, I do know more about your own rogue than you do. I had to keep correcting stuff that you claimed about your own rogue. So one of two things… Either A… you got a pilot and so therefore have no clue as to what happened and when and had to lie about it, or B, you are straight up lying about that rogue when I had to correct you. Either way, that makes you the liar.

Go play Cata. So 213 for almost all of Wrath means you’re going to be a 350 ish player for the majority of Cata then. You will probs go Assas/Sub for Cata on that toon and Sub for your battleground PvP. Thats the type of player you are. You go with the cookie cutter setup. Thats you in Cata? Got a Surv hunt too? Gotta cap out on the new focus system coming in for Cata.

If you were truly as good as you keep claiming that you are,. then you would keep feeling the need to prove yourself to some random level 12 forum posting toon.

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Don’t be like that. Subs began to rise big time in Legion. But mostly because they brought back a legacy character. Legion Classic is coming soon.


So which is it?

Did it change or did it not change?

I never claimed to have many alts.


This toon was retired.

How are you this much of an idiot?

Legitimately, everything you say is a head canon lie based off of your fictional reality you hand crafted from nothing but schizo ramblings over these last few months.

You type novel after novel regurgitating the most brain rot fictional tales and parade it around as “fact”, and then have the audacity to say I need to “prove myself to some random level 12?”

No, you cold brain cell troglodyte, I’m just not going to let some overweight balding 45 year old man put lies on my name because he (you) was too scared to even post on any of your supposed HC characters that totally existed, while simultaneously trying to flex them. Ever since then, I just call you out on your lies and you make more and more elaborate schizo posts about me.

Every time I call you out and prove myself right, you run away like a coward then come back with more schizo novels. This is just entertainment to me. Wow players are pathetic, and you’re just another prime example of it.

And no, you don’t know endgame. You won’t shut up about leveling every time you get a chance to talk about it because it’s all you know.

Only at very last patch did it change. So for the entirety of Wrath it stayed the same as 213. I dont talk about leveling with you. I only ever talk about your lack of gear, your cookie cutter specs that are 100% exactly copied off of Wrath Classic guide sites, how you get exactly the item level for the current tier that you are doing, not even one single point above or below. I already called what item level I think you are going to be for most of Cata on that toon.

You’re below average. Thats why you got to go out of your way to try and insult all these other players with name calling. Thats why you go up against a random level 12 poster who you keep claiming is so far beneath you, yet you take any opportunity to make sure you can have your daily conversation with me.

Post on all your other toons that are so much better than that rogue then. With how little you know about Wrath, I doubt you have one. That is your best toon.

You type just as much as I do. And why do you claim so much that you never read my posts cuz it is just schizo ramblings, yet you make perfect replies to my posts. You go out of your way to read every word I type and you reply directly to it. You have not skipped a beat here. You pay attention to detail. Don’t pretend you don’t.

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Holy schizo rant :flushed:

Have either of you heard the concept of move on?

Post on all your other toons that are so much better than that rogue then

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Get your boyfriend to stop going out of their way to pick random fights with me on every thread that I ever post on ever. Think you could do that? They are the one who keeps claiming that this is their alt. They keep claiming that they have done so much more than all the rest of us. They say that this is a retired alt that they have not played in months yet their progress shows it has been played recently. They claim to have retired that toon, yet also claim to have fully updated gear that is entirely BiS for the current season. Both can’t be true.

Quote me.

You literally never quote me.

Quote me saying that.

All I said is that the toon is retired. When discussing if my gear was current the only thing you can quote is me saying that my gear was solid since I obtained it in the first 4 weeks of ulduar. I never claimed it was fully updated. The only recent thing this character has done is finish out some old titles I didn’t finish a long time ago.

Disgusting schizo.

Already ruined.

Our guild UI got changed to the UI it never had back in original Cata. The way it is now, it wasnt made that way until 2022.

And you also cant even access that old version of your guild by typing /groster anymore.

Hey did every single one of us here say that we wanted to play retail WoW? No we didnt. None of us did. We all asked for CLASSIC. So give us CLASSIC.Blizz and stop changing everything. It cannot be called a classic if you go out of your way to make every change possible to modernize it.

Oh geeze. I get to play an expac all about dragons with a terrible guild UI…hm… DF or Cata? Both fit that description now.

Cata is officially retail. That’s already one change that didn’t come with the original. What’s next?

Hunters got their pet aggression changed already. That didnt happen last time this early.

Guild UI has changed, our guild tabard is now blank when it wasnt before for my shammy.

Have group will travel…removed now from Cata Classic.

And looks to be transmog now in Cata but…that didnt come out until MoP last time around.

Great, great wonderful. This truly sucks. I straight up said there was going to so many changes from original Cata. Once again. I am right.

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Hey remember that thread where I said to quote me and you ran away because you literally couldn’t quote me to support your lie?

Do that again and run away coward.

Cata Classic is dead on arrival because it’s not a good expansion. If it was good people would be excited about it and play it. The fact is many of us want to keep playing Wrath and now that is gone. At least there is MoP remix to play and have some fun.

The player base is split by Cata even coming out. Since Cata is destroying Wrath servers and Wrath players have to go somewhere else.

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I knew when you were ranting about how you were going to unsub you’d just play a different version of wow. Blizzard made the same bet, that those who claimed to want wrath era wouldn’t unsub. No wrath era means higher profits for blizzard. Almost no loss in subs and zero expense for servers and maintenance.


I actually found multiple Threads but got distracted with actual life things that matter, funny enough just google your Character names and typing WoW shows most of the post of you ranting and schizoing out about wrath, among other things

Theirs other post which have you saying some wild stuff too on the search engine, a few of those post were 404 so their gone but here’s a highlight of my favorite wild schizo post you’ve made so far


Just consist rage post after rage post

You truly are the Number 1 LuLcow on the forums here’s your crown my king

As fun as it is memeing on you, you do genuinely have me a bit concern for your mental Health, maybe don’t go on the forums and rage post at others you disagree with or try to ruin what others find fun or those asking/suggesting something from Blizzard. Because the more someone looks into your post history the more bitter and resentful you as a person comes out.

Like look you been arguing with Aovona for months now and yet you tell others to move on but you seemly can’t.

This isn’t healthy my dude

Btw where’s my apology you owe me ?

I told you Cata would come out as broken as the Beta and yet you kept being a schizo about wrath even when that wasn’t the topic. GG my dude

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That isn’t rage, not sorry that you’re emotionally destabalized and can’t tell the difference.

To which you replied with that I say it in every post, and you never quoted me on it, because you’re also just a liar. I don’t expect much from the guy who got mad and spam liked his own posts a while back against me.

And where did I do that? All you did was take random quotes with no context and try to label me as mad and nothing more, then want to follow it up with some point that has no relevance to anything you quoted.

I remember that thread. It had nothing to do with whether I care if cata comes out broken or not, and had everything to do with your whining about wrath, because at the end of the day you’re just another whale who will whine and moan about Blizzard then still turn around and give them money and play a different version of the game.

My point was entirely about your whining and moaning. I couldn’t care less if cata has bugs or not.

Run away again schizo, go find more random quotes and pretend to make any sort of connection between them.

Where is Floki and your other alts? It’s the only way for you to feel good is to quite literally like your own posts, because god knows the only other people who will agree with you are hardstuck 1600 shamans, an elderly man with dementia, and a forum alt who spammed how they were quitting for 6 months straight. What a line up.


My Dude get help :skull:

Lmao gg. 10char

Yet you commented on it

Number 1 LuLcow


Saw the Chris Chan documentary and is now regurgitating lulcow like it’s '04 and spamming emojis. You’re like 40. Go talk to your kids.

Number 1 LuLcow
