RIP Cata Classic

Cata Classic AND MoP Remix at the same time? That’s one way to kill an expansion, lol.
Cata Classic will be dead on arrival for sure.

Say what you want about MoP Remix being limited time. It’s still happening at the same time as Cata Classic and will be splitting the player base even further.

This is a joke, lol


Jokes are funny. They’re already killing it by forcing player transfers but NOT letting them move guilds. So, yeah, I’m not exactly stoked about classic anymore.


It’s definitely a strange decision. Why not just let Cata run its course first? Pretty sure most people were already onboard for classic MoP anyway.


Pretty sure there isn’t much cross over between remix and cata classic. Remix is retail with a MOP theme. It’s for retail players to collect tmog for their main characters.


Oh, it’s a retail event? That changes things a bit, then. Never mind, lol.

Kinda clever, actually. It’s a taste of MoP before actual MoP classic, but without being a whole separate thing, and a way to get some people back into retail.


some of us are not, mop is where i jump ship, it was the worst expansion in the history of wow


It objectively wasn’t, but please, by all means, parade your shallow and bitter opinions as fact. We can’t get enough of that around here.


LMAO April fools was like 2 weeks ago


It might be a retail event, but everyone is forced to create a new character and start from scratch (level 10 in this case). Supposedly, we’ll be able to experience the entire expansion, including all the raids like Siege of Orgrimmar.


What’s it like being the dumbest and wrongest person to ever live? I’m curious.

MoP was up there with Wrath and Legion as the best expansions the game has ever had.


Its asian themed which is one of the most boring themes in the history of themes, asian history and art is just so bland and boring we didnt need an entire expansion centered around it when there was more exciting things to explore, we all know the only reason mop exists is because Kung Fu Panda was such a hit a few years prior, thats it.


Where is this wanted mop-remix you speak of?

what it like to be so ignorant and tasteless that you like MOP I’ve gotta know. I’d rather be forced to play Dragonsoul every day for the next 30000 years than ever play mop again.


It hasn’t even launched yet. Wait a few months post release for the population to actually be dying, then make these threads.


We don’t have a date for MoP remix. We just know it’s in the next patch.

It was better than bfa. Horde especially.

Horde had ample time to take in that ziggurat. And go this is just….mid.

One would think the flight masters to hit different levels would ease the pain.

Nope. They took longer.

Hell the place sucked as even a dh. They could glide down. It didn’t help, imo.

Probably doing it for all the people saying ‘MoP waiting room’

Or, this is how they want classic versions to be revisited going forward instead of running three game clients. Meaning Cata may be the last classic version we get.

Or, even more likely. They are doing it to woo back the large Chinese audience they had to abandon now that Blizzard have re-struck a deal to let WoW operate in mainland China again. Best way to win this audience back? Do a remix of an expansion that is literally centred on their country.


Nah man. If he doesnt like mop, it would be silly and pointless to try convince him otherwise because we liked it. Its same like him telling us that it sucks because He didnt like it.

It is the eternal and most pointless and quite honestly dumbest conflict of WoW forums. Ppl trying explain to others what, how and why they should or shouldnt enjoy something. Let him be with his opinion. Let him play what he likes and move on with your day.

It just matter of preference.
In these topic, every time i say that for me the best expansions ever were by far Cata Mop Legion and Bfa …ppl always look at me like im mentaly ill…its just when ive had the most fun in the game, currently playing cata beta and having an absolute blast which cemented my opinions even further…and certainly hope i will be able to play those expansions again in the future.(Press X for doubt in case of BFA, but ive had hopes for mop…until mix was announced, now im not that sure about mop either) And thats my preference and opinion. Same as he have. Mby he could be less agressive with his opinions…but its wow froums we talk.about here :person_shrugging:


Yep. I see it as time filler till tww comes out. It’s not taking away cata players. It taking retail players who would never play cata to start imo.

Their land of dailies design has hit a wall. It has growing dislike. For good reason.

This is keep up sub bait, not via land of death by dailies. Well df dailies….mop too had daily crap. But the old dailies felt better.

I liked quel Danas in tbc and now wrath’s dailies. Borethia inspired and then df’s crap? Nope.

Probably because there are tons of people who want mop and only asked for cata so they could get mop. I see no reason we might see a really short cata, prob enough time to get the heirlooms and archeology. Keep them in mop for a bit.