RIP Cata Classic


so rageful you can’t even stop, just like some little kid you gotta have the last word :rofl:

Keep going my Number 1 LuLcow


And you aren’t?

Every accusation from forum alts is just projection.

Now that’s some real projection and self reporting right there :rofl:

Good way outing yourself Number 1 LuLcow



Are you stupid? Cata prepatch level cap is still 80.

You’ve been posting on a 62 retail alt for how long now?

I guess my question was redundant, you are just stupid.

Keep going Number 1 LuLcow


Yes, because I retired from Wrath. I went and played other wow versions, and put wrath on the backburner, played on a different character here and there for whatever.

I guess my assessment was right, you are stupid, because you’re equating retired with no longer my wrath main, which this still was.

Edit: inb4 “huehuehue still not main” and I wouldnt consider my throw away sod or hc characters mains either, but go on and say it anyways. I know you will.

Ironic, isn’t it. So far, you have done this as well, with the lulcow ands emoji spam. It’s almost like the things I say are generally correct, and all you mouth breathers get mad and go on schizo delusions.

Crazy how it works like that every time.

So what your saying is that character of yours is an alt now? :thinking:

that’s wild almost like you self reported yourself

This is the most brain rotten conversation I seen in a minute 10 bucks your going to respond back because you can’t help :rofl:


Crazy, huh?

No, this character is still my most accolades on a single current character. I’m not changing my toons to some level 45 HC character because I played it for a month, or a 50 sod toon because I get on and play with friends from time to time. This character still has pretty decent logs and I can still verify my ethos.

Yes, because one person wants to spam buzzwords and emojis, because this person (you) lacks anything of substance to say. The one time you tried, it was random quotes you tried to link together for a point that had no bearing with what was quoted. Good job buddy.

Ill make that same bet to you.


The retail mop if I understand it right is mop with current retail setup

If some hated cata trees…you’d love retail mess. I only rogue in Classic now. Combat rogue was killed in cold blood for crap outlaw lol.

Retails only class spec I like more would be mm hunter. I like lone wolf mm spec. That be the end of that list.

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where’s my 10 Dollars :money_with_wings:

Your most Accoaldes character is someone that’s 213 ilvl from Wrath Classic ?

OUCHHH, that’s rough buddy, maybe you shouldn’t be commenting about gameplay for others

meanwhile this character has been my main since OG vanilla 2004, just like your logic this is one of my most Accolade character also one of the most fond character because it’s the one I played with my family and friends the most

almost like people use characters for forums for different reasons :thinking:

I don’t know maybe to much of a difficult concept for someone that’s terminally online and doesn’t have the self control to stop raging at others for different opinions.

Yuppp and you can level all the way to 70, you don’t need to buy Dragonflight so a good way to test retail and from what I seen in the PTR, MoP aged pretty well in Retail, so the remix looks a lot of fun

Funny enough current retail system was somewhat inspired by Cata so in cata every odd number you get a talent and every even number you get a spell that you would have to go to the class trainer (could have it backwards)

In retail with Dragonflights new system you have Class talents which is every odd number and every even number you get a spec talent

Reading comprehension goes a long way.

There is a “current” in there that you painfully glossed over.

I have many characters I used to play over the expansions. I’m not dusting them off for you.

Compared to throw away characters, sure, I’d rather this character represent me. It’s not a hard concept.

This you? Rich coming from a guy who spams buzzwords and emojis whenever someone disagrees with you.

Also same thread where you spam liked your own posts, talk about lulcow activity lmao.


Looks like we’re even on the bet. womp womp.

I mean some did some didn’t. My sub has been for SOD. They just need to add even more Wrath abilities and features.

This just isn’t true. Cata is a bad idea and they wasted money on developing it. That’s why they are releasing MoP remix at the same time. Because people aren’t going to play Cata. So they are trying to save face and get them into SOD or MoP. Since Cata was a failure from the start.

So don’t get it twisted.


It’s all one sub. Blizzard isn’t looking at how many people might play wrath era. They’re looking at how many might unsub if there’s no wrath era. With your sub you’re telling blizzard that they made the right decision. They didn’t lose your sub and they saved money on server costs and maintenance.

We won’t know that for at least a month or so. You pretend to know because you hate cata but no one knows how many people will play cata. Or maybe you’re to stupid to realize what you don’t know. It’s called the Dunning Kruger effect

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Having options is usually an unfamiliar thing for Men, but Cata, SoD, a little remix and then back to Helldiver’s seems like a fun weekend for me.

They even have the new guild UI setup that didnt even come out until Dragonflight launched. And they want to call it a Classic. New guild UI came out before DF launched, but you used to be able to do /groster to see the old version.

But now in Cata, they gave us a guild setup that did not even exist back then. These devs have no idea what they are doing. They design retail only. They should stay away from Classic. They have no idea how it used to be back in the day.

And yes. That turned me off from playing Cata completely now. And our guild logo no longer shows up on the bar the way it used to or on guild page. Talked to guild GM. She didnt change it. She said look at tabard…yea not changed. Blizz just auto removed it.

My sham and rogue in Cata were going to play.

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So you bully everyone here cuz you are below average at Wrath Classic, are now guildless and so are panicking for what to do when Cata fully launches. And you have zero toons to play in Dragonflight. You have no HC toons, you suck at SoD and that is you best toon of all, your Wrath toon which is far below average. Now you go into Cata with no guild. So your journey up ahead is uncertain for you. This is the end of the road for you soon.

Everyone who has logged into Cata Classic already is tarting to hate it. Lots are now unsubbing, many others are simply quitting and going to other versions of the game

Leaves you in a tough spot, doesn’t it? The only thing you were decent at…is about to be gone from your grasp forever.

The gear you got now is going to be replaced by green questing gear in Cata. And you dont know the Cata dungeon fights, many are a bit more difficult than Wrath. So you might stick around for Molten Front a little bit cuz you’ll probably confuse it with part of the prelaunch event…then you’ll be gone.

Yea but that’s your best one. And it is far below average.

No. They could have kept Wrath era and then charged any who wanted to keep playing their toons in both versions a clone service fee. That would pay for things.

Lots are going to quit playing Cata about 2 months in. Many others have already quit. And do you even have one single 80 that is ready to begin the journey in? I doubt it.

Wrath private server is letting make our toons there and we can have near exact copies of what we had in this version of Classic Wrath.

Blizz said they made the Classic servers to stop private servers…but then they closed the Classics and the private servers are coming back. So. Blizz failed in their mission.

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Do you not own a mirror? That would be the easiest way to satisfy your curiosity.

Nice giant schizo paragraph based on literally nothing but head canon. It’s the only cope you have and you cling to it like a child clings to a stuffed toy.

It isn’t. I’m just not going to switch over to my old bfa mythic uldir rogue to post because that’s not relevant to what I’m playing or discussing.

Feel free to schizo post more for your fee fees.