Hardcore experience!

Am I? Am I really mad that you got dc’d and went to the forums to dear diary us? Idk I feel mid about it. Just entertainment really for myself. Is this projection? Are you projecting? It’s ok if you are, I’m used to wow classic players having the emotional control of a puppy who didn’t get his extra extra treat today. Now am I projecting? Who knows. All that we do know though is that you DC’d and went to the forums to complain about DC’ing.

Accidently maybe. Idk I just play the game. Feels more like projection at best and cope at worst though to just start making assumptions.

Anyone who uses RestedXP deserves the scam that they walked into, and any death clips that are super scuffed and I’d normally feel bad about is dismissed instantly if I see RestedXP up, but sure, go off about it ig.

Yeah, a logout skip. Never used one. Don’t really support it either, but I don’t really have a qualm against a time saver due to the game’s coding being bad, over Blizzard outright just giving every player a free and infinite use on demand petri flask.

Your argument sucks. You’re trying to say that I obviously would love this because I obviously use log out skips and they’re obviously the exact same thing, when I don’t support any of it, at all.

So why are you arguing then if I have an absolute truth.

Jesus christ you’re just mad you died to a dc.

Something about English not being your first language so let me do to you what you did to me and just assume things about you. How about you go play on your own server where your ping isn’t through the roof, increasing your chances of a DC. After all, HC, at it’s core, is a solo game mode, even with trading and grouping, so go play at home instead of overseas.

Maybe you’ll make it to 60 then and we won’t have to suffer your cope dear diary post.