RIP Cata Classic

‘I can’t manage my play time’

I only have 5 level 80s. How many do you have? You have 0 level 80s? How are you going to get to level 85? I leveled them to play Wrath. Not to get them ready for Classic Dragonflight which is around the corner in just a couple of years.

People asked for old original servers to get the game that they had before. They got it. Now the new dev team is taking it all away again and doing the exact same mistakes that they made last time, which is going to cause even more private servers to keep popping up and the cycle continues.

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Some of us stand behind our words. We don’t just mouth them. When blizzard said no rdf I unsubbed. When they changed their mind I resubbed. What low level alt are you going to post with when you pay your sub? It won’t be this one because you don’t want anyone to know you’re still paying a sub.

You’re pretty bad at math. No matter how fast they rush the expansions there’s no way we’ll be a DF in a couple years. I suspect that each expansion will have less players until it’s no longer profitable to continue. Classic will probably end before DF.

Blizzard never said there would be any classic after Vanilla. We got what was promised and more than they promised. Consider yourself lucky.

Everybody has a different set of mistakes they think blizzard made. I didn’t see any major mistakes until WoD. Blizzard is looking at their data and thinking there’s more of us than of you. In fact they think there are so few who think like you that they decided Wrath era wouldn’t be profitable. A wise decision on their part imo.

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To go along with your 6 level 60 Paladins and 4 level 60 Rogues in HC, as well as how ever many max levels you have in other versions.

All you do is level and flex your levels, the easiest thing to do in the game other than afking lmao.

Delusion. Cata, Mop, WOD, Legion, BFA, SL, then DF, but sure, we’ll be in DF by 2026 I guess lmao.

You people got to put the copium down.

Didn’t you flex on me that you were going to be “going away” to “go grind in wow” a few days ago? Back on the forums I see, must have been a short grind.

im waiting for you to comment on my mop character

He’s going to deny and deflect. Common Aovona tactic.

Well… seems i caught you alt posting. I didn’t mean to block you. I blocked someone else who also has a very low post count and is a low level toon that came out of nowhere…as soon as I did that, you too were blocked… don’t alt post and that won’t happen. I just saw just now that you replied to me, not what you replied to me about. Never blocked Val. So what toon then. Post on it. The person who likes to call everyone that they don’t like a schizo just tried to get on your side against me. I have never blocked that person, yet I blocked you. I rarely ever block anyone. So… I very clearly dislike you.

I’m not playing Cata Classic. Hey remember how I said earlier that Äpathy always has to guild hop because no one likes them and they keep getting guild kicked back to back? yea… Looks like they are guildless once again.


Learn what a rhetoric is. You literally read everything I type and that many others type at face value.

Saying I’m going to be gone for a little while is not a flex. I have to announce every time that I leave these forums for more than a day now. If I do not, you tell everyone here that the only reason why I was gone is because I got a forum ban. So last time you said that I had to post some random link to a random site which only TL3 and above can do which you cannot have if you have been recently banned from the forums.

So… Now cuz of you I have to tell when I leave and for how long I am going, if I do not, you make up lies about how I keep getting banned.

And yes, Äpathy, you just recently got yet another guild kick.

I’ll be level 85 before most of you here anyways so…it is what it is.

i couldnt care less if you dont like me, and i dont dislike you for that, cause you are too much of an irrelevance for me to hold any feeling towards.
i just found funny when you asked me to post on a mop character, and i did post, and you simply had no reaction(the clown i expected you to be)
About characters and alt posting, for some reason battle net changed my toon and i cba on changing back, you probably blocked talaryann, i have nothing to hide from as you can see.

Given that classic at this point is just a rerelease schedule, I genuinely wonder how far it will go and at what point they wrap back around to BC again. And how many people will fall for it again.

tbc lover here
the moment they announce tbc is the moment i abandon any other version of the game


I’d settle for BC and remember enjoying it both times, but my true love is WotLK.

(Not a Cata-hater, I’ll be playing it. But WotLK is #1 for me.)

I cant believe its d4 season, mop remix, and cata all at the same time, who’s idea was this

To be fair a lot of people in S4 are looking for things to do and a bit of fun.
I know cata excites me (though I’m prepared for disappointment) more than chasing around 50 people doing whatever dinged on their event timers hoping you get credit :stuck_out_tongue:

Good PvP

True, ive been waiting for MoP since they admitted that there is merit to past versions of the game. I only care about PvP.

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He already did.

You’re a mouth breather. I was in a guild with friends throughout Naxx and Ulduar on this toon, then left and joined VII, raided with them once, then retired this toon. I recently got back on this toon and /gquit.

Your headcanon is not greater than reality.

Learn how to not say the most brain rot, drool on keyboard, special education keyboard with rubber covers posts.


Sounds like a flex to me.

Literally never have done it. Feel free to quote me saying you were banned from the forums at any point.

I mean, you won’t. I literally called you out on how many times you lie about me and to quote me, to which you stated I never have called you out to quote me, then I proceed to quote every single time I have said it and you ran away from that post.

Tally this one up as well.

Literally wasn’t me, but sure.

Literally never happened.

I gquit but sure, live in your schizo lies.

Uh? So what is this then? :point_down:

But you also say this in the previous post I linked with a quote :point_down:

You’re a compulsive liar, only made worse by your schizo ramblings time and time again.

You know what’s really easy to keep track of? The truth. It’s why my posts never change and flip flop on core points. The secret is, unlike you, I’m not lying.

Go back to your leveling grind lmao, we all know your end game starts and ends at hitting max level.

More schizo ramblings from you.

I have a level 80 sham that I will play in Cata. Thats a fact. I have posted on it here before. I quit laying it long ago. It is not my main. I have to make it my main.

Why are you so infatuated with me? You keep tabs on everything that I do. You go out of your way to force me to post on my other toons, you keep claiming that I am making up having a single toon in HC or in retail or in Wrath and keep demanding that I post on them to prove it in other posts you have made to me.

I do have a level 80 sham in Wrath. It is nowhere near ready to play Cata.

Your just a crappy forum troll who goes after me and other people. you suck so much at the game that you keep getting guild kicked, you’re guildless now, you’ll be in another one soon, then you’ll get guild kicked from that one too.

Yes it was you who keeps telling people back to back that I keep getting banned from the forums here and that is the only reason why I quit posting. Then you even give the dates that you thought I was banned. So you literally track my posts, when I post, what I post. You know the exact dates I am on, you freak out when I am away from these forums for more than a few days.

You then turn around and start lying to everyone and say that I was gone cuz i got banned…no I didnt. And I even post stuff to you just to see and prove that you do track all that I say. When you say you dont.

You have one level 80 or do you have more? Not that hard to have a level 80. Just about everyone who plays Wrath has one. But that is your one and only level 80 that you have and that you only ever use to troll the guild forums

Too bad you suck so much that you got guild kicked…yet again.

I actually am thinking that since you sat at 213 item level for the entirety of Wrath on that toon, got all your PvE stuff done all in one single day and never progressed any further after that, that your guild decided to inspect you, saw that your spec layout was exactly the recommended cookie cutter spec and they decided that going into Cata, you would not be much help getting them to guild level 25 as a leveling guild has no time to carry scrubs like yourself who put all that time and effort into a single toon that is their main and STILL are worse off than many peoples alts.

Yet another guild kicked you to the curb. No one is keeping you around to ruin their chance at grinding up to level 25.

You guild hop like crazy.

More than that. get your story straight. 25 KT is 213. Uld is higher than 213.

You were at exactly 213 back when you said you quit. You are higher now, but you claiming more than once that your gear being at 213 cuz you only did Naxx and Uld is flat out wrong. You dont get 213 from Uld.

Because here you say

And yet you had 213 for the entire time that you were in VII. Do you even know where you got the gear that you have on now without looking it up online? This is not the first time you claimed to have gotten that 213 gear from Naxx and Uld. 213 would only be Naxx gear. Uld does not give gear that low.

So you cannot say that you got that gear with VII while ALSO doing Uld
Even the 10M loot, the lowest type is higher than 213 from Uld.

So you are either straight up lying or you got a raid pilot and have no idea how you got what you got and when you got it and why. And yes, you did sit at EXACTLY 213 in almost every single slot for the majority of the expac.

So once again, you claiming that 213 gear was from Uld as well as Naxx is entirely false.

You did it once and sat at that exact same gear and spec and gems and enchants for months on end, then suddenly jumped into Uld gear. I know which of your gear is from Uld. and it is NOT the 213 as you have claimed it to be more than once.

I dont run away from your posts btw. I just dont spam click refresh on these forums the way you do and then rage when you take too long to reply.

You dont know where you got your gear and you think that your original set of 213 comes from Uld. Tells me all I need to know. Now I know why you were guild kicked.

And once again got to post this so that you cant edit out your lie

When the entire time you were in that guild you sat at 213 ilvl.

You honestly believe that you got that 213 gear from Uld. You didn’t.

so Well… WotLK is over, just in a few weeks we will continue lvl80’s and we will do WotLK raids once again before of the May 20th but with Cataclysm talents and stats, so I also see that the only other RIP that will be is the subforum that I think will soon be called Cataclysm Classic Discussion .

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comedy writes itself.

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The “limited events” are here to draw in new players and new subscriptions. That’s why it’s tied behind the paywall. Same with Plunderstorm - they saw a dramatic increase in subscriptions during that event. Once those limited events are over people have other games to play (Retail & Classic). This goes for new, current, and returning players. The limited events are there just to draw people in. I don’t think it will kill the expansion whatsoever.

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MoP Remix is not going to be a proper MoP Classic so i doubt it will kill cata (as much as I don’t like cata)
It’s just retail with everyone locked to Pandaria

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