Right Click Reporting is out of the beta. No official word yet

Go ahead, don’t be shy and report me babe :hugs: I know you want to :wink:

meh, it read to me like they were changing some functionality of RcR, it made sense if they changed it there they would also change it here.

side note, very cheesed they messed up the sound replacing, hope they work out something there :O(

Generally any stickies in the UI and Macros forums will be about what they want addons to be able to do. AKA the API code.

This is not the same thing as what Blizzard does on their interface.

In trade I will if you are being vulgar, harassing, spamming.

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Friendly reminder that the right-click report and auto-squelch features have been in the game for 12 years and are core to Blizzard’s CS operations.

Temper your expectations.


It’s somewhat telling that you know how long it takes to report someone and that you somehow take pride in being good at it.

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It is just as telling as those who get mad at being reported. Meh.


Then get up-to-date? Think before you speak?


I’d wager that most people who engage in conversation that results in a ban are completely unaware beforehand that what they are saying is considered so offensive by someone else that they are risking getting reported and banned.

Almost no one who gets banned is trying to get banned.

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That isn’t really true. Not to mention, if it can get you banned, then the person who typed/used or w/e most likely knew what they meant. There isn’t a slur out there that doesn’t have some sort of negative, demeaning definition that hasn’t been defined as such for years.

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I’m approaching 50 and can’t wait for Chuck Norris jokes.


I’d rather put up with the evil of gold sellers than the evil of false reporting, or the evil of reporting due to oversensitivity.


You deserved that ban.

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Can you quote where he does that?

[quote=“Momotarou-zuljin, post:113, topic:206697, full:true”] There isn’t a slur out there that doesn’t have some sort of negative, demeaning definition that hasn’t been defined as such for years.

Hey man, a whole bunch of people recently got banned on a twitch stream for making Naga jokes. Blizzard recently banned someone from Overwatch because they made an “ok” sign with their hand.

So I think maybe you are behind the times on how sensitive the outrage culture has become.

edit: you deleted your post. That’s why the quoting is messed up.

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well played, sir. well played.

Is there a reference I can access that tells me what all of the up-to-date offensive terms are? Because I don’t want to spend my life reading twitter posts to figure out what it is each week.

People like you are precisely the reason RCR needs to be removed.


Sorry, I only deleted it cause I originally did not hit reply to you, rather to the general thread. I wanted to make sure it was a reply to you , for context sake. It said the same thing as under it…i think…

No, I am well aware of what people are sensitive too. The ok sign thing has been going on for about 2 years now for example.

I think maybe you’re just too old and slow to keep up with how quickly meanings can change in modern society.

The “okay” sign thing came up through overt right wing trolling. Hardcore conservatives thought it would be funny guy to start spreading the rumor online that the okay hand gesture was now being used as a secret code for white supremacists to identify themselves to each other. It wasn’t. Naturally, the media went hysterical with it though, as they tend to do. But something else happened too… As it got notoriety, actually white supremacists who weren’t in on the original joke started using it earnestly. It became impossible to tell who was trolling hysterical media, who was not paying attention to anything around them, and who the white supremacists were. And so trolls ruined something for everyone, because even though it started as a joke, it is a legitimate callsign for white supremacists now.