Right Click Report - Not Going Away

Lol 1.5k reply and only 18 likes on OP. That’s telling


Just because the same few people whine incessantly, doesn’t mean there’s as massive an outcry about this as you think.

No idea, tbh. Haven’t been on general chat in years. Why would I be?

How is this thread still going.
Let’s break it down.
If you choose to TYPE out offensive content - in a public channel - (and you can’t say ‘well it just slipped out’ as you have to consciously choose to type it) you can be reported.
If you make that choice and get reported you can (rightfully) be squelched.
There is a small (so small nobody has even heard of it happening in the 12 yrs that RCR = squelch has existed or if they have it’s been less times than you can count on the left hand of a bad shop teacher) chance that someone could abuse it and report something like you saying ‘hi’ to limit your ability to use chat.
The chance of that hypothetical situation happening is very slim and the benefits of RCR = squelch so great that it’s not even worth considering that an issue.

This wasn’t meant to be a popular post or even a massive discussion. It was a post to say “Hey a Blue posted relevant information in the Beta forum”.

If you don’t like the content of the blue post, blame Blizzard. I don’t really care about your likes.

C’mon. We’re so close to the launch that almost every issue has been resolved one way or the other, and they can’t get angry about RP-PVP, because the people who want the server type are too darn positive about it.

What else are they going to whine about.


Blizzard agrees, which is why it was obvious when the RCR feature went missing on the beta, it was going to make a return. I told those happy trolls to temper their expectations as I was 99.9% confident that it was coming back.

Lo and behold.

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To be fair, I think that’s the one thing Blizzard may yet change their minds about. I wouldn’t be too surprised to see a single RP-PvP realm at launch or shortly after.

Well, at least this thread didn’t devolve and get locked like that one did.

Well, the difference is that we’ve never had an “official” word on it. Only a Twitter mention that its niche, by Ion, and a “still considering it” by Omar in the Dev Interviews.

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Damage having already been done.

No, it was fine. If you get large enough group of people, every word in english offends someone. Should Blizzard just completely turn off all chat? That’s kind of how it is now.

Reducing costs, at expense of turning off players who are not into this whole “walk this way and talk this way or else you are a pariah”.


you mean decent human beings ?
People who respect others in public channels ?
Or do you just mean people who don’t want to see the games chat polluted by the ‘I know nothing about the constitution but I have the right to say what I want’ crowd ?


But you see, those are just “snowflakes”.

No you are trolling me because you discount my opinion and think that I don’t exist, that my opinion does not matter. Well, it does I’m a human being too! Don’t be racist.

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Oh I very much think you exist. You and many like you.

You are right , you have the right to your opinion, BUT when talking in Blizzard’s chat channels you lose your right to express opinions that go against their rules , period.

That is the line, that is the important distinction here.

Oh and I’m a firm believer in that everyone has the right (and the obligation) to punch anyone who says they are a member of the German ruling party from the 1940s.

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Unless what you wanted to do was play a game with less room for spam for illegal gold sales, bigotry, and hate speech. If that’s what you wanted to do vanilla wow sometimes made it difficult.

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Timestamp: 12:54

Timestamp: 7:40

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Very true. Why I prefer RCR. Just gets to the point faster.

Is not a thing in WoW.


And why can I not believe in free speech and also support Blizzard’s attempt to enforce their chat rules in game to allow for a better gaming experience for everyone ?

Free speech does not exist in privately owned properties , real or virtual.