Right Click Report is a Bad Idea

At first, I thought “whats the big deal, who cares??” … until I learned what the feature really does and how it would affect classic. Anything automated is bound to be abused.

  1. You could literally report someone while in an RBG and get them disconnected from the server AND banned.

  2. Imagine farming for something and while you’re in the middle, a group of A holes wants to farm your spot. They decide to right click report you to get you disconnected and when you get back on you are muted.

  3. When you are disconnected, when you log back on you are muted. You cannot communicate in any way. How do you do dungeons? there is no LFG. How about questing? Many quests require groups. Everything, including professions and more, requires /1 or /2. If you cannot talk in classic you pretty much cant play.

PEOPLE WILL ABUSE THIS IN CLASSIC MUCH MORE THAN RETAIL. Right click reporting is a horrible idea IF it includes the automated system. Simply right clicking someone’s name by itself is not problematic if it is adjudicated by blizzard, not some computer algorithm.


screenshot or it didn’t happen


Oh this again? 2 sec, gotta grab some popcorn, brb! :sunglasses:


The best example as to why a system where you can be punished(even if it’s not a massive punishment) by the mere act of being reported too often is not the best idea is Overwatch.

Players often get hit with the automated punishments in that game for the monstrous crime of wanting to play a character that’s seen as low tier. Anybody who has tried to main a character like Bastion in competitive in that game probably knows what I’m talking about.

Other players are good for reporting issues, but not a good determining factor in if somebody should be punished or not(again, even if that punishment is seen as minor).

That said, I don’t think the disconnection thing was ever proven.


This is not how anything works.


This argument is played out on these forums because advocates of both sides will stick to their guns. If someone provides screenshots or videos, the response will be that they are fake, staged, or outdated. What the OP probably cares about is making his voice heard to the development team, not convincing people on the forums.

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I see what you did there baity mcbaitface…

  1. Bans from right click report are not automatic.
  2. Bans from right click report are not automatic.
  3. That is not how muting works…

you get silenced in PUBLIC channels
so you couldn’t spam your own group, but you can still whisper people who are looking for groups and talk in guild/group chat.

if you are gonna claim that Bans are automated in WoW, please provide evidence that is the case, Until then That which is asserted without evidence will be dismissed without evidence.


yes, a master of the bait


No, you cannot. FFS this is part of the problem, none of you people even understand the damn system.

You cannot send tells, not even to your own damn friends list, while squelched.

The only workaround for chatting is via inviting them to a group and talking in party chat.

You are more than active enough on these forums to know that every post calling this garbage out gets censored/deleted… save the one or two examples where the GM gets on his/her snarky horse because the poster misrepresented their claim and was actually actioned for other reasons.

Forum policy prohibits discussion of actual enforcement, specifically because blizzard doesn’t like when you expose their terrible automated system for the automated and flawed trash that it is. Funny how they let the (EDIT: this is what happens when you answer the phone, then think you where done and post after hanging up, not realizing you cut out mid sentence… )… few posts of people lying stay up on the forums, despite those also being in “violation” of forum policy… It’s a PR department/forum team doing their jobs, and trying not to make the company look bad in the process.

Squelches are… and in a vanilla environment getting squelched is significantly more problematic than it is on retail, as communication is actually something of a necessity in vanilla


It’s the most common form of “legal” DDOS used in RBG, and the excuse used is toxicity.

For the system to change the target players “rights” the system logs them out.

This is a massive advantage for the team who abused it because they can DC a key player in a moment where it costs the game and there is no recovery from that most of the time.

I don’t expect you to understand competitive play, but that’s how far they will take it and already do in the modern game where this feature exists.

Don’t think for a moment this will not be used in classic to gain advantage in a competitive situation; even in a PvE server this system can and likely will be abused because the world itself has a lot of value unlike modern WoW.


I’m 100% in favor of right click report. Auto-squelch is a bad idea, but right-click report where it ignores the person being reported is something I want.

Too many people who keep posting these threads didn’t live through Vanilla, or have the actual issue of having a hundred trolls actually spamming or griefing or trolling.

The pros of the system heavily outweigh any cons, which have to be targeted by a number of players to be effective.

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It’s the squelch that were all in about, Blizzard knows. They’re very much reading the forum.

I seriously hope they dial the system back a bit because automated system’s that prevent a player from chat in modern wow is meaningless because of the modern Q systems and the fact that most of modern WoW can be solo’d.

I’m classic certain builds 100% depend on friends or group play to even participate.

With out the ability to talk in chat you may as well log out because it’s effectively over if you’re not in a guild and on discord.

That’s why the modern system doesn’t work out; it’s 100% anti blizzard to prevent a player from actual play, and that’s truly how bad squelch is for Classic.

That’s totally ignoring the DDoS component of how the squelch is added. It’s just a function of the system and not something they can likely fix.

Best possible solution to this problem is keep the clock to report; require a detailed description of the problem, and that will prompt a real GM to review and take the appropriate measures.



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Well you certainly don’t.

Squelches are not automated according to Blizzard.

Following the Legion pre-expansion, any player who is reported multiple times under the Spam or Abusive Chat categories will, after investigation, receive an account-wide silence penalty.

But of course this is just PR speak, right? We should believe the fear mongering plebs over any official source.

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Seems like if this were a real problem it would happen very often to streamers. Even if the big ones were protected from it it would still happen very often to medium to small time streamers and we would hear about it.


for streamers it mite be but the causal guy it will be fine.

I agree. This isn’t how any of it works…and the only people actually WORRIED about the right-click system are, in my experience, people likely to be reported constantly for their behavior.