This will be abused (automated punishment)

So I saw one of the big streamers was using freehold boosts to level a DK for fun arena games. Then I learnt that selling in game service for gold isn’t against the TOS and I invested two weeks time to set-up a 110 dh to try to make some gold to pay for my subscription. I was quing random 3s on one of my characters and would post in the trade chat between games. The message I copy and paste every time is exactly as this:
‘WTS110 DH freehold boosting 110-120 CHEAP! 15-20mins per lvl. Island leveling(chance on mount and pet). 100-110 dungeon boosting. PST.’.

I wasn’t spamming b/c there is literally no point and also i was quing arenas. Then I suddenly got dc-ed and said my chat and mail privilege was suspended. I check my email there is a 24hr suspension. This is my first time got this type of suspension. And the email says Your fellow players reported you for abusive language multiple times. So how is my language abusive in any means? And is using trade chat advertising an improper way??

PS: I later learnt that competitors get guidies or friends or multibox to report competitors so they get market. And is this an way to abuse the system and blizzard just let it happen?

I may know someone who is multi boxing and may be playing on my server in classic and may mass report people who are trying to out level us so we can get ahead of the pack.

Just kidding I don’t know anyone who would do that and I don’t recommend you false report people it’s against the TOS haha :blush:


So you’re saying if I’m waiting for a mob to spawn on my multibox group and there is another guy waiting too, I can just report him on all my characters and he’ll disappear from the field?

Cool feature Blizzard!


I didn’t say that! Also like I said that’s against the TOS!

But… it “may happen” :blush:

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I hope they implement something to curb those who abuse the system. Didn’t vote to kick have a similar feature where you wouldn’t be allowed to instigate a vote if you had done it too many times before?

Seen a twitch clip of RBG players mass reporting the healer on the other team. He was instantly kicked offline.


Not sure, although back in the day you could only kick one person from a group and after that you couldn’t vote kick another person.

I remember watching a YouTube series of a rogue who got to max level by joinging dungeons, kicking a random person and then afking the entire run. He ended up getting to max level doing zero damage. Not sure if Blizzard ever changed it.


When we ran guild groups for 5 mans, sometimes we would pick up a pug to fill the final slot.
Most of the time the pug was horrendous so we ended up vote-kicking a large majority of them. After I while, most of the group couldn’t vote kick for 2-3 months.
I think they had some kind of built in diminishing return type system?

I’ve seen the same video.

Obviously the majority of players won’t be abusing this system but just imagine for a second that it’s the first day of classic. You tag an important mob before another player and a few minutes later receive a 24 hour ban. You miss out on the first day of classic AND you fall way behind the leveling surge.

The chances that this happens to you are slim at best, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen to people. A small amount of people are going to have their experience completely ruined and you could be one of them.


I think this will be heavily abused in vanilla and has no place in the game.

Just saying the wrong thing on trade chat will get you a ban.

Hell, I doubt barrens chat will even need sharding with how fast people are getting banned for joking around in general chat.


Firstly, I hope sharing doesn’t make it into the Barrens.
Secondly, I agree, the RCR system is far to open to abuse and not bound by “rules” as much as the “interpretation of the rules” by the mob mentality.
Thirdly, NO in-game punishments should be automated in any way at all. Let the RCR gather evidence and a human GM interpret and follow up when a sufficient volume of reports have been generated.


The auto-squelch is Blizzard’s way to tell the player to “shut it” while they take a look at the reports. it’s more of an emergency measure than a punishment. It was initially designed to combat spammers and gold sellers.

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Zul’jin trade chat is constantly selling Heroic
/Mythic BoD carries and when you whisper them they give you a link to a website where you spend actual dollars on carries. I report these all day long.


There’s a difference between being silenced and being suspended for 24 hours. If the only thing the system did was silence you it wouldn’t be a huge problem, however you can easily knock people offline.

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Just so you know, there is NO auto-suspension or Ban. If you got suspended, means a GM looked at the reports and flagged your account. The only thing automated is the squelch. Being knocked offline is a limitation with the current client, Blizzard has said it’s something they want to fix, but it’s not high priority. it’s a bug.


That’s false and a quick google search can easily prove that. In fact you don’t even need to google I literally posted a quote of someone from GD who was suspended from right click report. Also as I’ve said before I “may have” seen someone abusing the system, if you get what I’m saying.

The person had 50+ accounts and he went around Stormwind literally knocking anyone he wanted offline. He knocked my friend offline for 5 hours and only the next day did a Blizzard GM tell him that there was no strike on his account and the punishment was unfair.


You can say it’s not a punishment all you want but getting privileges revoked such as a squelch is in fact a punishment.


Ok, Dire Bear with me here. I have played Heroes of the Storm intermittently since it’s release. I am never rude, negative, racist, sexist, homophobic, or toxic in any way. Yet, I vividly remember receiving a weeklong ban from the game when a premade group of four reported me for simply suggesting a new game plan. After writing Blizzard a respectful ticket explaining my situation, a CS Rep replied with a canned copy+paste response making it absolutely clear that my ticket was, at best, “skimmed.” I was seriously pissed off, and felt severely undervalued as a customer. Were that my first experience with a Blizzard game, it would have been my last.

What does this have to do with a right-click WoW reporting system in WoW Classic? If this system is implemented, yes, it will make reporting REAL troublemakers slightly more convinient. It will also greatly increase the risk of abuse.

Now, any abuse would be a non-issue if Blizzard employees were to truly audit each case properly to weed out false reports. However, my previous experience with a Blizzard report/ban system leaves me with zero faith in their CS team moving forward.


Nothing automated like this should be available in Classic.

Classic will be a highly competitive game and there will be salt about a lot of things. If it got out of hand, and let’s be honest this is WoW it’s always out of hand… you couldn’t get near a rare spawn without getting a ban.

How will a level 60 Warlock camp the town of Lakeshire without getting a ban? Instead of a PVP solution, you get a bunch of entitled brats who /tar “Evilwortluk” and right click report.



There is NO right click Ban…just a squelch. Your lock can camp Lakeshire all they want, he will just not be able to chat until a GM looks at it.

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I’m not sure where that information comes from, but I’ll assume you are correct. Automated player generated punishment in WoW is really dumb. I can think of a couple of slurs that deserve swift justice, but Blizzard should monitor for that and handle it directly.

A squelch in Classic is far worse than in the modern game. So much of the game is chatting to people. Basically everything involving players.

Lol it won’t be my Wartlock, I’m saying that kind of thing needs room to breath or it isn’t really “Classic”. It’s not hard to get a few 60s to clean that up or just leave and level in another zone. No coddling and no ways for players to punish others for playing the game.