I’m missing almost my entire roster that was on the Uther server, but it has been a very long time since I logged in.
I think my last log in was at the release of Panderia?
I’m hoping someone can help.
I’m missing almost my entire roster that was on the Uther server, but it has been a very long time since I logged in.
I think my last log in was at the release of Panderia?
I’m hoping someone can help.
Rosàletta You have characters on Duskwood, Anvilmar and Ravenholdt.
Crumbi - looks like you found your priest on Tichondrius.
Ikagawa - I do see quite a few characters on Uther, but they were deleted in 2011. Hopefully they will be on your restore list.
Thank you for the information, Orlyia! I will see what I can do.
Returning after 12 years was playing free trial see how it went but my main wasn’t listed my alts were. Just renewed my subscription still no luck with my main
Maelstrom server Phulish night elf hunter lvl 62+ or higher before just seeing if can help thanks
It looks like that character was transferred from Maelstrom back in 2012 to Icecrown. There are several characters on Icecrown, Lightbringer, Maelstrom, Runetotem, and Twisting Nether.
Thank you appreciate the quick response
I just renewed since the end of the Legion expansion and I seem to have missing characters: a human priest (lv 80), a dwarf death knight (lv 80), a gnome mage (lv 80), and a night elf warrior (19). I believe all of these characters were on the Dalaran server, but that only contains a level 2 monk.
Edit: I have sorted my server list and have created a new character on Dalaran to refresh the list.
Thanks for your reply!
Those characters appear to be on Garona, Korskoth.
Much obliged, friend! They didn’t appear on my sort.
Thanks for the swift reply and have a great weekend!
I am having a similar issue I am trying to find my old rogue from back when I played in vanilla on my account P8ntballrx but I can not seem to find it on any servers that I remember being on. I can find it on a old classic data base but when I look at those servers in live it is not there.
Are you looking on the P8ntballrx license, Draumaz? It looks like your other license is currently active so wanted to make sure.
From what I can see your Rogue moved around several realms since creation, last transferring to Frostmane in 2012.
Awesome, thank you for such a quick response!
I’m about to get back into retail and I’ve logged in to find I’m missing most of main characters. Last xpac I played was Warlords in 2016. I did not delete any of them as I’ve had them since day for. I’m getting abit worried that they’re gone. One is a shaman and one a paladin. I believe the paladin was thoghoris and shaman was flugal (goblin)
Are you positive you are logging in to the same account? Right realm? Characters that haven’t been logged in to for quite awhile will not show on the realm list until you actually log in to the correct realm.
I’m returning to WOW from a several year break. I have 3 game accounts (wow1, wow2 & wow3) but I don’t recall which game account and which realm my old characters were in. I have subscription time for Wow1 but it appear they aren’t there. Can someone help me so I don’t have to subscribe to wow2 & wow3 to look? Thanks!
It looks like you may have located those characters on Blackrock, but you have several others. You have several low levels on various realms but you have some mid/higher level characters on Altar of Storms, Frostmourne, and Mok’Nathal.
Your Wow#2 and Wow#3 are Starter Edition accounts, meaning they were never upgraded to a full standard account and couldn’t have anything more than level 20’s on it. You’d be safely able to remove those if you wished through our self-help option here.
As for your WoW#1 account, it doesn’t look like you have any high level characters on it. The only one I can find is an old level 1 characters on Dragonblight.
Do you recall if you have any other email addresses you may have used to create a Battle.net account? If you can recall a character name/realm I might be able to poke around and see what’s out there.
I played thru the lich king and the panda expansion so I was pretty high level on 3 characters. One was a shaman named Ayre. I’m not really concerned about those but I did buy several mounts through the shop. Even if I deleted the characters (maybe I had a crazy moment) wouldn’t the mounts still be tied to my account?