Returning player can't find any OLD characters

If you deleted the characters I’d still be able to see them, unless they were so low level that the system purged them. If they were level 50+ before the level squish, they’d still be there. Which is an indication that what characters and mounts you are recalling were never on the account you are currently logged into.

The name and realm of some characters on the WoW license you are referring to can help me to find it.

Now, I did find another account with a WoW license that contains a level 85 Draenei Shaman named Ayre, but the name on the account is not at all similar to the name on the one you are currently on. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that we do not allow the sharing of accounts or the sale, trade or gifting of accounts. The use of a false name on an account can also cause an issue if you ever need to verify that you are the registered user for the account.

That said, the email you are looking for would be an @yahoo one, starting with a G. Hopefully that helps, but you might need to submit a ticket for recovery assistance.

I’m not sure what happened to my characters only one I can remember the name of was my human female paladin Angelhammer. I haven’t been on since Burning Crusade. I also had a Draenei mage that was frost spec but I can’t remeber her name. I also believe I had a night elf are they called rogues or assassins I can’t remember. without names I guess this doesn’t help. I’m hoping the account is this one and not the one I don’t have access to the e-mail of any more.

You are logged into the account with your old WoW license, so that definitely does help. :slight_smile:

Angelhammer, along with several other characters, is on Fenris. You also have a bunch of low level characters on Grizzly Hills.

Thank you Fenris sounds very familiar

Yes, that is correct. I forgot I set this account up for my nephew to play with me and that one was my account. I’m not sure I had a account setup for it at the time. It won’t allow me to request a password reset wit that email address. what do I need to do to get that account active instead?

Click on the link I provided.

I have submitted a ticket but the response was they cannot find it. The tech said they need to know what realm the character is on. Just to verify, the other two characters should be a wizard and a priest. Can you tell me which realm it is? Thank you so much for your help!

Unfortunately, that character name isn’t as uncommon as you’d like to find easily. Ayre is on Eonar. That should help the Game Master find it.

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Can you check mine as well if you are still doing this? Thank you.

It generally helps to know what you are looking for, Mohrrager. :slight_smile: Character names or something like, I’m looking for my level 80 dwarf rogue, etc…

In your case I see several characters on Archimonde, mostly deleted. You also have some on Twisting Nether (some deleted, some not), but you seem to have accessed that realm along with Detheroc and Dethecus so you should see those already.

Sorry. I replied on an earlier one. Didn’t realize it didn’t tag it. I was wondering if there are any hidden characters on my account. I haven’t logged in over 10 years and thought I had more characters.

That would be primarily Archimonde. They aren’t hidden exactly, you just appear to have deleted them some time ago.

No problem. I thought I would ask. I saw that some answers suggesting to check server to server, and I did not want to do that. I do remember that I constantly changed characters. I probably deleted all the ones I am thinking of. I appreciate your help. It is good to be back.

I stopped playing during pandaria. I came back for classic launch and remember seeing my old character “shadowskel” the undead rogue. However, I’ve since upgraded to shadowlands and am unable to see any characters other than ones started under “a free to level 20” premise.

Try creating a lvl 1 toon on the realm that the toons were on see if that refreshes it.

I’ve done that on all of my old realms. Nothing.

Are you not seeing the Rogue you are posting with on the Grobbulus realm selection page, Shadowskel?

If so, I’d agree with Darthwraith and recommend creating and deleting a character on that realm. That should refresh the list.

If you are looking for other characters that you played during Mists of Pandaria, I’m afraid I only see two. One on Maelstrom recently created, and a level 2 on Ysera created back in 2014.

You might be looking at the wrong WoW license. If you can recall some character names/realms I might be able to take a look for you.

From what I can see, Shadowskel, you have an older account that does house an old WoW license. That license has several characters on it including a Shadowskel on Maelstrom.

You also have characters on Black Dragonflight, Blackwing Lair, Blood Furnace, Elune, Emerald Dream, Feathermoon, Hakkar, Icecrown, Lightning’s Blade, Nordrassil, Onyxia, Ravenholdt, Shattered Halls, The Venture Co and Thrall.

For reference it is a Hotmail address based on your last name. I hope that helps.

Yes I think I might have accidentally created a two accounts. I’m pretty sure my main was an undead rogue named shadowskel on maelstrom

That’s great news. Is there anyway to merge the accounts or something I can do since I’ve purchased the expansion and time on another account