Hi, so I had a female Human Paladin in Wrath, and when Cata came around I race changed to Tauren Male and I have seen that character since, just recently started looking for that character but cant remember a name or realm. Also i just went through every realm and even looked through all realm deleted characters and still didnt find hit. PLEASE HELP!
So, we searching through the account and account history for the character and I’m afraid I was unable to find it.
I don’t show that it was faction changed to a Tauren. The only Paladin (created December of 2008) I see started out as a Human and faction changed to a Blood Elf (May 2010). You did faction change your Night Elf Druid to a Tauren around the same time though, so you might be mixing the two.
There is no indication that it was transferred to another WoW license or another Battle.net account. Characters don’t generally disappear and we’ve had no situations on Modern WoW that should have caused it. The only explanation that I can think of is that at some point after the level squish in Shadowlands, the character was deleted. Because the character would have been well under 50 after the squish, it would have been deleted after 120+ days (I believe the GM that answered your ticket came to the same conclusion).
I’m sorry we couldn’t be more help.
Hi thank you so much for taking the time to look. And yes I remember it was me mixing up my druid and paladin i remember correctly now. And unfortunately, the character is gone. I would have hoped that a character that was originally over lvl 50 and raided in Wrath and Cata would have been spared. Thank you for looking and getting down to the bottom of it, even if it isn’t the greatest answer I could have hoped for.
If you deleted it before the level squish, it would still be there - I have level 24 characters deleted years ago (when they were 58 or so) that I can still undelete - so they did do a little to protect those older characters. For whatever that’s worth.
Yea i actually do have characters that I had deleted from way back still on the game as well. It just sucks that a character I did not delete was taken from the account when otheres that i clearly got rid of are still there.
Haven’t played in 14 years.
Successfully login to account. Launched the game and all the characters are missing.
Spent several hours researching and trying “fixes” from Blizzard and other forums, none have worked.
Tried to submit and ticket, only to receive “an error on our end”, over and over, including in and out of game.
Scarlet Crusade was the last server i remember them on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Go the the item restore or character xfer page and it will populate your characters that way so you have an idea where they are.
I think I found the license you are talking about, Mursabirise - but that was moved to another Battlenet quite some time ago - and is also being actively played.
If you need to contest being the account holder, that will need to be done through tickets, and will take quite a bit of proof.
It was an older named license that was once on this Battlenet.
Thanks for the update.
I do remember blizzard offering to merge accounts.
It is very possible I did make the move.
Assuming that i did find the account, would i still have to try the “fixes” to populate the character list?
Thanks again
No, you are just looking at the wrong Battlenet for them.
Given that account is being actively played - I’d presume it’s not by you?
I haven’t played since BC and would love to know where my blood elf paladin is. He was lvl 70, though i assume he was squished and deleted at some point. I thought he was on Quel’dorei, but maybe I moved him. I did try the create new char/ delete cache trick
Squished, almost certainly. Deleted though, not likely. My understanding is that even squished toons don’t get deleted until they’ve been logged into for the first time since the squish and have their level adjusted. Then they would need to be deleted in order for them to eventually be purged if they’re not a high enough level.
Do you remember the name?
I’m guessing it’s on a different account, but a name might help a mod find it later.
I actually do recall the name, though I didn’t include it as it seemed other posts avoided that. I’m fairly certain that the email associated with that account would be the same as the one associated with my current battlenet account. I know it was originally on Quel’dorei, because I was in the Threepwood guild, that Monkey Island themed guild started by the game designer. The character name was Palido - you had to have the name of a character from the Monkey Island series
It has to be on another Battlenet, Bajichuan.
This one only has one license, with two characters.
I’m not having any luck with that name - did you change it at some point?
I certainly don’t recall changing it and can’t think of any reason why I would. This would have been 2007-08 ish. I definitely had this email then, but perhaps I created the account under some other emai in 2004 or 05. Palido was definitely the name. Oh well, sometimes nostalgia is a chain that binds us, and we must be set free whether we like it or not.
Do you remember any other names around that time?
Unfortunately not. That was my only end game char that I would have bothered remembering
Old returning player here - last played around 2010, WOTLK.
I believe I am still using the same Battle Net account, although I have since changed the email address on it and also the username.
I don’t see any of my old characters, although I do not remember at all what realm they were on…
I think one of them was named “Jadoosh”… I remember having a warrior that was fairly high level, and also a Death Knight that was fairly high level.
Are you able to at least see if those characters still exist, or what realm they were on? Or did I delete them back in the day? Any info you can give me at all would be appreciated. Thank you!
It has been awhile, most of the names on that realm have been released and they will have numbers at the end. You can rename them when you log into the character.
If nothing shows on the character list for Deathwing - make a new character. Log in, log out and look at the list again. That should refresh it.