Its doable just a little bit challenging just wait till morning and a blue can take a look.
Oh kewl kewl!!! TYVM
Your higher characters are on Ravencrest, Etrigg and Kul Tiras.
They have aged - so their names were released and you’ll see numbers.
If you see none on your character list - log in with a new character, log out - the list should refresh.
You can rename these when you log into them. If the old name hasn’t been taken in the meantime, you can reuse. If it has, you can just choose another name.
Thank you so very much
I’m returning to retail and have a few old characters I can’t find. I used to be on Kilrogg which is only server I remember. I left back in MoP. Can you tell me what servers my characters ended up on? Probably only like 4 or 5 total. I know I have logged in and seen them back when Shadowlands launched. Thanks for any help you can provide with this as I really want to keep my characters
Try creating a lvl one toon on that realm to refresh the character select screen.
ok, will try that thanks but hopefully Blizz can find them for me too if I have no luck
That didn’t work–I guess they must have moved them. They wouldn’t delete would they?
Blizzard doesn’t delete toons. I’d recommend ensuring you’re on the right account. Some folks forget they may have moved or transferred them from years ago.
Blizzard doesnt move or delete toons that has to be done player side.
good to know they aren’t deleted–I did have another account back in the day but I’m pretty sure I only had a couple toons there–I guess I can check that as well
Where are you looking for those characters, Willowmyst? The WoW#1 license on this account was created back in 2018, so well after MOP.
I think you are looking for characters on the named WoW license you have on this account. There are several characters on Kilrogg, which were last logged into back in April of 2022.
oh my gosh, thank you–I do see them when I get on that other account. That is what I was looking for–appreciate it. Can I move to the active account? I realize it would cost money but don’t want to open another account as I only need 1
Yes, you should be able to transfer the characters, however, the system may require you to log into those characters prior to logging in. We are sometimes able to grant courtesy game time in order to help with this. If you decide to go ahead with a transfer and cannot without logging in, submit a ticket under “Purchase Failure” and let our Support staff know.
Perfect, thanks so much for your help
@vrakthris, is there anyway you could look over my account for me? I wanted to check if my main ‘Quindalyn’ is the one and same character I’ve had since I started back in 2010. Plenty of race/name/faction/server changes over the last 14 years lol.
Also, I’m going through and undeleting any alts. I think I’ve got 6 left to undelete on Frostmourne AU. While I’ve entered a bunch of different AU/US servers and checked undelete, I’m not sure if I’ve missed any!
Caught me right as I had one foot out the door.
Are you referring to the character you are posting on? If so, it was created August 26, 2010, so it seems likely. It’s gone through a bunch of race/faction changes, but does appear to be the oldest character on this WoW license.
Wow such a quick reply! Apologies haha it’s midday here in Queensland, Australia!
Ahh so awesome thank you very much! Great to know
Have a good night!
When you do get back in, is there any way I can find out what that characters original name and race was? I’d love to go back to that OG!
The character was originally a Night Elf named Thilly.