Returning player can't find any OLD characters

From what I can see, Frojoey, this account was created when you established a Hearthstone license back in 2015. The WoW license was created a couple of days ago. I don’t see any indication that there was ever a different WoW license on it nor can I see the email address used here as being associated with any other account.

Petrin and Hellrzr as names have been used by several players over the years so finding which may have been yours is a bit of a challenge, however, Frojoey is unique enough that I can only find two characters with that name. The first is the character you are posting on, on the new WoW license. The second is a character last accessed in 2014 on a account similarly named to this one. Except it’s a hotmail address and the number is minus 3 from what you currently have here.

Hopefully you still have access to that email address.

Since the game time you purchases on this WoW license was recent, we may be able to provide a refund, but you’ll want to submit a refund request form this account.

I’d close your other ticket, but if you do not have access to the hotmail address, you’ll need to submit a ticket to recover the other account.

An outline of what information is needed and the link to submit a ticket can be found in the following Support Article:


Good afternoon! If I have found the authenticator and know the email address but the authenticator has died, how would I go about this? Can you remove the authenticator so I can log in? T

Vrak can’t no. But you can follow the steps in this ticket option to see if you can remove it or put in a ticket to have it removed:


Hi, I too am returning. I last logged in around August 2021, I got a free couple of hours to see if I had enough gold to get a sub in game. I am pretty sure I had a human mage called Fistandantilus, I had a number of toons, but I just cant remember the realm I was on.
Also a hunter called Lleldorin, and a dranaei pally, whose name i cant rememebr, plus more

Pally was Lighthawkk

If you try to change posting characters do they show?

The account you are currently logged into, Dorbalemen, was created a couple of days ago, so my guess is you have another account out there.

Found the character. I can’t provide the email address, but I can give a hint. The email is a address and starts with an S, ending in a 28.

I hope that helps.

You have characters on Argent Dawn, Bonechewer, Caelestrasz, Cairne, Jubei’Thos, Khaz’goroth, Nagrand, Saurfang, Sisters of Elune and Thaurissan. The higher level ones being mostly on Khaz’goroth.


My next question is can i swap gametime between accounts, and thank you very much for the help

Generally not, but if it was a recent purchase we may be able to help. You’ll want to put in a refund request and see if it can be done.

Also looking to find where my old characters are. I’ve found a few realms but haven’t found all the characters yet.

There doesn’t seem to be many characters on this account, Simplyorion. Looks like mostly low level characters on Argent Dawn, Elune, Dalvengyr, Shadowsong, Sisters of Elune, and Terenas.

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I’m looking for some decade old toons, I had some undead warlocks and I have no idea what server I was on back in the day.

I see Warlocks on Anvilmar, Skywall, Aggramar and Tichondrius.

Many have numbers in their name which means the name was released because of inactivity. You’ll be able to rename them when you log in. If no one has claimed the names, you are certainly free to reuse them.


I can only see my old characters in the world of warcraft but not in the classics. How can I play my old characters?

Some servers were closed before WLK released, but the characters were moved. Try logging into Sulfuras if you are talking specifically about TBC characters.

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Thanks for the reply. Yeah, it is not there… It has been about 7-10 years (can’t remember exactly) but the chars were lvl 70s

Do you recall which server?

For US servers

Felstriker Yojamba
Anathema Sulfuras
Arcanite Reaper Sulfuras
Bigglesworth Sulfuras
Blaumeux Sulfuras
Deviate Delight Sulfuras
Fairbanks Sulfuras
Heartseeker Sulfuras
Herod Sulfuras
Incendius Sulfuras
Kirtonos Sulfuras
Kromcrush Sulfuras
Kurinnaxx Sulfuras
Loatheb Sulfuras
Netherwind Sulfuras
Rattlegore Sulfuras
Skeram Sulfuras
Smolderweb Sulfuras
Stalagg Sulfuras
Sul’thraze Sulfuras
Thalnos Sulfuras
Thunderfury Sulfuras

Tichondirus and Blackrock

Those would be retail servers. How about classic servers?

I’m not sure if this is the full list

Before creating a character, you’ll choose the realm where you want to play that character. Realms in the Americas will be:

Name Type Time Zone
Ashkandi Normal Eastern
Atiesh Normal Pacific
Azuresong Normal Pacific
Mankrik Normal Eastern
Myzrael Normal Pacific
Old Blanchy Normal Pacific
Pagle Normal Eastern
Westfall Normal Eastern
Windseeker Normal Eastern
Name Type Time Zone
Benediction PvP Eastern
Bigglesworth PvP Pacific
Blaumeux PvP Pacific
Faerlina PvP Eastern
Fairbanks PvP Pacific
Herod PvP Eastern
Incendius PvP Eastern
Kirtonos PvP Eastern
Kurinaxx PvP Pacific
Kromcrush PvP Eastern
Rattlegore PvP Pacific
Skeram PvP Eastern
Smolderweb PvP Pacific
Stalagg PvP Eastern
Sulfuras PvP Eastern
Thalnos PvP Eastern
Thunderfury PvP Pacific
Whitemane PvP Pacific
Name Type Time Zone
Bloodsail Buccaneers RP Eastern
Deviate Delight RP-PvP Eastern
Grobbulus RP-PvP Pacific

Oceanic realms will be:

Name Type Time Zone
Arugal PvP Australian Eastern Time
Felstriker PvP Australian Eastern Time
Remulos Normal Australian Eastern Time
Yojamba PvP Australian Eastern Time

And just to make sure, you do not have more then one account, and you are logging into the correct classic game and license.

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Ah, I am not sure about this… how do I check? lol

A Blue poster can usually pin point servers, but as a fellow player my only suggestion is to log in and start checking each server. Fortunately for classic there are not as many.