Returning player can't find any OLD characters

You can’t play your old characters on the Classic realms. Retail characters, even really old ones that haven’t been played in years, are still retail characters. If you want to play the Classic or WotLK Classic clients, you’ll need to roll new characters. Retail WoW, WoW Classic, and WotLK CLassic are, for all intents and purposes, three different, distinct and unique games.


Ok, must have missed this part. You did not play wow classic, you were last in retail that long ago. Your armory does seem to show this is not a new account, so make sure to log into the game and all the way into the server.


I’m not seeing any old classic characters, Tobikun. The only Classic ones I can see were created recently. All your other characters appear to be in regular World of Warcraft.

Most are on Blackrock, Khaz’goroth, Thrall, and Tichondrius.


One other thing I forgot to mention was the levels squished with Shadowlands, your level 70 characters will now by 14-16.

Current New Current New Current New Current New
1 1 32-34 14 68-71 27 100-101 40
2-4 2 35-36 15 72-75 28 102-103 41
5-7 3 37-38 16 76-79 29 104-105 42
8-9 4 39-40 17 80-81 30 106-107 43
10-11 5 41-42 18 82-83 31 108-109 44
12-13 6 43-44 19 84-85 32 110-111 45
14-15 7 45-47 20 86-87 33 112-113 46
16-17 8 48-49 21 88-89 34 114-115 47
18-19 9 51-53 22 90-91 35 116-117 48
20-22 10 54-56 23 92-93 36 118-119 49
23-25 11 57-59 24 94-95 37 120 50
26-28 12 60-63 25 96-97 38
29-31 13 64-67 26 98-99 39

Hello. I’m a Classic player looking to tour Retail, and would like to revisit some old characters as I do. They appear to be MIA.
I’ve not played Retail since WoD 1.

I logged into the last server I remember being active on (Aerie Peak,) but no luck. I’m fairly positive I did transfer off of there, but don’t remember where. I’ve checked several of the servers that look familiar, and also tried the name-change service trick, also with no luck.
On the site, it has listed two of my old mains, showing them as level 40. When I click to view their profile details, it says shows them on Aerie Peak.

Possible issue?
My subscription is currently through Classic, and I did not (yet?) purchase the DF expac. After installing Retail and logging in, my account details updated to show an active sub for both. I’ve been able to create and start playing a new character on a new server, but when I visit old servers, I get the “resubscribe now / continue where you left off / revive your hero” pop up on the side bar.

Are old characters currently gated until I change my subscription format?

If you are not seeing those two mains when you log on to aerie peak, they are probably on a different WoW license.

But Sometimes, making a new character on a realm can force an update of hidden characters.


Thank you. Attempted and no luck there either.

All of my 'looms and toys are available, if that matters

Those would be tied to your BNet account instead of the individual WoW license.
Do you have a drop-down menu to select different WoW Accounts like a WoW1, WoW2, etc.?


Where would I see that?
Disregard, found it and yes, that was the issue. Thanks!


For me on the launcher I have two drop down boxes when I have WoW selected, above the Play button.

First one let’s me pick which WoW (Dragonflight, Classic, PTR, etc) I wish to use, the second will let you pick which WoW license to use when launching as you can have eight of them tied to one BNet account.
Do you have that second drop down? If you have multiple licenses on that BNet account, that’d be how you’d switch between them.

Edit - Glad to hear you got it resolved!

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Greetings! I haven’t played since Battle for Azeroth, and I’m curious about joining my friends for Dragonflight. The issue is, I can’t find the character I played BFA with!

The character name is “Normando”, but I can’t remember the server for the life of me. My characters from Vanilla are still around which is great, and I can see all the BFA achievements Normando got, and make new characters of the one Allied race I unlocked with it, but I can’t find the character anywhere. I know the level will have changed since the squish, but I can find no trace of them. Would love some assistance. I tried the undelete option on all the servers I’m on, and I tried fishing on other servers that I may have been on, but nothings sticking.


Looks like the character, and a few others, is on Kael’thas.


Thank you so much! OMG I was losing my mind!



I recently got my old login info back after years away and my old email server no longer existing. I am in the same situation as many of the people you’ve been helping for years in this thread. I had a gnome warlock named Eli as my main before I stopped playing before and I can’t seem to find it. I’ve rolled a new one since then, but would love to have the old achievements, mounts, etc. back with that character if possible. I’ve tried the suggested steps of clicking through servers and creating new characters and also deleting the cache and nothing has worked for me so far. Is there anything you could suggest me to try that I haven’t?

That’s not on this Battlenet Fandielor.

I suspect you have an old one - finding it is going to be the trick. So you remember your old Battletag? What realm it was on? If you had an account under your old email you can no longer access - that’s likely it. You’ll probably need Billing to help you get back into control of it and change the email.


I had some assistance getting what I thought was my old Battletag back. I had to create a new unused email to attach it to. I reached out to some friends who I used to play with back before I left and was able to put together that I believe I last played as a gnome warlock (at the time) named Elí on Emerald Dream and was in a guild called Apathy. Does that help or should I still reach out to billing?

That is where that character is - and I see where you recovered it. They changed the email to the one you supplied. Can you not log into that account? It’s not the one you are posting with here.


The new email is what I’ve been using to log into Battlenet, and when I log out of wow and log back in the new email is what is listed. I just logged out and tried to log in using the “old” email that had been using before I started the recovery process and it is saying that the old email is not valid. I’m sorry if I missed a step or misunderstood something along the way!

Ok, I think I see what happened. They changed the email on the account you reported under - not the old one. An email can only be used once - they have to be unique. Can you submit another email to be used on the old one - one you can access?


I’ve reopened my old ticket with a link to this conversation and a new, unassigned email. Thank you so much Orlyia! I was worried I had hit a dead end but you’ve given me new hope!