Something to keep in mind too, is that if the hack happened long ago, there may no longer be the logs necessary to fully recover from it. Unfortunately, time is of the essence when it comes to account recovery.
Here’s hoping that they’re able to help out in some fashion though!
Lastly, also make sure that your email is secure. If they were in your account, it’s almost certain that they were in your email too. Just make sure you’ve got an authenticator on your email too if they offer it.
Looking at the account it does look like it was created originally in 2010, but it only ever seems to have had two characters on it. Which you created in the last day or so.
I did find a second account with your name on it, also created in 2010. It has several characters on it, including a level 85 Blood Elf Mage (which would be a lower level with the level-squish), as well as a few other low level characters, mostly on Dragonblight.
I can’t post the email address for that, but I can give you a hint. It’s basically what you are using now, but a hotmail, with a “_” instead of a “.” I hope that helps.
If you no longer have access to the hotmail account, assuming you can’t recover it (I haven’t used hotmail in years, but I assume they might have a recovery process)… you’d need to submit a ticket to recover it.
They’ll need to swap the registered address to something else, so be sure to include an email address that is not currently in use as a account.
Returning player here. It has been years since I have played maybe 2009 I left off at Cataclysm. I am not able to find my characters. I also don’t remember and or see the servers they were on. My main was a blood elf paladin named Sunstriderii . I know I had some other characters but that was my main be really nice to recover him. Any info on finding my lost characters would be awesome. I also remember playing with a death knight. And if it is on an older account hopefully they can be merged to this new account since it is so old and if it was attached to an older email account that account would have been deleted But I can provide any info needed to recover and merge it.
So they are attached to my current battle net account? If so that’s fantastic news! Thank you for timely reply and answering twice . I will login into those servers and see if they pop up.
Yes. You have a bunch of characters across several realms, and some seem to consist mostly of older deleted characters.
You’ll find them on Kel’Thuzad, Korgath, Maelstrom, Mal’Ganis, Spirestone, and Stormreaver.
Keep in mind, you can only use the Undelete option for one character once every 7 days. If you with to restore a bunch of characters, it may take a bit to do, so choose wisely.
Any chance I could get the same help? Couldn’t find any old characters and tried 7-8 realms that looked familiar. But it’s been probably 10 years, maybe a little less.
I did create a new character to try out the new 1-10 levels. Would love to find my old toons!! =)
Vrakthris, if you would be so kind, can you do the same for me
I just made a 10 on Winterhoof, so I could post here. ive had this account since 2013, i just dont remember the realms
This license was definitely created a while back, 2008 it looks like, but it doesn’t look like it was ever upgraded. It was only ever a Starter Edition.
You have an old character on Aman’Thul, but it’s level 5, probably 2-3 post squish.
I did find another account that is under the same name. The email is the same as you use for this account, but it’s a @gmail. That one has a WoW licenses from 2010. There are characters on Skywall and Bonechewer. Characters appear to be around 20-43 mostly (pre-squish).
Returning player. Can’t seem to find the server that I had my paladin on. Any chance I could get some help, remember running him through Molten core and BWL
I am also searching for old toons that I had from mists of pandaria. Any assistance would be great as I have finally been able to come back to the game! Thanks for anything you can do!
It looks like the account you are currently posting on is pretty new and the account doesn’t have a lot of unique specifics to help find any other associated accounts.
Do you recall any character names? Along with Class, Race and approximate level?
I didn’t change my log in with so I’m not sure where they went. I had a bunch of maxed characters. Hellrzr, Petrin, Frojoey. I had a DK, and priest as well I can’t remember and I had a monk. I may have had more but I cannot remember. They were all level 80.