Returning player can't find any OLD characters

Any chance Customer Service could locate any players i have? I’ve searched a few realms and have had no luck…Thank You!

Not on this Battlenet, Keverr. I suspect you probably have one under a different email.

Hi, I’m having the same problem, came back after 8 year and can’t see my characters, either There should be some in the Arthas and Lightinghoof servers (as well as others, but those are the two important ones), I can still see them in my guilds playerlist, but they don’t appear in the character list. Any help would be really appreciated! Thank you

Have you logged into those realms? If they’ve been inactive a very long time - you may need to log into the realm to force the character list to refresh.

I logged into Arthas, made a character and brought it to lvl 41

Ok, I think you either have a license so old it was never merged to a Battlenet account, or it’s under another email. This license is from 2018 - but only one character on it.

is there any way to fix it? I mean, I still have all of my mounts and achievements from way back then

Do you remember what levels they were? Is it possible you deleted them and they were under the level where they’d be purged?

The main characters I cared about are Kalligos, Ondoheer and Tolvern on Arthas, Kalligos still shows as lvl 35 in my guild list, they were all lvl 80 in mists of pandaria when I stopped playing. I would have never deleted them.

That’s a totally different email - and an EU license to boot, Kallighost.

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That’s so weird, this is the email I’ve been using for a long time, I even have the receipts from the character transfers from lightninghoof to arthas (although I did change the email from the main account after I first made it, but that was ages ago)

It’s under a gmail - that mimics that old license name

the weird thing is that that account was merged into this one… they shouldn’t be separate again… I been using these characters on this mail for years

Hello, I have recently merged my old account with my new one and notices there are some characters present on the servers, but I am still missing some. Can you help me find them? One was Mesiabolical and the other Trinitron

I need a bit more information, Soureaver. What are Mesiabolical and Trinitron? Class/Race/Level?


I did find a Trinitron , which is a Human Paladin that was transferred several times ;and currently on Blackrock as a level 35 (post squish) character.

I don’t see a Mesiabolical but I see a Mesiahbolic, a 63 Night Elf Death Knight, currently deleted on Tichondrius.

I did find one other, the name has since been changed due to being inactive for a good deal of time, but the WoW license it is on appears to be on another account.

Unfortunately, the account may have been compromised at some point. You’ll need to submit a compromise ticket if you want to try to get it back. If you recall the original email, which was a hotmail address, that should help.

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Good morning!

I have just come back to Azeroth after a decade!

When I logged in for the first time my main blood elf mage is nowhere to be found! I also think I might have been hacked in that decade as I have a random Taiwan on my

I’ve made a couple tickets and have not heard anything back yet.

Just wondering if there’s any chance my main from back then is salvageable? I don’t know what was in my inventory. Frankly I don’t care. I just want my achievements and sea turtle back!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I’m sending good vibes into the universe that my main is hiding somewhere!


You dont need multiple tickets that makes things more difficult for the gms. Ticets are averaging 7 to 8 days or more depending on how difficult the issue is.


Totally understand that my friend. It was my first time logging in for a decade and was scared,nervous, d all of the above!

First ticket was wondering what was happening. After some digging it looks like I may have been hacked? So it just added fuel to my anxiety!

I hope u put in a haccked ticket that recieves a higher priority. If u havent add a authenticator asap.

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That’s exactly what I did!

Thank you!