I only see two Death Knights. One, which started as a Human on Bloodhoof is currently a deleted level 50 Highmountain Tauren on Tichondrius.
The second is a deleted level 61 (pre-squish) Orc on Black Dragonflight.
You should be able to use the Character Undelete option for either of those. The cooldown for that system is 7 days, so you can undelete both, but you’ll need to decide on which one you want access to first.
Had all sorts of toons back in the day. Thinking about coming back and was hoping a Blue could help me find the realms I used to play on. Only a couple show up at the moment.
I also am having trouble finding my old characters… I found some on Deathwing, but I recall having characters on at least one other realm (can’t remember the name though).
Hi there! I’m also having the same problem. I had an account under the same email years ago and I’m just wondering if theres any way to get my old characters back.
From what I can see, Slyvana, the email address that is currently on this account was on an older Battle.net account and WoW license that is now closed. It is likely that the account was compromised and used to do some bad stuff. Closure is usually the result of that.
With that said, if we can verify that the account was compromised at the time, we may be able to overturn the compromise and return access to you. You’ll want to submit a ticket to though, which you can do here.
Make sure you mention that the email on the account was previously the one you are using now. If you can recall the name of the WoW license (starts with an A) I’d include that too, just to make things easier to find.
Looking at that WoW license, assuming this is the one you are referring to, the only real high level character was on Tichondrius.
I’m returning from 2009 and cannot see any of my old characters. I used to play on Thunderlord. Any help out there? EDIT: My main was a Tauren shaman named Maguai (like this one I just started), lvl 80. Thanks!
It looks like the character is on an old WoW license that isn’t currently attached to a Battle.net account, Maguai.
You’d need to contact our Support staff to gain access to it. You can use the following category. That should work for our staff to be able to recover it and merge it onto your current Battle.net account if you wish.
I was hoping a blue might be able to help me locate my old characters. I thought I was on Hellscream, 70 Night Eld Druid, 70 Night Elf Hunter, Human Paladin, and several others I don’t remember.
I am only seeing one license on this Battlenet - with the one character.
I suspect you have either another Battlenet under another address with more licenses - or licenses that are so old they were never added to a Battlenet account.
We’d need a lot more info to find those - names/realms would be great.
Hello, I have returned after a super long time, can’t remember even the servers I do recall some names. Is there a way to find out, any help from Customer will be good!!!