Returning player can't find any OLD characters

So jumping in here as another returned player who has some weird stuff going on with characters:

I’m on OCE servers. My druid main is completely gone, this was always called Layorz. Can’t see it on any realms. My deathknight which was always on Frostmourne named Alestra has disappeared. My mage Helenra doesn’t exist anymore. The game showed a character on Gundrak but when I checked there, it was empty and now shows no character. There’s a very low level random mage character on Frostmourne that doesn’t have a current location. I sorta want the missing characters back cause they are just not there. I stopped playing in Cata and had rogue, pally, dk, mage, and druid all at 85, now the druid and mage are gone entirely, and the DK is on the wrong server

It looks like both of those characters are still on Maelstrom, Zantatoes, but on your other WoW license. You appear to have reactivated your WoW#1 account, which seems to have only been used to play Burning Crusade Classic.

The characters you referenced are on your named WoW license on the same account. The majority being on Maelstrom with several lower level characters here and there on Auchindoun, Dunemaul, Kil’jaeden, Moon Guard, Steammwheedle Cartel, and Tichondrius.

Your Druid is on Blackrock, along with your Death knight and Mage. I don’t see any transfer history for those characters on that WoW license, so it does appear they have always been on that realm. You have a few more mid level characters on Frostmourne.

You had a starter Death Knight on Gundrak, but it was deleted some time ago.


Dang it! I was afraid that might be the case, but I thought the other license was used for my newer email.

There isn’t any way to fix that, either, is there?

Either way I appreciate your quick response, and for helping so many people who wind up here from a random Google search, even after all this time :smiley:


The named license is on the same account you are currently posting from. It just doesn’t have any game time. If you go to the Desktop app there should be a drop down just above the play button where you can switch between your WoW#1 license and the named one. You won’t be able to access any of your characters that are above level 20, but you should be able to log into the realm and see them.

We’re not able to merge WoW licenses together. I would say if you had recently reactivated the account to ask for a refund and just add game time to your other WoW license, it looks like it’s been a couple of weeks since you applied it.

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Yeah, I have been playing TBC on the wrong license off and on for a while, thinking it was the same one. I also don’t have the expansions for retail on this license, I got them through my gift inventory on the launcher (I honestly don’t even know what from, they were just there)

So I thought that would mean unfortunately I either have to acquire the expansions and game time on my main account and start over on TBC, or just start over on retail on my TBC license.

I was just hoping there was something that existed for a rare instance like mine, but I am not surprised to hear there is not.

It was totally my mistake, and if I had known beforehand, I could have easily confirmed which license was the right one by logging into retail and checking, even without game time (Just in case someone else winds up here from Google with a similar situation to mine) This issue can easily be prevented, but not solved, unfortunately. :confused:


Hey I haven’t had any success finding my old characters either, was wondering if a helpful blue could point me in the right direction of which server to look on… been since cataclysm

Looks like you have characters on Magtheridon, Scarlet Crusade, and Sisters of Elune.


I’m in the same boat. I have two characters missing after returning from a while. I created new ones on a server to see if they’d repopulate but no luck. Luminous blood elf priest and kestrell blood elf hunter. There was a level 2 luminous Draenei that I’ve never seen before on one of my servers. I had area 52 once and altar of storms is where they used to be. I left the new ones there but I’d like my original ones back :pleading_face:

Not sure if it’s possible to check for me as well. I figured I’d try again as the new stuff looks interesting. I found characters on Hakkar, Chromaggus, and Kirin Tor, but I believe I had 1 or 2 other servers that I played on. If a kind blue would help, I would greatly appreciate it.

Your Blood Elf Priest became a Troll Priest on Khaz’goroth around November 2012 and is now Draenei Priest on Cenarion Circle (which happened April 2014).

Kestrell was transferred between Altar of the Storms, Khaz’goroth, and Area 52 April of 2013, April of 2014 and finally April of 2015 and is now also on Cenarion Circle.

You appear to have characters on Chrommaggus and Hakkar with one other on Kirin Tor.


Can someone check for me please? I have an old character from TBC I had been wanting to pull up but have no idea the server. Thank you.

Check Sulfuras, a majority of the servers merged, and that was the main one they went to.

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I meant original tbc character…I presumed it would be rolled up to retail now? I quit playing initially just prior to WotLK launch

Yup, it should still be there. Do you happen to remember a name, perhaps a class?

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You have characters on Proudmoore, Mannoroth, Azshara and Dalaran. Your higher level characters are on Proudmoore.


I know it isn’t related, but I feel like they should make a program to find folks toons and name it after you: “Vrak’s detective service; no toon can hide from his watchful eyes!”


Its called vraks fly retrieval system those fly just arent for show.

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I just came back after a decade away. I know most of my characters are on Moonrunner.

Could you point me to the rest, please? Thank you very much.

Welcome back. It looks like there are a couple on Archimonde and a couple on Quel’Thalas.



I am wondering if you can please help me find my Death Knight character? I thought it was on Sargeras or Silverhand but I can not find it.