Yup, they stay in the system as they were till you log in and they get converted with the squish.
Hello I need some help please. I haven’t played WOW Burning crusades since 2008. I wanted to come back again, but I had like 8 level 70 characters that I cant seem to find. I tried to open a ticket for my main Pally name SUPERANGEL but I haven’t gotten a response. I found the last realm transfer I purchased and it showed me the Lethon realm, but thats no longer on burning crusades. Please help. Thanks
Do you remember any realms you played on as well as character names? Did you create an all new account, or log in to the original account and connect it to battle.net?
I have the old name and the realm, I used the same email that I had my transferred receipt too and I tried to create a new toon too but nothing in that realm.
Are you trying to log into the retail realms? That is where you would find that realm. Classic realms have a different name set, which is what you seem to be indicating.
Also keep in mind, retail had a level squish, so level 70 characters would be around your current level on this character.
I’m sorry, new to this retail realms. I tried to log onto both WOW and WOW Classic but had no luck. Thanks for the help all.
THey wouldnt show up on classic you would look for the realm on the drop down menu game version world of warcraft.
Been trying that, but haven’t found them yet. I just hope I don’t have to create a new toon on every realm to find them since they are so old.
From what I can see, Domobeast, the WoW license on this Battle.net account was created this month, so it definitely doesn’t house characters from 2008. The Battle.net account itself wasn’t created until 2010.
This means you either have another Battle.net account out there with that WoW license or the WoW license was never merged into a Battle.net account and exists alone.
Yes, the WoW license that originally housed the character did use the same email, but back in 2008 we didn’t have the Battle.net system we do today, so it wasn’t part of it and it looks like you never merged the license to an account.
So I was able to hunt down the license. It looks like your original WoW license shared a name with the email address for this account. Back in May of 2008 that character was transferred to a different WoW license. It is currently on that account.
If you wish to recover it, you’ll need to submit a ticket. Be sure to note the name of your character in your ticket. The following article has additional details, just click the contact us option in there.
Thank you very much for your help. I have to go look for the licenses, I bought like 3 different accounts before. Is the licenses the Authentication key?
It’s been called a few things. Usually a CD Key, but it might have been called an Authentication key at one point.
Thanks, I just sent in a ticket and hopefully they can be as good as you. The first ticket couldn’t even find my old accounts.
I stopped playing in 2012. My job and illnesses kept me from playing until I retired.
I still cannot find my old characters. They are lost to history, I think.
I do not remember what my old login was.
You can put in a ticket via the support page, they might need Id to help locate the info, but no account is lost.
Do you remember any character do you remember any of your old characters, Amamage? Including the Race, Class, and Realm if you can?
I might be able to poke around and see what I can find.
It looks like they were able to locate the same two WoW licenses I found. The character you mentioned was originally on the license starting with an M and was transferred in 2008 to the license starting with an 0.
The character, along with a bunch of others are still on that 0 license, primarily on the realm of Lethon.
I noticed you opened another ticket because you were unable to locate your character. You’ll need to reactivate the license starting with 0 and look on Lethon for the characters.
You should be able to log into that license even without game time and view the character on the character selection screen.
Hi Vrakthris, Please find my characters, I have made 1 character on each realm but didn’t find my old ones.
More info would be helpful class and race name wouldnt hurt.
Zarzoora, Human Mage, from what I remember it was on feathermoon rp server