Not seeing any Dwarf Paladins. You have some Paladins on Malfurion and Kul Tiras though. Your Blood Elf Paladin on Malfurion used to be a Dwarf, before completing a Faction Change.
Thank you!
Hello. I just merged a old WoW account. I am transferring old characters to my WoW 1 license. I remember my WoW 2 license was on the server Zuluhed but I want to make sure there is no other servers containing characters I might want to transfer on the Wow 2 license. Also I need help finding the server or servers of my WoW 3 license. It has been about 10 years so I do not remember much. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The WoW#3 license on this account has only ever been a Starter account and has one character on Zuluhed which has never been leveled.
For WoW#2 you have characters primarily on Zuluhed. You only have one on Vashj, which is level 4.
Appreciate your help. Thanks!
I’m trying to find an old character I used to play in cataclysm, specifically a troll hunter, I’m not quite sure if the hunter I found is the one I’m thinking of because I could have sworn the name and gear were different, and the dates on the achievements don’t seem right. My battletag is new and the email I’m using for this account is also a new one, but it’s the same account.
The active WoW license on this Battlenet account was created back in 2012, as well as the characters on it, but I only see four characters. The three on Norgannon and one on Baelgun.
I’m not able to find any other WoW licenses that might have belonged to you that have old characters on it. Do you recall the name of any of the characters that were on the account? If you can, along with the level, race and class, I could try to track them down.
I unfortunately don’t remember any character names, as I was quite young at the time. One thing I am curious about is if you might be able to find any licenses related to a similar email account. It’s the same name as the original email that the account was created under except it’s a yahoo instead of Gmail. I couldn’t log into it and ended up making a new account under that email recently. Thanks for getting back to me by the way, I apologize if this request seems a bit hairbrained but I can never trust my own memory lol
I did find a few Battlenet accounts, but none of them had a WoW license on it that had a character like you were describing.
The email that was previously on this Bnet, the Gmail, is on a Bnet with Black OPs Cold War on it. The Yahoo one only has a WoW Starter Edition license with no characters.
I’m happy to help when I can. World of Warcraft has been around for a long time so it’s common to lose track of an old account.
Then it looks like this troll hunter may very well be the one I was looking for. Thank you so much!
Can someone help me find my Undead Warrior? He’s been lost, wandering around the cataclysm map for a little over 10 years. Name was Mordoch iirc
Looks like Uther, Ulfen. Although it’s been so long since last login, the name will have numbers associated with it and you can rename at login. You can use the same name providing it hasn’t since been taken. If it has, just choose another.
Looks like 7 characters total on Uther. If you don’t see them on the login page, make a fresh character, log in - log out, then look again. They may need to update.
Im trying to find my old characters. I think the last expansion i played was Cataclysm; i remember having a dwarf DPS build. Could i get some help finding my old characters?
You would also want to list any realms you can recall playing on.
Looks like the highest are on Suramar, others on Akama, Blade’s Edge, Drak’thul, Gorefiend, Myzrael, Nazjatar, Ner’zhul, Tortheldrin and Windrunner.
Almost all of these have numbers, which means they’ve been gone a very long time and the names were released. You are also not likely to see them on your character lists.
You’ll want to make a new character - log into the realm, then look at the character list again. When you log in, you’ll have to option of assigning a name. The same can be used if it hasn’t been taken.
awesome, THank you!
i noticed my highest was 23, is it possible to see if any were deleted from the account while i was gone? i remember having a character with flying mounts, which from what i recall was not possible until level 40
Ooops, highest is on Akama - that’s an 80. Next (which is what I originally spotted on Suramar) is 56, then 20s from there.
looks like the 80 probably dropped down to 30; was an org DK; does that seem about right?
THere was a lvl squish so yes.